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Everything posted by flowerchild

  1. Was getting ready to SAR Santander but have a few questions as things get a bit complicated: I thought you had to send SAR for each account but been reading here that's not the case, a single SAR would cover ALL accounts, is that the case? (I have quite a few former A&L accts with Santander, i.e. current, savings, flexi, personal loan, etc.) I also had an A&L CREDIT CARD which, according to a letter I found, was sold to MBNA in 2002, however, it was branded and run by A&L till 2009 when I got letter from MBNA followed by a new branded card and an interest rate hike to 36%! I defaulted on this card nearly 2 years ago. I SARd and CCAd MBNA; their reply stated they could not locate the CCA and have been quiet for nearly a year. I've never had a Santander credit card and my record with them is squeaky clean (loan fully paid up, accounts in credit) . I was wondering whether a SAR to Santander would uncover any 'dirty secrets' related to the above card??? Thanks in advance!
  2. I guess that depends on whether the shrink can SEE the ghost! 
  3. No one refuses to be transparent and take responsibility more than the banks!!!
  4. This may have changed but back in 2003 I got fired for alleged gross misconduct (in my case, posting pictures of my graphic design work online, but I was working for an outsourced department within an investment bank so you couldn't expect any less). As I was a homeowner and in those days the benefit rate was just £52/week and there was a 9 month wait before you could get any help with mortgage interest, I wasn't desperate to sign on, however, I made a claim on my mortgage insurance and the insurers sent me a form which I had to return with a stamp from the Job Centre, so I went to make a claim for UB. My unemployment claim was approved with no fuss and I started getting my benefits, however, the insurers turned down my claim as they were told I'd got dismissed for gross misconduct. I was putting together an ET case but they wanted to see the transcripts! The point is, I had no problems claiming benefits as gross misconduct is open to interpretation and can easily be disputed
  5. I have other threads and have found very good advise here. I have my main current account with Santander after they took over the business of the A&L. The account dates back to the early to mid 90s and it came with a Flexiplan account attached to it. A standing order goes out every month to the Flexiplan, when the account is in credit it's like a savings account but it also has a credit line of £750, which is totally independent of the overdraft. Every month a small amount (just under £3) gets debited from my current account as 'Flexi Premiumcare'. This debit has been there as far as I can remember, along with the £30 S/O to Flexiplan and is charged even when the Flexi account is in credit, which has been around 90% of the time. Could this be PPI by any other name? I think I must relate to the Flexi account and not the O/D as I've only had and O/D for the last 10-12 years, the Flexi was there since I opened the account. Although the amount is small, it has been charged every month for around 17 years! I've read in these forums that there's no time limit to reclaim PPI (if that's what it is). Both my current account and Flexiplan are in credit and, thanks to MBNA taking over the A&L credit cards, I have no defaults with Santander. Is there any way I could reclaim these 'Premiumcare' charges? If I SARd Santander they'd probably send the usual 6 years statements which is not good as this goes back a lot further. However, as far as I can remember, these amounts have been largely unchanged over the years (it may have been £2.75 and now £2.90/mth but that's about it!) & the Flexi credit line has also remained unchanged. How can I be sure it's PPI? if not, what is it? Is there a way I can find out when I first got the Flexi, I can't even remember what year I opened the account as it's been so long! Also, is there a chance they could cancel my Flexiplan or even the O/D even though I'm in credit and paying in just because I start trying to claim old charges? I also had a personal loan that I took out in 2006 with the A&L, I rang Santander in August & they said the last payment would be the one in Sept this year so the loan is now paid off. There was a single monthly payment going out to Santander Loans, otherwise I have no paperwork for the loan, everything was done very quickly by a financial adviser in a branch in the City, I think all I did was sign if at all! Is there any way to find out if any PPI was applied to this loan? Thanks in advance!
