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Everything posted by flexeh

  1. Virgin Media will provide a SAR for free. ask for the call recording.
  2. HAs your other half moved since being with her nasty ex? As if so, couldn't this trigger a search on his credit file showing her current address? VM are a law to themselves, they have banned me for life for complaining about the shower of shyyt they provided me at the time. Actually labled me a fraudster to prevent rejoining. Then they say " We will not provide service to you now or the near future as we do not think we would be able to provide a service that meets your expectations". Go with Sky / BT fibre and they look at Android TV boxes
  3. See this is where i'm getting differing information. Social services notes seems to be a different kettle of fish. Even the ICO themselves (on phone) have said they do not understand why details and names have been omitted when i was fully aware of the individuals in my case and family involved. They have also said that the unreadable content means that my SAR has not been provided in a format that is easy to understand and readable, so im within my right to request it again in a format that is easy to understand and readable. I have drafted a letter based on the information provided. which i have attached. Do you think this is enough at this stage? As im giving them opportunity to sort it out before rushing to complain to ICO. Thanks SAR Complaint.pdf
  4. I had a brief chat with the ICO and they said that records have to be legible otherwise they would not of fully satisfied my request and would be classed as incomplete. Someone else has advised the council will have a review board?? So I can request that it's reviewed... Also no one can understand why the names have been blocked when I am aware of who said what and who did what and it's not as if it was all done without my knowledge. The only bit I would expect blocked is my adopted brothers new name and home other than that my social worker names at the time, my parents school teachers etc should really be blocked should they?
  5. Sorry, There's nothing I wanted to find out specifically, I wanted access to my full records as I came through the care system. When you become an adult you are legally entitled to have a copy of your full record. As a lot of things about you was decided without your presence and the notes help give you an understanding why. As I had social involvement in my life from the age of 6 there's a lot to my story and upbringing. These notes may help provide understanding and answer questions I have. See I know people can have access to notes and I have been told it should be full notes but I'm not sure if they treat it the same as a SAR or not
  6. Not sure how true this is, But I've now been told they they should not omit names and Details from my file as I'm entitled to review all my files. Also as a lot is not readable I should tell them they haven't fully completed my FOI request. The only things I guess that should be blanked would be details of my brother who was adopted. Such as his new name and address. Other than that all should remain. Can anyone confirm the legality and law on social services notes and what exceptions there is. Also can they refuse to redo the notes?
  7. Morning All, Just a bit of advise please, I sent off my Freedom of Information Request to the council wanting my social services notes as i came through the care system. Eventually after numerous phone calls and 8 months later i was finally presented it in a nice large printer paper box. As ive gone through, obviously i can see thaty alot of names have been blanked out - im guessing thats common practise, this includes my social workers at the time, and even my parents names - which i do not get. There are also large paragraphs banked out so i cannot see whats written. These paragraphs were part of my review, which im not sure why these were blanked. Anyway there are around 1500 - 2000 pages of information, with alot of it mixed up where i have no reference point. Like it will say page 2 but im not sure which page 1 goes with it. Some documents do have a number system at the top which looks like it was added as part of the screen prints, however this is only on about 40% of the documents, the rest the printer has messed up and done a solid bar so i have no way of referencing. Also probably to keep the size down the scan settings haven't been the best to print. I have quite a few documents (guessing 10-15%) that are not legible. I'm guessing that the combination of the pen used and the dots per inch have resulted in this (see attached). Obviously one of the main reasons why i wanted the document is i wanted further answers to questions ive had most of my life. I know alot of what went on, but maybe the reason why has alluded me for so long. Can i request they redo it all again to a better quality? obviously i dont want to waste paper, so i would happily accept a digital version by PDF on disc if this is permitted under the rules of SAR. Obviously the nature of a lot of the items would mean it may take a while again to do it. however, with the information incomplete as it is, ill struggle to make sense of it all. Also what things should they be blocking out on my document? as said there seems to be quite a lot. Not sure why they would even block my parents names out as well. Thanks Steve unreadable.pdf
