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  1. hi well after my last ouote 10th july isaid we were in the process of getting estimates for homeserve to repair the damage they caused to our property, well after seven months they eventually have sent us a cheque of £610 to cover replastering of walls putting up new ceiling, checking electrics, and new light fitting, couldnt believe it ,keep on at them and make sure you put it all in writing,it makes a difference
  2. hi, well ive got kinda good news regarding our leak with homeserve,after declining there offer of £75 I decided to put it all in writing and then recieved a letter from them and then a phone call saying they would send out an accessor to access the damage,he then reported back to homserve and they rang us to tell us to get estimates to get the damage repaired, cant believe putting it in writing has made such a difference to them considering they said they had exhausted their investigations and were closing the case, so keep persevering. we are still in the process of getting estimates but that another story, so many electricians just dont turn up when they say they will.
  3. thanks for replys not only are the walls and ceilings are a total mess but the original leak started via my light fitting so i havent used the light since and also there is a wall socket on the wall where the plaster all coming off so worried about using that,and where the water built up under the plaster my picture fell off the wall and cracked that.I cant understand how these people can get away with keep trading and taking our money, ireally want to cancel my policy but not sure if it would effect my complaint
  4. hi we have plumbing and drainage cover with homserve,called them out with a leak coming through ceiling ,took 2 days for a plumber to come out he told us overflow of water from bath and left,we waited for water to dry up never did leaks became worse ceiling filled up with water we had to put holes in to drain water away, plaster falling off wallls stains all over two rooms.we decided to look our selves we ripped our shower out no leak, we pulled floor boards up and found cold water pipe had pin hole in it we rang them again another plumber came he couldnt believe the other fella had missed the leak which by then had caused extensive damage to our walls. we made our complaint and they offered the goodwill gesture of £50 which we declined and then after more discussions a £75 which we also declined. we have since put our story in writing and waiting for a response.
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