  6. Back in 2003 I was sacked for Gross Misconduct by one of those lovely, warm Investment Banks in the City. I am a graphic designer and was working in the Presentations department so had nothing to do with finance or clients. I was accused of posting 'confidential information' online and sharing it with a Citi employee as well as 'stealing' intellectual property. In reality I was doing a few websites on the side with a personal friend who had a stint of temp work at my bank in 2001, he got fired and went to work at Citi and we emailed each other often. Had to use the work email as those banks blocked all webmail like hotmail, etc. I posted some of my design work on a website to use as an online portfolio and there was nothing confidential as I mostly designed presentation covers which were very visual and contained only a line of text and were often headed something like 'Project Phoenix'. Also most of the work online was a 2-3 years old therefore no longer confidential! I was suspended 'pending an investigation', which didn't take as long as you estimate, in fact MadCow (my nickname for the woman who orchestrated the whole thing even before this happened) went to work on Sunday and spent all day in her little cubbyhole snooping around my personal drive and emails, looking for 'evidence'. The following Tuesday I received a call saying they would be sending a cab to my home to pick me up so I could bring my PC and laptop to the bank's premises for inspection. I was a long-distance commuter and the trip to the city took over two hours and cost nearly £200. The trip back cost even more due to heavy traffic and the driver passing the village where I lived while I was on my mobile. I had just a couple of hours notice before the cab arrived but I didn't waste any time, I copied all my data to my external HD and got a screwdriver and took out the 2nd internal HD. As for the C drive, I had no data left on it just software I could reinstall, so I just reformatted it at the DOS prompt. Didn't get a chance to reinstall Windows so I turned up with a PC that had to boot from a floppy disk and all you got was a C> prompt! The previous day we had a meeting where I was told I had to 'sanitize' my personal computer so I did as I was told (hahaha) and wasted a few hours and a few hundred quid of their time. That thought them a lesson and was much more amusing than merely refusing to oblige or quoting their lack of rights to inspect my personal property!!! I guess you could do exactly the same and greet them with a 'squeaky clean laptop! LOL! Some friends advised me to go to the doctor and get signed off for stress. I am really really bad at that sort of thing and the 1st day I went I didn't get a sick note! They told me I should ask for a doctor who knew about stress and I made an appointment for Thursday, when I got a 3 week signoff. My disciplinary had already been scheduled for the previous Monday but one of my friends drafted a long letter over the w/e, explaining the reasons why I wasn't going to attend. One of them was the 'stress I was suffering due to their actions', another was the need to get hold of the evidence they had against me, without which I couldn't defend myself. I thought I'd just get 'sacked by default' like the CCJs but I managed to get the infamous disciplinary postponed nearly 2 months thanks to my sick notes. They eventually held it in my absence and sacked me but I got an extra couple months pay out of the b*****ds. I filled out an ET form and eventually was offered a small 'commercial settlement' which I accepted, which came with an agreed reference (which I wrote myself). The whole thing was officialy ratified by ACAS and a lawyer I found at the free legal advice centre in Toynbee Hall on the edge of the City. That's my story, you could get some pointers from it, I reckon 'big 4 accountancy firms' work in much the same was as investment banking... Best of luck!
  7. I have other threads here and have found CAG advice very u$efu£! I have a business account (ltd co) with Barclays. I wasn't using the company for a while as I was first unemployed then had a perm job so didn't have any money going into that account and never arranged for an overdraft facility. Last year I had around £1000 in the account when they started charging commission every month (despite their literature saying it was charged quarterly, they charged the 'quarterly' amount every month!) and also added things like 'business essentials' that I never ever ever requested! I withdrew/used most of the money I had in the account and they kept applying charges which caused the account to go overdrawn and they'd been charging quite a lot of interest on the O/D (which was made up mostly of their own charges and was never requested or arranged by either me or the other Director!). Recently my bosses put their company into liquidation and made everyone redundant but hired us back as freelancers so I'm using the company account again. Naturally the o/d amount was deducted from the deposit, leaving me with little money till the end of August . Would be great if you guys could point me in the right direction for reclaiming charges and interest on charges on a business account, in particular those for 'services' I never requested or even knew about!!! Many thanks in advance...
  8. Have received another letter from Nelson Guest & Partners threatening 'further recovery action' by Wetcloths. Should I continue to ignore? Thanks again!
  9. After a month of silence, got a letter this morning from Nelson Guest & Partners Solicitors with 'an offer to reduce the amount payable on your debt', saying I should contact wetcloths by the 25th of June to agree a suitable settlement. It also says that if you are unable to take advantage of this offer, wetcloths will still consider a realistic repayment plan! Should I just ignore this letter? Or should I make a 'cheeky' offer (like 10%)? Thanks in advance for your advise...
  10. Will be my pleasure to ignore them, I was just following advice from PGH7447 above...
  11. After sending the account in dispute letter to Wescot I got a letter from them today saying: 'Following your recent request for a copy of the signed agreement, our client has requested you write to the following address and state in your covering letter that this is a section 77/78 request and enclos PO for £1'! That sounds to me like RBS hasn't really sold or assigned the debt so I could still do the PPI claim, however, I did the CCA request over a year ago and got the responses posted earlier in the thread. Whole thing seems to be going round in circles and RBS don't seem to have kept a record of my earlier correspondence or they're just giving Wescot standard answers without even looking. The funny thing is that Wescot have dropped their bright red headed paper in favour of a more corporate letterhead for this letter, which contains neither threats nor demands for payment, just the account details and the RBS address. Should i reply telling them I've already been there, done that? or should I send RBS another CCA request? or just ignore Wescot? I'm going abroad on Sunday for 2 weeks...
  12. I'm afraid I got sidetracked at the time as there was so much going on in my life... I wonder whether it's too late now to do something about that now the debt has been passed onto Wescot...
  13. A year ago I sent CCA request to RBS, which was met with what looked like an application form rather than a proper agreement (that was the feedback I got on these forums). A few months later, collection was passed on to Triton. Following suggestions within these forums, I sent them the standard Account in Dispute letter and they eventually left me alone. Yesterday I got a letter from Wescot saying they had been instructed to collect the balance. Now I'm not clear whether I should reply with another Account in Dispute letter like the one(s) I sent to Triton (which I believe are RBS in-house collectors) OR send a fresh CCA request to Wescot. The balance is £4,200, stopped paying Jan 2010, hadn't had any communications about it for 6 months or so. Any help will be greatly appreciated, I had kinda forgotten about this!
