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Everything posted by spb1957

  1. http://www.dailyecho.co.uk/news/10324982.Parking_firm_struck_off_by_trade_body/?ref=la
  2. Hi guys. Slipped up today and parked in a CPZ on a Saturday which is only controlled Mon-Fri, but didn't notice I had parked in a bay which is 30 minute maximum stay Mon-Sat. Doubt I can get out of it but thought I'd run it by you. It was Chapel Road W13, there are 4 bays on the left when entering from the Uxbridge Road with restricted parking times. If anyone with more knowledge of required road markings could have a look would be appreciated. Quick decision needed on this as it's a hire car andI'd rather pay up before they (and my company) know about it, unless there is something that gives me a pretty solid cause for appeal. Thanks
  3. Interesting wording there I thought. Surely the agents here (the PPCs) are not the providers of parking, therefore not legally entitled to obtain details from the DVLA .
  4. As I understand it, the PPCs will be able to hold the keeper responsible if the driver is not identified. Whether or not they will be able to enforce their ridiculous charges through the courts remains to be seen. As for clampers on private land..................arrivederci !
  5. The fee is payable by the parking operator. Interesting point to me is that the driver/keeper will have to appeal to the PPC first, thus entering into correspondence. People could be falling into a trap there.
  6. The sign may well have said 'penalty' on it. I'm sure I saw one of theirs in the B&Q car park in Enfield that did. Tried to get a photo with my phone but the light wasn't good enough. If it does in Cardiff too, more ammunition for the OP. UPDATE Just checked on Google maps for the Enfield location, you can see the ECP signs which say 'may result in a £50 penalty ticket'
  7. The Highway Code says " Many of the rules in the Code are legal requirements, and if you disobey these rules you are committing a criminal offence. You may be fined, given penalty points on your licence or be disqualified from driving. In the most serious cases you may be sent to prison. Such rules are identified by the use of the words ‘MUST/MUST NOT’. In addition, the rule includes an abbreviated reference to the legislation which creates the offence." Section 238 says " You MUST NOT wait or park, or stop to set down and pick up passengers, on school entrance markings (see 'Road markings') when upright signs indicate a prohibition of stopping. " However, germish has said there are no signs indicating prohibition, which means in this particular case it is not illegal due to non-conformity as I see it.....which brings us back to the moral stance.
  8. This is where I am slightly confused. How do we find out if it is a private road? And if it's not, can we take it that UKPC have no jurisdiction over it ?
  9. This one has me intrigued. A friend has received a Civil Traffic Enforcement Notice from UKPC for parking on double yellow lines. He had in fact stopped to drop off his (disabled) wife near the shops before going into the car park. The notice includes a photo showing the passenger door open. Not sure at this stage if the blue badge was displayed or not but I understand no photos were taken of the front of the car. The thing that makes me curious is a private parking company having jurisdiction over DYLs ? Is it possibly a private road (approach to the car park) ? And in any case, is it one that can be safely ignored ?
  10. Can't see that I can argue on the signage or PCN itself. I was working for a company in that road (Spears Road) and actually parked right next to a sign that said 'residents only' between 10am and 2pm. It was just human nature that I parked up on the left hand side of the road and looked across at the sign on the other side as that was the one I could see out of my window (I was running a bit late when I got there). Did get a nice picture that shows I was the only one parked down that side. Residents were probably all at work elsewhere !
  11. I don't hold out much hope, but feel I have nothing to lose . I received a PCN when I had a job in Hornsey today. Parking restrictions are in force between 10am-2pm. I came out from work at 10pm and duly bought my ticket at the machine and correctly displayed it, so was surprised a little while later to find I had a PCN attached to my screen. Only then did I realise that the side of the road I had parked was resident's only between those times, and I should have been on the other side, residents OR pay at machine. I obviously can't argue that I was in the wrong, but am hoping that the authority will overlook the matter if a polite grovelling letter is sent. The residents bay was not in use at all by any other cars and I was therefore not denying anyone their legal right to park there. Also, being on the wrong side of the road was not causing a hazard or obstruction in any way. Any suggestions would be appreciated.
  12. Even I was fooled then, with all my readings on here !
  13. Interesting reading these threads on motorway services as I was curious about the sign at Winchester Services where the CP Plus sign says they will issue a 'parking charge notice' . From my understanding of reading threads on here I thought they couldn't do that.
  14. Well, this thread has certainly degenerated ! It now seems I'm now an idiot who chose to leave his car in a council car park after it closed ! I thank those of you for your opinions on the matter, but had hoped to find more information along the lines of the DVLA's Voluntary Code of Practice.... "3.1. Adequate signs should be displayed on all private property and car parks where enforcement action is to be taken. These should satisfy the criteria that it is 'reasonable' for a motorist to be aware of the potential consequences of his/her actions when parking the vehicle. It should be clear that parking is not allowed or restricted and that enforcement action will be taken in respect of any subsequent contravention. " Maybe we should consider this thread closed ?
  15. Incidentally, green and mean, swimming pools have clear opening and closing times. And if they locked someone in I'm sure something would be said !
  16. OK, here is the picture of the entrance to the car park. The fact that it is a car park cannot be questioned in my mind . It is situated at King George V Playing Fields, Barnet Lane, Barnet. Obviously there were other cars there when I arrived and the pictures I took were merely to confirm the absence of any signage. When I sought help from the council's out of hours line, I was told that they normally locked car parks at dusk (I returned to my car at 5pm) Having spoken to some of the locals, they told me I was lucky (ha-ha) to have found it open. I do have 3 other photos from diferent angles but they don't tell much of a story. Just an empty car park (save for my car) and no signs. It seems it is used by local amateur football clubs and they just open it when they want to use it.
  17. I appreciate what you say about a driveway, but this is what looks like for all intents and purposes a public car park adjacent to public playing fields. Without any signs how is anyone to know ?
  18. My problem seems unusual as searches have not revealed anything as yet, so some advice please. On a recent visit to watch a football match I found a previously unknown car park which had no signs whatsoever. The only sign from the road was for 'playing fields', nothing whatsoever in the car park. On my return I found my car locked in with a hand written note saying it was a private car park. I was unable to secure the release of my car until the next morning, despite efforts by the police and council to locate a key holder. Fortunately the car was not damaged as I had feared but I did lose a day's work as result of not being able to get my car out until the following morning. It transpires that the car park is owned by the council. I feel aggrieved mostly that I have lost a day's pay as well as having incurred expenses for several phone calls, arranging for someone to collect me and take me back the next day as well as inconvenience and stress caused. Can I hold the council responsible for this money and what is the best way forward ?
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