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  1. Due to the unreliable service I frequently see many, many people getting to work late. This is even when one of the very early services fail to turn up to begin the journey from the terminus. This must have an impact on the national economy as well as stress caused to the individuals as being thought of as unreliable timekeepers by their employers. It may also mean that an individual loses their job as a result. Despite numerous complaints there seems to be no improvement. Those of use who try to adhere to Government advice to use public transport are being penalised through no fault of our own.Has anyone ever taken legal action against the company for the stress caused as a result of this?
  2. Sorry to hear about 'YET ANOTHER' despicable service (Or lack of it) by this Rip Off company (In mine and it would appear many others, opinion) I was offered £300 and then £350 but my plight is worth considerably more than that. As the appear to have 'NOT RECEIVED' around 20 of my communications !!! as they were not produced in my Subject Access Request, I am now referring the matter to the 'Information Commissioners Office' (They deal with breaches od Data Protection issues) to see if that IS the case. HOW ON EARTH can a company that their customers can ONLY CONTACT via their 'CONTACT US' form or by phone suggest that they did not receive all of these messages ? The thing is I sent them to many of their departments INCLUDING their Press Office over a period of 2 weeks ? If you believe that you believe in the Tooth fairy !!! From there it is the Ombudsman's Office who, with the wealth of evidence I have, should find in my favour.
  3. I am now one of many (Look on the Ombudmans Site) who are proceding further regarding a complaint to the Ombudsmans Office regarding my Boiler issues. I was left for 2 weeks in February (Coldest winter in recent history) without heat or water. My boiler is 3 years old and since 23rd jan, they have been out to it 5 times and are coming again tomorrow !! It would have been cheaper to replace it. I am also reporting them to the Information Commissioners Off (Information Commissioner`s Office) for the Lies I have been told and their 'Reluctance' to supply me with a Full account of my converstaions and correspondence with them. I have nothing but contempt for their lack of responsible action. They take the money but do not provide a satisfactory service.
  4. I am now one of many (Look on the Ombudmans Site) who are proceding further regarding a complaint to the Ombudsmans Office regarding my Boiler issues. I was left for 2 weeks in February (Coldest winter in recent history) without heat or water. My boiler is 3 years old and since 23rd jan, they have been out to it 5 times and are coming again tomorrow !! It would have been cheaper to replace it. I am also reporting them to the Information Commissioners Off (Information Commissioner`s Office) for the Lies I have been told and their 'Reluctance' to supply me with a Full account of my converstaions and correspondence with them. I have nothing but contempt for their lack of responsible action. They take the money but do not provide a satisfactory service.
  5. Thanks for the advice. Yes I have got my Subject Access Details BUT they manged to EXCLUDE the 20 Odd messages I sent to them on their 'CONTACT US' Form. They said they had a problem with it DESPITE me sending my comments to their PRESS OFFICE, CUSTOMER ADVICE, and other threads they use !!!!! ALL 20 messgaes were note received according to them ???? HENCE now to the Information Commissioners Office. Do they really expect me to believe that a 'Service Industry' (Term used laughably) whose sole means of communication is by their 0800 number or this form was 'Inoperative' for 2 weeks ??. They just do not want me to produce a full picture of their inadequacy to the Ombudsman's Office.
  6. I am now one of many (Look on the Ombudmans Site) who are proceding further regarding a complaint to the Ombudsmans Office regarding my Boiler issues. I was left for 2 weeks in February (Coldest winter in recent history) without heat or water. My boiler is 3 years old and since 23rd jan, they have been out to it 5 times and are coming again tomorrow !! It would have been cheaper to replace it. I am also reporting them to the Information Commissioners Off (ICO) for the Lies I have been told and their 'Reluctance' to supply me with a Full account of my converstaions and correspondence with them. I have nothing but contempt for their lack of responsible action. They take the money but do not provide a satisfactory service.
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