  14. Many thanks for your advice! The RBS card was taken in 99 (according to the application form they tried to pass as agreement with my CCA request), MBNA bought the accounts from the A&L and they couldn't supply ANYTHING in response to my CCA request "due to retrieval issues with the A&L" so I don't know exactly when I took out the card but it must have been early 90s. Their transaction printouts go back to end of 2003 which is just over 6 years as I got them at the start of this year. PPI has been there from day one, I have a vague recollection of someone on the phone 'advising me' that I should have it, that would mean an extra 10 years of PPI charges before 2003!!! During all these years I've been employed, unemployed, self-employed and living abroad, I was never aware that once you took on the policy with the card you could cancel it!
  15. MBNA & RBS - both provided 6 years statements (to April 2004 as I SARd them back in April)
  16. Hi, Within these forums, I've read that you can claim PPI 'right back to the beginning', i.e. not just for the last 6 years. While my SAR requests have yielded a full set of statements with itemized PPI monthly payments, they only go as far back as 2004! 2 cards I'm currently disputing were taken out the the 90s. My question is: how do people get figures pre-2004 to go back to the beginning? Coincidentally, the statements I myself have kept only go back to 2004. I've also read that you can claim 8% interest, is that 8% per year on the total amount even if there have been fluctuations in the level of payments (due to them being linked to the outstanding balance)? So, for example, if my statements for the last 6 years show I've paid £1500 in PPI, would it be 8% x 6 years, i.e., 48% or nearly £750? or would the 8% be calculated on a compound basis where the amount increases every year? Are there any spreadsheets or calculators available for monthly PPI on credit cards? (I've only seen the ones for single premium). Once more, many thanks in advance...
  17. Having sent the 'account in dispute' letter from the forum's library, I got the following reply from RBS: RBS Dispute Reply :: RBSCCADisputeResponse-1.jpg picture by flowepower2010 - Photobucket all they've sent is the application form & various sets of T&Cs, which, accoridng to this forum, seems to be common practice these days, is there anything else I can do with them? Thanks again!
  18. It was A&L in the mid 90s. For some reason the credit card accounts were sold to MBNA rather than taken over by Santander (the personal loan IS with Santander). Presumably the T&Cs provided are the current MBNA terms.
  19. Here it is: http://tinyurl.com/36ncge6 that one came earlier as they were trying to respond within the 12+2 days. Funny they should quote all those official organisations at the bottom. The 2nd page mentions a couple more and is not signed by anyone in particular: MBNA TandCs :: MBNA CCA response 2 picture by flowepower2010 - Photobucket The Payplan website mentions MBNA amongst its supporters... According to the date on it, mine must have been typed on the day they got my CCA and SAR but it's just a cover to the T&Cs, not to the whole SAR. The SAR cover letter clearly states they can't provide a signed agreement: MBNA TandCs :: MBNA SAR letter picture by flowepower2010 - Photobucket
  20. It was within that photobucket 'album' I linked to, here's a direct link to that file: MBNA TandCs :: Cover letter for T&Cs picture by flowepower2010 - Photobucket Enjoy!
  21. My CCA request was met with a letter saying as they had obtained my account from another lender, it would take them some time to obtain it. As it's been over a month, I've sent them the 'account in dispute' letter from the templates library. My SAR request was met with a timely reply consisting of endless computer listings including some about the 'collection process', where they started by calling my work number (where I haven't worked since 2003!) but the most amusing (and amazing!) bit is the cover letter they sent with "my T&Cs" (such as they are), where they remind me of the 'fantastic features of my account' (I've never even registered for the online facility). There's no CCA signed by me (not even an application form) and the enclosed photocopy has my current address, where I've only lived since 2007 (card was taken out in mid 90s!). There's no mention of PPI that I can see... The whole lot, including DN, can be seen here: MBNA TandCs pictures by flowepower2010 - Photobucket Surely they can't claim the debt is enforceable when they can't even produce a single bit of paper with my signature. Would it be a good idea to make a PPI refund claim or just carry on with the 'account in dispute' position due to lack of any CCA? Thanks again!
  22. Thanks! I'm off to the Post Office and can now buy a 2l Pepsi Max instead of yet another Money Order!
  23. After receiving an application form and 3 different sets of T&Cs which didn't seem to belong to my 1999 form, I sent RBS the long letter posted elsewhere requesting a true copy. A week later they've sent a standard form saying they are unable to deal with my request, where they've ticked the box saying "required fee of £1 not enclosed"!!! I did enclose a money order for £1 when I sent my original CCA request to them and got back the 3 sets of T&Cs. As taxpayer-funded RBS obviously needs £1 more than I do, I'm tempted to just get another money order and send it back, however, what concerns me is the fact that they don't seem to be aware of my previous communication and we may be going back to square 1, i.e. yet another set of T&Cs attached to an application form but no proper CCA signed by both parties (I DIDN'T apply online, it's been over 10 years)
  24. I thought you could not be chased for debts over 6 years old...
  25. Are you still looking for RBS T&Cs? I've just got 4 different sets sent to my by them!!
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