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  1. lmao, well ill be on the phone to sky 1st thing complaining and threaten to take my services elsewhere. if nothings going to get done about i will be email your friends at sky lol. thank you very much for the email addresses. more opinions on this matter are welcome
  2. lol i am ****ed off to the max now!! i had to call them back because the record on my sky+HD didn't work either, plus the guy never called me bak about my subcription price, was on hold again and the lady then said she will give me a call back, which i didnt believe and i told her im still waiting for someone else to call me back and that was 2 1/2 hours ago. she called me back and she said that the hd channels have been sorted etc ad it should be on within 2min - 4 hours, along with my record function. now i have the hd pack and still no record fuction. checked the other box which she also claimed to have sorted out and i got premium channels but no sports or movies. if nothings right by the morning im call and requesting a discount for all the trouble they have put me through. did you speak with manager or just a normal customer service operator loopinlouie?
  3. hi, i took out a contract with sky on monday through Phones 4 Uwhich consisted of: Sky+ HD with Sky World + HD pack ESPN (which i was not told that it was free for only the 1st 3months) 2x multiroom boxes. totaling to £60.50pm one off payment of £79.00 i have all this on a sky order summary contract which was printed at the phones 4 u store i have signed. had sky installed to day and i still have no premium channels! first off the installer said there was a mix up with the cards that they have sent and i now have to wait 3-5 days for my multi-room boxes to work, so no tv in the bedrooms other than basic stuff. Also i have had a Sky+HD box with the HD subscription as it says in my contract, went to view a HD channel and its telling me i need to subscribe, which i already have done. Called sky and they have told me that the wrong card is in the HD box and i need to swap it with the one that doesnt work with the muti-room box. done that now i have to wait 4 hours for any premium channels or HD channels to appear on my HD box. i then asked what my monthly bill will be just to make sure everything correct and there telling me its going to be £68.50!! i said no its not mate. i have contract here stating that its £60.50pm with sky world, hd pack, 2x multi-room and ESPN. he then told me ESPN was only for the 1st 3 months then i would have to pay extra for it after that, now your telling me i got to pay more then what was agreed without ESPN!!! he then told me hes having problems with the computer and if i can hold. this is when i got angry. i explained that i have been on this phone to sky with nothing but problems caused by them for the last 50minutes (25+ of those minutes on hold) and im being charged 6p a minute for there mistakes!! i told him he can ring me back. 1 hour has passed and still no phone call. im beginning to regret joining sky and leaving virgin media. what do think is the best action to take regarding the contract? has anyone else had this much hassle with them and what was there outcome? thank you
  4. hi thanks for the reply. im going make the trading standards request a copy of this so called 'report' he had done. im waiting on some info from the trading standards on the qualifications the person(s) complying the report will have to have for it to stand up in court. the guy who looked at the tyre for me is just a man thats been in the trade for 30 years and knows alot about tyres.
  5. hi i need some advice. cut a long story short............ Brought a partworn, done less than 30miles on it and it blew out as i left the motorway, luckily i was on the motorway island and i crashed my car in to the barriers. (paid on my card, so i have proof of purchase) returned to the tyre shop and he accepted liability and change the tyre and told me to get repair quotes (video footage) (i still have the faulty tyre) returned with the quotes and he now says that i must of hit a curb. to cause the blowout (start of the dispute) i explained how it was impossible for that to happen, to where the damage is to the car and the alloy is in perfect condition. still disputes it and claims he had an accident report man up by and independent party (which i asked to see and he states its at home. load of bollocks) contacted trading standards, they sent him a letter reguarding the matter. he replied claiming i hit a curb and caused the blowout and the damage. now trading standards want me to prove i didnt hit a curb. (provided them with loads of evidance of alloy wheel, the height the alloy and tyre from the road (50mm) and the height of the curb (90mm), the movement of traffic on the island (video footage) and the qutoe for the repairs) showed the tyre to a tyre salesman and he states that the tyre was not fit to be sold if the 1st place! also its is not stamped as a partworn or repaired to the standards of the legal requirment! thats all before the blowout which he states it was because there was damage to the area where the tyre blewout which caused the blowout (also stated the guy has no leg to stand on) the advise i am looking for is if i should contine to pursue it throught the tranding standards or get a solicitor involved and go at him that way? if so, any recommendations of solicitors that would deal this this type of case. also i need a professional tyre examinor or a accident specialist with the right qualification to put togeather a report on the tyre which could be used in court! i have search the internet and had no joy as of yet. i am located in the birmingham area. all advise welcome thank you.