  8. No point bud, as he said on the phone " we are within our rights to refuse a customer". Just dont see how they think someone will accept it if something isnt working... Of course people will complain. Just see what CISAS says, got a feeling they are like other ombudsman and find in the favour of a company more than consumer. I did start the coversation off with the guy, " i thought you (VM) wasn't talking to me anymore" lol
  9. Hi Martin Sorry for the late reply Looks like your right somewhat, I lodged a complaint with CISAS and had a call from Virgin this morning to advise that they will be responding. Had a long chat with the guy and advised I thought Virgin didn't want to talk with me anymore as they have refused communication. He works on the CISAS complaints. And said as part of your complaint to CISAS I wanted to advise you that we are responding to them and stick behind our decision not to provide you services and CISAS won't be able to make us. I asked why they decided to take the measure, as it's not as if they have supplied me with Service multiple times an I've complained Every time. I even said that their charter welcomes customer complaints and feedback however on my case they have decided to do this. Turns out the main reason why is that my they felt all my complaints bypassed their complaints procedures. Rather than use the steps in place I went to the CEO office every time. I told him that's not true and I only escalated things to the CEO office after multiple issues with service that wasn't getting resolved. He said that the CEO office cannot have a customer keep taking their time up and they won't offer me service again as they feel I would bypass the complaint steps again. He also said that the fraud marker was put on recently by a staff member in error. they have now locked the account off for anyone to use. They also stand by there's no fraud committed and they do not see the problem with that misjudgement by the staff member. I also told him that engineering specialists / managers shouldn't be sending inaccurate emails which paints the customer in a bad light as I'll happily disprove his comments. He said the email was just opinion by the engineer. I do find this fairly laughable to be honest - be careful guys with complaints now. Don't suppose apart from CISAS I can lodge a concern with anyone over consumer rights concerns - survey as a consumer your entitled to complain about a service not working correctly. Don't suppose Soga applies?
  10. Hi all, Over the past 6 weeks or so, ive been having intermittant crashing of the xbox which has started getting more and more (so far today in 1.5 hours 4 crashes). Ive been on live chat who got me to do various trouble shooting. It happened with 1 game more than others so ive even replaced the game but it still happens (maybe the game is more processor hungry) I purchased the console approx 29th Nov / 1st Dec 2015. Can store exchange it (GAME) or does it have to be MS? Thanks
  11. hi martin2006 more details added now to advise you., as attachment, but it says attachment pending on my screen. Can you approve. Cheers
  12. Sorry for the delay, ive been on holiday and looking through my SAR. Theres more references to fraud on the telephone, however ive picked some parts out of the sar to show whats listen, the parts is my recent conversations. also ive included the bit i advised about the engineer twisting things. Can you let me know your thoughts.... Thanks virgin1.pdf
  13. Guys any thoughts on the above.... Im compiling my complaint to the ICO and i just need some clarity on information on my account not being factual by the engineer..
  14. They told us they had. I even said if this happens again we want the bank to cancel the card and account and set up a new one.
  15. Virgin have been nice enough to send me my SAR for free - It sounded like they send them all Free now, so make sure you Sar them every so often if thats the case lol. On first look, there are some interesting things listed on here - I can see notes about a fraud marker, I can see notes from someone from the CEO office inviting me to rejoin as a customer. but the best one is theres a email from one of their engineering supervisors who came to sort the tivo out. This supervisor, had emailed the CEO office explaining what he had done at my house. He also emailed a conversation i had with him, about a recent thing involving a present to my partner. This conversation he twisted and has used against me and isnt true at all (i have proof to back up). I thought accounts have to be factual, but surely someone cannot come in your house then email their company about what you have spoken about which have no relevence to the issue??? Havent listened to the call logs yet... Just wondered if the email sent by him would be another thing interesting to the ICO.
