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Everything posted by UKP

  1. Hi honeybee13, Thanks for the feedback. I have forwarded that link to him, for further reference. In regards to this part: '' Please note that it is an offence to fail to give your name or give a false address to an authorised officer when asked and you could be prosecuted for failing to give these details.'' ....only his first and middle names were given as 'first and last' names...while his actual surname was not given at all, so would that be handled as a separate issue to prosecute...or would that all fall within the attempt to prosecute based on a failure to pay the FPN? Thanks in advance for your response.
  2. Good afternoon. Just checking for feedback to my last response, please. Thank you in advance.
  3. Hi dx100uk, I think I remember him telling me that she was an Environmental Officer that was patrolling the park...
  4. Hello everyone. I hope that all is well. I know of a friend who received an FPN for urinating in a park area who, despite me constantly reminding him, has not paid the fine as of yet. When I looked at the actual ticket, he was given 14 days to pay the £150 fine...and if paid within 10 days, it would have been reduced to £100. He has gone beyond both 10 and 14 days..and has since received a reminder notice last week giving him an additional 7 days to make payment, which he has still not adhered to either., so will he receive a summons at this point? Also, when he was issued the fine, he did not give his accurate name. On the ticket, his first name is actually his middle name...and his last name on the ticket is his real first name. For example, using an illustration, if his name was John Andrew Doe, on the ticket it appears as Andrew John, with no mention of Doe, as his real last name. If he receives a court summons, will this also be an added concern, when he attends the hearing? Thanks in advance for your response.
  5. Hi dx100uk, Thanks a lot for that reference post. I found a few of the answers that I had been looking for so far..and I intend to go through the remainder of the post this evening. Will be back, in the event of any further questions, as well as to provide any updates. Thanks again, much appreciated. Best Regards, UKP
  6. Hi dx100uk, Please bear with me, as I am totally unfamiliar with the appropriate protocol and terminologies. Thanks. As an answer to question 3, I will ask for the eviction to be stopped. I am still unsure, regarding how to answer questions 5,6, 7 and 8. All help is greatly appreciated. Thanks in advance for all responses. Best Regards, UKP
  7. Hi dx100uk, Thank you for providing the correct upload instructions, much appreciated. Hi Ell-enn, Thank you for confirming the next appropriate step, along with providing the link to the applicable form. I am in the process of filling the form out at the moment. Regarding question 3...''what order are you asking the court to make and why?'' naturally, I would prefer a stop of the repossession order altogether...but is the protocol to request a suspension first, prior to a request for stop of the order? I also am unsure how to answer questions 5,6, 7 and 8. Thanks in advance for all responses. Best Regards, UKP
  8. Hi Ell-enn, I received two notices. One was from Halifax, stating ''we're taking possession of this property'', which was dated on 19th September 2019. I also received another notice, from the county court, dated 17th October 2019, which contained a claim number and a warrant number, along with a time and date of the intended eviction. I attempted to attach images of the notices that I am referring to for your reference, a total of three, but each file exceeds the 4.88 mb limit It appears as though some proceedings took place but I was never made aware beforehand, of the date and time of those proceedings, in order to attend them. If there is another way in which to receive the images for better reference, feel free to let me know, in an effort to aid clarification. Thanks in advance for your collective response. Much appreciated. Best Regards, UKP
  9. Hello everyone, I apologize profusely for my delayed response,. All of your collective insight has been extremely helpful...so I would not want any of you to think that I was ungrateful in any way, due to that delay. Andyorch - thank you for the guides, the material contained a number of tips, much appreciated. Ell-enn - At present, by way of some additional work on the side, I am aiming to place myself in a position to add, perhaps, £200 on top of the monthly payment. As the possibility of that extra amount can only be confirmed at the end of the month, my worry is that, due to the claim of possession date being 9th December, that may be cutting things too close (?) Thanks in advance, as always, for your responses and collective insight. Best Regards, UKP
  10. Hi honeybee13, There is a duration of 10 years left on the loan. The regular payments are approx £880 per month. Thanks in advance for all responses. Best Regards, UKP
