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Westmeand Fan

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  1. I work in a supermarket and sometimes situations like this arise, i have had to deal with difficult customers regarding this issue and some of them are never happy with what you suggest and they think its our problem when sometimes as another member has said its the network that rejects the transaction. I have had a customer try and put a complaint in about me when this sort of situation happened, a few months ago when a transation was declined, we tried to see if there was an alternative which was whether they had another method of payment or we could put the items aside if they agreed for a short period of time and they come back but the problem with that is if there are cold/frozen items these need to be put back or they go off and if its busy with people waiting this takes time and then they will start having a go at you so you never win. Well back to what happened in my situation they was not happy and said it was not there problem and wanted the shoppig for nothing, of course this was not going to happen. They went storming off and came back later and paid via cash, with no apology for there rudness. Couldn't your wife have said to the manager to hold the items and go and get money to pay for the goods, from my opinion you are overreacting about this i know loads of people have been in this situation and i wouldn't really worry about what other people from your local community thinks.
  2. i have heard this through my workplace and i work in the sussex area, seems to be nationwide
  3. They have the 'Think 25' policy there for a reason, most supermarkets operate this policy to help staff not make an error that could cost them there jobs and screw there lives up with a criminal record. You won't get supermarkets changing there policy and don't forgot they don't have to sell it to you anyway. The simple way is always carry id with you.
  4. i work for sainsburys and i always have people telling me that sainsburys is always over charging them and not taking the offers off and most of the time this is not the case because with the offers some people don't read them properly. Do you remember what the offer was exactly because some offers people get mixed up and pick up an item that may be the same brand but that one might not be in the offer.
  5. with gambling websites they should do extra checks like other parts of the industry like bookmakers by getting id like passport, driving licence etc to confirm they are 18 or over. The company is in the wrong for not doing enough checks to confirm that your son was old enough to gamble, take this further because if this had happened in other parts of the industry like bookmakers their would be serious consequences for them.
  6. which part of the law eg the acts etc did you use that made you succesfull in your claim against them? their legal team must have been cursing you to have lost that case :grin:
  7. i'm looking forward to see what has happened in your case because i am exactly in the same boat as you, but with 'Parcel 2 Go' and a laptop but i have seeked trading standards advice and they are helping me. Good luck
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