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  1. To be honest, probably not. I have other financial committments that are not in my name but a member of the family, so i cant sacrifice them. I think my best option is a DMP with CCCS but i don't know if i've left it too late. I've just thought aswell, my wages have gone into the bank and they are short, i havent seen my payslip yet, i have a feeling that one of the people i owe money to have deducted some cash. Surely i would be notified of this first right?
  2. I forgot to ask, what is the likely hood of any of these people contacting my new employer? and also what are the odds on them taking me to court?
  3. Well Here goes. I seem to have lost control of it but i will post what i had as best i can remember. Quick Quid - Loan - Now owing £500 and held by Mackenzie Hall, i have CCA'd them and they have sent it through. Lloyds TSB Overdraft now owing £4500 over two accounts and a credit card owing £1600 - Still held by Lloyds TSB collections Wonga - About £1100 - Haven't heard anything from them for a while Lending Stream - They have wiped what i owe out of my two Lloyds TSB accounts (at least i think that's all of it) Littlewoods & Littlewoods Direct - owing £1263.20 and £3223.99 respectively. Still held by Littlewoods but in arrears. Month End Money (PaydayUK) - borrowed around £500, havent heard from them for a while Express Finance - borrowed around £200, haven't heard from them either. Black Horse - Now Owing around £450 - Had the occassional text from them HFC Finance - Had 3 accounts with them owing around £1500 in total, i know at least one of these has been passed to a solicitor. Unsure as to which one but they were fair when i spoke to them Beneficial Finance - Borrowed £1500, unsure where this is at the minute Capital One - Owed them around £150 on a credit card, unsure where this is but i have recieved a few texts from Fredrickson International which i think may be linked to this account Speed Loan Finance - Owed them around £600, passed to Chantry collections whom i have hardly spoken too. I think that is everything, got its embarrassing, i need some serious help. I spoke to Mackenzie hall and told them i was entering into a DMP with CCCS (which i am considering) they said that it would not stop them taking legal action as it was a short term loan. Any help would be great
  4. I fell into financial difficulty in october/november last year and buried my head in the sand up until now. I had loans with numerous payday companies and also with mainstream financial service providers, Lloyds TSB, HFC Bank, etc, etc. Some of these debts have now been passed to various solicitors and collection agencies. What can i do to confront these people? I have heard of people requestiong copies of the CCA but i am unsure of how this works. What happens if they cannot provide a copy? What happens if they can? I have just been speaking to someone at Mackenzie Hall who was lovely until i asked for a copy of the agreement, then she became very arsey. Thanks in advance for any advice you can give me. Im worrying like mad
  5. I am aware that the OR will assess my income and see how much I can pay a month to them after my essential outgoings. Anyhoo, I have no house, no car, nothing. I live with my parents. The major outgoing I have is 3 loans in my grans name. Obviously they won't be included in the BR but will the OR take into acoiunt that I still have to pay these loans? What else can they do/make me do? Thanks in advance Nugget
  6. normally they are done via CHAPS so the payments can take anywhere upto 6.30 to show in your account
  7. cheers MJC, although i work for a bank i am unsure as to what you mean when you say about the devt being unenforcable. Is it worth requesting CCA's from these companies? I must have read 100s of threads on here and seen it where people are requesting copies of CCA's etc, etc. What are they doing by requesting those? if a company cant get a copy of a CCA does that mean the debt is written off? If by some miracle i get together the money to pay all of these off, is it worth making them offers rather than paying the full outstanding balances?
  8. MJC i'm just wondering, is it worth dealing with someone like CCCS? to let them deal with the companies on my behalf?
  9. Cheers MJC, i really wasnt expecting such a comprehensive reply. I'm busy trawling the internet now to see what i can do. i Shall keep you all updated. Thanks
  10. Thanks for the quick reply T2, im afraid not. I actually work for the bank in question aswell. If i go ahead with the cheques thing then i know for sure it wont affect my employment, im not sure they will honour them, however, i think they have too. it was the only bright idea i had simply because i know how the bank deals with customers in that sort of situatuion
  11. I have a number of payday loans that i have juggled for god knows how long, i dread to think how much i have paid over the months/years. I have managed to juggle them quite well but now its crunch time and i know i cant afford the interest nevermind the payments this month. I'm stuck as to what to do. The loans i have are: Wonga - £840 PayDayUK - £420 QuickQuid - £400 ToothFairy - £200 Lending Stream - £160 poundstilpayday - £200 Now i havent came here for a lecture but i have read this site quite a lot and im really after some help. I want to tell them i cant afford it and i want to go onto some sort of payment plan but i dont like the thought of all the letters/phonecalls as i fear these could make me homeless (i still live with my parents and i have had debt problems in the past whereby the family have bailed me out and i promised it wouldnt happen again). I was thinking (in the chat i have just had with myself ) of sending these companies a load of gauranteed cheques to clear what i owe, even though i dont have the money in the bank i know the bank will be a lot easier (and cheaper) to deal with. does anyone have any ideas? and does anyone have any ideas of what these comapnies are like to deal with? your help is appreciated
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