  11. Hi Andy, Thanks for your response. Firstly, I apologize for posting the topic in an inappropriate forum area. I will ensure to pay closer attention to that from hereon. The property has a mortgage with Halifax, with a total arrears amount of £4000. No proceedings have taken place yet; the notice that I have received is a claim for possession. I have spoken with the eviction team at Halifax, who asked for a financial review to be conducted over the phone. I read comments on a post equivalent to mine in this forum, where a user had advised against doing so over the phone, so I have not done so. My aim is provide instalments in an effort to at least reduce the balance, prior to incurring ant costs for the issue to be addressed in court. Thank you in advance for all responses, Best Regards, UKP
  12. Hello, I have received a notice of eviction, with an eviction date of 9th December. Is there any way for me to suspend the warrant and/or postpone the eviction date within this timeframe? Thank you in advance for your responses. UKP
  13. No problem, man; I, personally, do not consider it annoying at all...as I know what that feeling of uncertainty is like in an instance like this. In all honesty, regarding the categorization of offences etc, I am out of my depth there so, hopefully, the experts here will address those questions for you. I know that you feel you deserve whatever consequences come your way...that you are not working only in your best interests etc which is noble of you. Therefore, based on what you have said, you have two options: 1) Simply plead guilty when served with a summons and subject yourself to any penalties they impose or 2) give them a call and take responsibility for your actions in the form of a settlement request. Naturally both options are, essentially, just as noble as you are admitting guilt however the latter option (provided they accept it) will ensure that you are penalized considerably less than anything imposed by the court. Basically, gather your thoughts...remain as composed as you can...and give them a call during business hours tommorrow. In doing so, you will, at least, have an idea of where you stand...which means you can continue a plan for action, if need be. Until you receive further advice, I would give that a shot in the meantime. Good luck.
  14. Hi there. Firstly, I feel your pain, as I had recently encountered a similar situation myself however, thanks to the commendable expertise from the users on this site, I was able to find a resolve...which I hope you will find as well. With that said, in a mere effort to respond to you while you wait for responses from the experienced users here( I can relate to the sleepless nights, believe me), I would suggest that you either call TFL and/or draft a letter, letting them know that you accept responsibility for what happened and that you express deep remorse for it; basically GROVEL. The reason that you would need to take such a submissive stance is because it would be almost impossible for you to prove that you were unaware that you were using a pass that belonged to your brother. In addition, request an out-of-court settlement, letting them know that you are willing to pay the fare required plus any administrative costs. The details of your circumstances differ considerably to my previous situation however, if I were you, I would still give that a shot. If they happen to refuse your offer, then it would be in your best interests to look into legal representation for yourself, as a measure to avoid a criminal conviction. Like I said, as an effort to share some info, consider that as a suggestion however, in due time, you may get some responses from the experts on this site...of whom I would sincerely advise you to adhere to their concise instructions/suggestions as it would be beneficial for you to do so. Good luck.
  15. In addition to the great advice given here so far, I would also suggest that, in accordance with requesting an adjournment contributed by Consumer dude, you MAY want to look into some legal representation for yourself as well in the meantime, particularly if they have already refused your out-of-court settlement requests. It may be a bit out of pocket for you...but their expertise in court will be well worth it to ensure that you do not end up with a criminal record. As a student, you might qualify for some legal aid so, once you get a chance, check with your local Citizens Advice Bureau regarding your eligibility for that. Good luck; I hope you get everything resolved.
  16. Good points, Old-CodJA. In all honesty though, the previous penalty fare was the one factor that I was worried about most of all. Granted, I agree with you in stating that a previous penalty fare cannot not be considered as a conviction...however the whole feeling of uncertainty, regarding the possibility of an unsympathetic Court etc, was what I found most unsettling ( Admittedly, I would have felt considerably more confident in taking the matter up in Court with legal representation, even though I knew that there were mitigating circumstances involved. Nonetheless, I ended up paying a settlement fee of £102.00...instead of a £750.00 fee quote that I had received from a solicitor...which resulted in having the case withdrawn (which would have been the aim of hiring a solicitor anyway) for a lot less money and the same peace of mind...so not so bad overall, I guess.