  16. Hey Sorry didnt see my PM As Dx100uk posted above thats what happened. However last month my partner noticed a £1 payment come out the account from a company of a similar name. We believe the same company took the £1 payment to test to see if they still had access to the account or slip it through and when it became unchallenged within a certain period then try and claim we entered into a contract. The bank had told us all payments would be blocked, however someone from the fraud team claimed that only payments to the original name is banned. Felt like we were going nowhere again, and waiting for a impending 70 quid to go out. contacted the person from the CEO office and explained again. He apologised and said that it should of been blocked and its because of the different name that allowed it to slip by. He said if any other money does go out the bank will refund it straight away and look to recover from the other side. A couple of weeks after this post VOL called my partner, so i went on the phone explained what they had done was fraud and breached their own T&C's and we wanted the cash back. She said she would get a manager to call me.... Still waiting to date - The details i sent to the bank were Showed emails sent to VOL which was well within their time limits. Explaining that we had not agreed to membership and requested a refund immediately. Showed call logs to prove i had got in touch. Explained that the terms and conditions stated membership fee would be XX amount of days after the "postage fee" however membership charged within their cooling off period, so therefore taken money without permission Had to send a copy of the letter showing the T's and C's
  17. That's fine then as my SAR was very specific. Will post it if u want but then followed it up with a email to tell them to make sure
  18. Any idea how long they should keep them? Also if they don't send them do I then complain to the icon that the SAR has not been completed
  19. Well put it on social media as suggested. VM wanted to webchat as they said we do not believe they would do that. He read notes, and said no mention of fraud (convenient) he just said Matt: It doesn't say anything about fraud on there. It says we acn't meet your expectations and won't risk any recurrance of your dissatisfaction. and i cannot help you any further. He then went silent and didnt answer. - I then emailed CEO team again afterwards and made a point that i request the calls be saved immediately before they disappear as my notes are not being kept up to date.
  20. Unclebulgaria67 - That long winded is what Al Ahmed responded to. Was just showing what i had sent to get that reply. asked about a sar and Had a response Dear Mr Ahmed Can you please provide me details of where to send a subject access request to so i can obtain all information on my account. including the alleged fraud marker that has been placed on. Can you also advise me of how much Virgin Charge for this? regards Steve Dear Steve, We'll process this for you as per your email, you don't need to send in a further request. Please allow 40 calendar days to receive the documents in the post, however we will aim to get this information to you much sooner. Kind Regards Ive send him another email with a SAR letter attached - because i dont want them taking over my SAR and sending me selective stuff. Spoke to ICO as well briefly and they have advised they would be interested, even if its written "investigated fraud marker in notes"
  21. this is what i sent - Afternoon Virgin Media Management team Firstly let me apologise for contacting you all, as I had hoped this had been resolved, but unfortunately it has not and it appears I cannot appeal to the better nature of some of the employees in the priority complaints office. I want to start as well by saying thank you for reading this as there is a bit of detail in this email which I'm hoping you will look into as I've never heard of a company punishing someone for having a genuine complaint. Ref . In 2013 I was a customer with yourselves over 2 addresses. I moved services with me when I moved and continued being a customer. However there was a number of problems experienced by me and my family involving the TiVo service. The TiVo constantly went down and as a result we ended up have 2 boxes in 6 months. I made complaints about the box going down and constantly loosing shows i had recorded, which I would of thought as a customer I would have been right to do. If something is not working as described then surely I should be allowed to express my dissatisfaction. I wrote to Mr Mockridge and got a response back from him team about the problems. There was alot of back and forth with a Mr Dugdale, as i was also disatisfied that i was being ignored and not being called back when advised. after numerous emails with no resolution, my account a was then closed. I was offered the chance to stay with just broadband but at the time I declined as I felt that my initial concerns were not being taken seriously. I then went with another provider, to which I had a good experience with. However as my time was coming to an end, I thought I would get back in touch with Virgin, to see if progress had been made with the services and possibly look to see what would suit me and my now bigger family. I wrote to the Priority complaints team again to ask about any changes and highlighted the bad experiences I had previously as a customer. I wanted to make it clear that I do understand things do not always go to plan but give people another opportunity to in effect make things right and give a better experience. A guy called James from the Executive team gave me a call on the 22nd and wanted to chat to me personally. He advised how improved the TiVo has become and that they would like to show me that they can provide me a better service than what I had experienced before. He said he wasn’t a sales man and I would have to speak with Sales but he would like me to consider re-joining. I spoke with Sales who at the time could not really do much for what I wanted. I decided to cancel my sky and give it a few days before speaking with sales again to see what could be offered. As most the deals were for 1 box only and we would like 2 in our house. I left it for a couple of days while I decided what I wanted to do. Easter Weekend I called again and spoken to someone on sales. The call was a bit weird