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Everything posted by Aulelia

  1. Hi Nuggsy, I am not sure about odds but I don't see how it is your employers business how much debt you are in. You would never be sacked for being in debt, so it does not make sense for them to call your employers. I know this must be a distressing time for you so first of all, go make yourself a cup of tea and try and relax for five minutes. These issues are better thought of with a clear head. Are there any debts that you could realistically pay off this year?
  2. Hi Northern Binder, Here's my take on options you could do. First, which one of the debts from 1-5 has the highest interest rate? Some people argue you should pay that one off first as the interest rate is higher than others. What I may suggest may be controversial but I think you should cut out all unnecessary extra costs. On no.8, you spent 127pounds on your mobile, car insurance and gas insurance. Is there a way you could sell your car and take public transport instead until you have cut at least half of your debt? The money going towards the car and gas insurance in that case would go straight to paying off one of the top tier debts (1-5) that you mentioned. And this would also save you 200pounds a month on fuel? By the way from no. 6-10, I don't count those as debts, but expenses. A debt is technically money you owe to a creditor. Hope this helps!
  3. In this case, I think you have a really good chance of getting this sorted out in your favour. If there are no arrears, Barclays need to SIT DOWN and stop harassing you. And I hope Cerberus remembers her place too. **Hugs**
  4. The deposit was 412 quid and the monthly rent was 412 for each tenant, so 824 for the pair of us. My ex flatmate owes the following: --105 for Virgin Media, Telephone and Water Bills --190.50 for Electricity and Gas over several months Total owed by ex-flatmate: 295.50 The LL said he was going to find someone to move in for the 15 January 2010. If the landlord wanted to counterclaim, doesn't the fact he did not protect the deposit hurt his claim?
  5. I did not sign one. The contract was due to end this August but it ended in January. I had a deed of assignment papers but my friend told me to not give them to him to avoid p*ssing him off. Could this jeopardise me getting the deposit back? Thanks again.
  6. Thanks so much for replying so swiftly. Yes, the tenancy was joint between me and the other sharer and we were both liable for half of the rent. I do have the tenancy in writing in my records. Okay great, 6 years so that is a relief because I intend to chase this up in court. It has been so awful. Most of my friends told me to forget about it but I can't.
  7. Hi everyone, I am new to the forum but I'd just like to get some perspective/advice on my situation. I tried searching the forums but apologies if this came up before. Essentials: Written contract existed between LL & I and the other tenant Deposit was not protected in TDS (I only found this out much later!) Former flatmate who lived in flat prior to the current flatmate told me she only got half of deposit back What happened: Earlier this year, I left my tenancy by verbal agreement with my landlord. I was sharing a flat with another female tenant who was bullying me and even threatened to hit me. I left this hostile environment in January 2010 by mutual agreement with the landlord. I was an international student in London and I have now gone back home, but I hope to be coming back to the UK very soon. Before I left London, I chased the LL for my deposit for weeks, calling/emails etc but I heard nothing. I even called his wife and again nothing. This has caused me a great deal of distress after always paying my rent on time. I heard from the previous tenant who I was sharing with before the other sharer moved in and she told me she only received half of her deposit back from him. He claimed she would receive her deposit when the next tenant moved in >> surely this is wrong? What to do now? I would like to get some advice on whether I can sue the LL in Small Claims when I get back to the UK. Is there a time limit on how long you have until you can no longer sue someone for debt? I also hope to sue the former flatmate I was sharing with as she has not paid me her share of the bills she owes me. Any advice is appreciated because this whole debacle has left me hundreds of pounds out of pocket by the LL and the former flatmate. Not to mention the emotional stress of worrying about money. Thank you for reading, Aulelia
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