  17. Good morning all. Well, it appears as though I have obtained a resolve to this issue. I have just spoken with the TFL Investigator who has agreed to settle out of court. Granted, I feel that there were mitigating cirumstances that may have been in my favour regarding this whole incident...however, after receiving the letter from them on Saturday morning where they seemed to be quite adamant in their stance...along with the fact that I had paid a £25 penalty fare before...I would much rather concede and grab this opportunity to settle rather than cross my fingers for luck to be on my side in court. The possibility of them ruling against me (resulting in a lifetime criminal conviction) was too much of a 'dice roll!' Nonetheless, the prompt advice and suggestions that I have received here has truly been priceless; definitely worthy of my word-of-mouth personal endorsement as well as a donation. Aside from this particular subject matter, this site contains a wealth of information that I will surely continue to refer to. Once more, I sincerely thank you all again.
  18. By the way, thanks for your input as well, SRPO.
  19. Thanks RPI Educator and Old-CodJA for your respective input. So, based on the info contained in my last post, is there any chance for me at all? I mean, taking into consideration the letter that I just received from TFL this morning, should I still pursue an out of court settlement with them on Monday morning? Or simply just go and throw myself at the mercy of the court on Tuesday? This situation just feels so crappy, as it was a genuine mistake. Technically, the amount on my card was sufficient fare but I left my photocard at home by mistake. In the unlikely event (hopefully this will not be the case) that I am not able to arrange a settlement with TFL on Monday, is there the possibility of the court penalizing me with a fine without a conviction instead? I mean, a conviction for a honest mistake just seems plain wrong. Thanks again for your input.
  20. Thanks, clearly understandable. In fact, I received a letter from TFL this morning (Saturday), in response to the letter that I had sent them, which they had received Wednesday. Here is what was said beneath: "Thank you for your letter which was passed to me today. I also refer you to the letter my colleague, Mr ______ wrote to you on 26th January, 2010. It is entirely the poassenger's responsibility to ensure that they have a valid ticket or pass for their journey and although you did send a copy of the photo card to this office, this has nothing to do with our case against you. It is alleged by Transport for London that on the day of the alleged offence, you offered for inspection a Discounted Pay As You Go Oyster Card, which contained insufficient funds and had not been validated for your journey. The section 9 statement from the Revenue Protection Inspector enclosed with our correspondence is a copy; Transp[ort for London keeps the original signed statement with the file. (Please find enclosed a copy of the original signed statement.) Transport for London does not see any reason to end the case at this stage. I hope that I have been of some assistance to you. Sincerely, ____________ Investigator/Prosecutor" I am unsure as to how to proceed at this point. I still am yet to exhaust the option of calling them on Monday morning, regarding a possible out of court settlement. In addition, though, I still feel uneasy about the nature of this statement. I am unsure as to why I would receive an unsigned copy with my summons.....then (after I brought the fact that it was unsigned to their attention in my letter? I don't know) I suddenly receive a signed copy, dated 14 Feb 2010, the same day as my birthday, proved as part of the submitted information I had given to them. Coincidence? Who knows. I just feel that if the statement was signed from the very beginning, all copies of the statement (including the one that I had received with my summons) would display the signature, right? Plus, technically, if I had managed to find my Oyster card in time and had scanned it, the machine would have accepted it, as the funds on there were sufficient for travel, according to the stipulation of the discounted photocard. If the inspector had boarded afterwards and had checked my card, the report should/would have been submitted as scanning the Oyster card in absence of my photocard. According to the letter referenced earlier, sending them a copy should close the case..but fair enough, you have stated that they have no obligation to do so. Furthermore, as mentioned in my intial post, I have paid a £25 penalty fare before...even after appealing that decision. The condensed version of those circumstances were that I had £9 on my regular Oyster card at that time (which was proven by the Inspector) however the card was at the bottom of my bag and I could not reach it in time (despite my efforts to do so) due to running for and jumping onto an extremely crowded bus. Fair enough, I could have made an attempt to ensure otherwise...but I was not making an attempt to deliberately evade the fare by any means, hence the value on my card. Based on my total inexperience of dealing with issues like these, I had no idea that this website existed at that time ...or I would have certainly referred here first, during my appeal. Oh well, nothing that can be done about now, I guess. I just feel that this is yet another circumstance of me not trying, by any means, to evade the fare. I simply made the mistake of leaving my photocard at home by accident. As stated earlier, I did not even sit as I was attempting to get off the bus once I had realised my mistake, hence the inspector stating that he approached me while I was standing. I had not even realised he had boarded at all, as I was simply trying to disembark due to my mistake at the time. I apologise for this being a bit longwinded...but I wanted to present all the facts so as to obtain some advice/suggestions that would be completely relevant. I sincerely thank you again in advance for all of your responses.