as she didn’t really progress anything further but asked me a number of questions such as how long I had lived there etc. I did explain that I was a customer previously so not sure why I’m being asked these specific questions. I asked if it was for a credit check as she had not advised me they were going to do one. She then said a message had popped up on the screen advising of another team who should be able to sort a deal out for me however they will not be back in the office until Tuesday, so she said she would call back Tuesday. Tuesday came and I did not receive a call back from this lady. I then called again yesterday to speak to someone about joining. After 10 minutes I got through to someone, who then transferred me to someone else without advising me who then transferred me again without advising. Eventually I got a really nice guy called Mike West. Mike looked into it and saw the issued I had before and tried to sort it all out for me. I explained about the failed call back and had hoped he could finally assist me in re-joining as a customer. I explained about the call from James who had almost welcomed me back and really sold the company and wanted to make amends for the bad experience I had suffered. Mike went away and came back advising that for some strange reason a fraud marker had been put on my account, but he didn’t get why as he could see that I was previously a customer and had lived at the properties for the duration required. Mike went off and said he would contact me back either late evening or the next day. Mike called and advised he had no further progress at this time, but wanted to let me know he had sent the emails off. I asked him to check when the marker had been added and he said it looks like when my initial account closed which didn’t make sense. He said he would continue to try and get answers and call me back tomorrow (Wednesday), I did advised I would speak with executive team again and see what’s happening. Today I spoke with executive team and spoke to Ramone, I explained that I had received a call from James a few days prior and that he had said that TiVo had improved and pretty much to try you guys again, however when I’ve tried I was advised a fraud marker had been placed on my account. Ramone advised he would look into it and call me back. Within the hour Ramone called me back with news that was hurtful if I’m honest. He said that the marker had been placed on due to my complaints previously. He said that in 10 months I raised 5 complaints and they didn’t feel that they could offer me the expectations I had. I explained that the complaints were to do with the same thing and the only expectation I had was working services which at the time I was not receiving. I also said that James had invited me to come back and give me a better experience. Ramone said they will speak with James as it’s a training issue, however Virgin will not provide me any services due to the complaints. I said that if he’s confident that improvements have been made then I don’t know what the issue is here. He advised that virgin lost a lot of money on me before and they are not prepared to do this again. Naturally I was not happy with this, as surely I should be allowed to make complaints if something isn’t working properly. I said that I feel hard done by here and that the service has improved according to James. Ramone confirmed the service had improved but they will not provide me services. I told him I’m aware of people [causing problems] virgin by changing name and they seem to get services but here I am, I had a genuine issue and I’m being refused service. I asked if it was just me which he confirmed. I advise di would speak with my partner and he then said they will block my address. I do think all this is terrible, especially after your customer charter advises customers to feedback issues and faults so you can review and improve the service. Can you please at least look into this before dismissing me, as Ramone did say its Virgins final response on the matter. I did stress I was not happy with my account being listed as fraudulent as that implies I have committed fraud and feel it is slanderous. I look forward to hearing back from you. Can I also note that Mike West is a credit to you guys, he was very courteous and police and welcoming. It’s a shame the previous call handlers did not show the level of expertise and professionalism as he did. Please make sure that this is fed back to him. Regards Looks like ICO as well as CISAS and Social Media
  22. cant use CISAS because would it not be - Business decisions a company has made on whether or not to provide a product or service, and the terms under which they will provide a product or service?
  23. Well ive recieved a response from my email Dear Steve, We will not be able to supply you with service. This has been discussed with my colleague, Ramon, earlier today. You have received our final position in regards to this complaint. Going forward we will not provide you with any further response. Kind Regards
  24. Thing is skys been great, but broadband sucked, recently openreach was up the pole testing lines for new customers and disconnected me. Took a week to resolve it. other companies reliance on openreach is the thing that puts me off The guy last night said its a fraud marker and the guy todays tryed saying its not. But when i said im being labelled as fraudulent thats slanderous. He said its not as we havent disclosed that to anyone. I said you have to me. He then said well hows it make you feel then.... I just said peeed off. At the end of the day they say under their code of practise they want feedback so they can improve. I gave mine now they wont tocuh me with a barge pole. Ive wrote to everyone listed on their management board. Andy i didnt record it as i didnt think the call would eb this ridiculous. I thought a genuine mistake had happened. Normally if any inkling to something i would do via email. Ive posted a long email stating whats exactly happened. they probs will ignore me
  25. It was the chief executives team at virgin and he said its their final decision - I did ask if i can appeal and he said no EDIT: to add the complaints were about my Tivo i had 3 boxes in 6 months due to faults with them. So moral of story is guys do not ever raise any concerns or dissatisfaction with Virgin..
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