  6. they have written it off and they are sending me out some vouchers to purchase a new computer. the discs still haven't come. im wondering if i will even see these vouchers. can i just go to the store and them call up head office or something?
  7. today is the 21st day and i still have no discs. i am on the phone to them now and i have told them i am not happy and i want a replacement today. The lady on the phone is saying that the discs hasn't go anything to do with them and that they are sent straight from Packard bell. My argument is my computer still isnt fixed and my cover is taken out with you not Packard bell. Also when i spoke to the tech guy 8days ago he said they have just come back in stock and hes ordering it now. How is he able to see what Packard bell have in stock?? so someone is BULL****TING me it shouldnt matter if the discs come from someone else does it? oh and ive been on hold for 10minz now
  8. there is a recovery procedure on start up and even that is corrupt, so i doubt if i made one that it would work.
  9. done. it says 21 day on my receipt, unless ive read it wrong, i havent got it to hand atm
  10. hi im having problems with them too. on the 28th of feb i called up and due to me having problems with my computer. so they arranged for a visit on the Thursday 4th March. (4 days later, even though it says on there receipt they will be there in 2 days of you calling) Techguy comes to my house and asks me what problems am i having with my computer? i asked him if he was not told and he said no! i told him it needs a new hard-drive and the recovering with the Packard Bell recovery discs. He change the hard drive and said he hasn't go the recovery discs with him and he has ordered me some and they will be with me in 5 days time. how can they arrange a repair and not tell the technician what need to be done? so i was not happy with them. 7 days later March 11th, still no discs! I called them back up explain i am waiting for discs that have been ordered, the guy said to me nothing has been ordered. he then said they just came back in stock that day and he has now ordered them and they will be with me in the next 5days. so i them asked him if i didnt call you today i would be sitting here waiting for them and they would never of came? he said im afraid so sorry, an that they have been ordered now. 6 days later March 17th, guess what, no discs!! Called again and said they were sent on 15th. i complained about it explain how they have taken the **** and i have been lied too etc and they was not interested. Its now been 20 days since the original call making the appointment for the visits, an my computer is still no fully repaired. todays post has come and still no discs. What is the best action to take now? thanks, Leon
  11. hi im having problems with them too. on the 28th of feb i called up and due to me having problems with my computer. so they arranged for a visit on the Thursday 4th March. (4 days later, even though it says on there receipt they will be there in 2 days of you calling) Techguy comes to my house and asks me what problems am i having with my computer? i asked him if he was not told and he said no! i told him it needs a new hard-drive and the recovering with the Packard Bell recovery discs. He change the hard drive and said he hasn't go the recovery discs with him and he has ordered me some and they will be with me in 5 days time. how can they arrange a repair and not tell the technician what need to be done? so i was not happy with them. 7 days later March 11th, still no discs! I called them back up explain i am waiting for discs that have been ordered, the guy said to me nothing has been ordered. he then said they just came back in stock that day and he has now ordered them and they will be with me in the next 5days. so i them asked him if i didnt call you today i would be sitting here waiting for them and they would never of came? he said im afraid so sorry, an that they have been ordered now. 6 days later March 17th, guess what, no discs!! Called again and said they were sent on 15th. i complained about it explain how they have taken the **** and i have been lied too etc and they was not interested. Its now been 20 days since the original call making the appointment for the visits, an my computer is still no fully repaired. todays post has come and still no discs. What is the best action to take now? thanks, Leon
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