  21. Thanks Old-CodJA, valid points; definitely duly noted. I had called them earlier today..but was informed that the entire team are attending an off site meeting, so I was advised to call back on Monday morning. So, I shall do so first thing..and see what happens. Thankfully, based on youir suggestion I was, at least, able to inform the Court of my correspondence with TFL in the meantime. If this situation does end up in court, I think I will also bring a printout of the excerpt within the letter (that I had posted here earlier) that I had found, in relation to closing a case once a copy of a photocard has been received. I guess that might count for something as well, right?
  22. Thanks, I will certainly do so tommorrow morning. I made sure that I put the letter to the attention of the Investigations & Prosecutions section (from where I had received their initial response to the photocopy I had sent them) but it is always a good thing to back it up with a call. You know, among the inaccuracies on the unsigned statement that I received, the inspector had the nerve to finish it all off with a fat LIE. He had the nerve to state that I had said "Sorry, it was a horrible mistake on my PATH." I couldn't believe my eyes when I saw that blatant mistruth. However, what I found even MORE strange, is that the same quoted statement on the summons itself was actually CORRECTED by someone else, stating "Sorry, it was a horrible mistake on my PART." So, there is a lie from the beginning...which is later 'grammatically corrected' by goodness knows who..and then submitted, unsigned, within a summons???? The audacity of it all has floored me. Complete madness.
  23. Hello again. I hope all is well. I have since drafted a letter (outlining all of the suggested points) and sent it to TFL, as well as sending a copy (with a note attached explaining that I am in correspondence with the prosecutor) to the court, on Tuesday 20th April. I sent both letters by special delivery respectively..and checked the tracking numbers for both, which displayed confirmation that both were received yesterday, 21st April. I know that it may still be early...but it is approaching the end of the business week...leaving only a business day before the summoned court date next week, 27th April. I guess it may still be nerves on my part...but should I call TFL tommorrow to check on their response to my request, or not? Based on their probable heavy caseload, I just do not want them to leave this until the last minute, whereby I am forced to go to court due to a untimely response, on their part. Thanks again in advance for your advice/suggestions.
  24. Excellent information. In all honesty, I did not realise that I had these kinds of options at my disposal; I am just thankful that I found this site in time to utilize them. I am proceeding with all your suggestions at present. My thanks to the highest degree for all of your assistance, Old-CodJA and Co. I will keep you informed as to how things are getting along.
  25. Thank you again for such a prompt response. I should have been more specific but when I said tommorrow morning, I am referring to when I intend to put my plan into action. My court appearance is not due until Tuesday April 27th. I spoke with a TFL prosecutor this morning, who suggested that I send him an explanation and settlement request by email. However, I wil follow your suggestion and send it to him in writing by recorded delivery. Correct me if I am wrong but, using your points of suggestion, am I simply requesting to have my case dismissed based on my explanation, or using my explanation to request an out of court settlement? Based on your expertise, I am sure you are aware that 'wording' makes all the difference when sending drafts to these depts. Thanks again in advance for your assistance and suggestions. P.S I am just trying to ensure that I adhere to their 7 day timeframe whereby I can request the appearance of the inspector, JUST INCASE I need him to, if they deny my request.
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