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Everything posted by Russe11

  1. Hsbc claim there online statment infomation is correct at the time show when you access the website, its not correct and is never upto date. It does correct before the banking day starts, perhaps the transactions are manually checked after they have gone through at 00 00hours then after the costly part has happened they allow them to appear on your account. Thing is we can only assume as they do not want to tell us the exact workings of the system. Never have I met anyone whos job title included 'charge admin' etc etc hours 24 00 - 08 00 mon - sat, this should account for 1 in 10 jobs in the uk today..... never see them advertised though.
  2. The bank can administer transactions only on a working day, however charges can and are applied at any time. This supports there is no manual intervention. How many items 'bounce' at 00 00 hours each day ? surely there are not enough staff about at this time of the morning to have manual intervention.
  3. exactly the reason why they are not returning money before court action, even if they stop 1 in 10 cases being issued they are making it pay. If somone threatens you with anything, generally you ignore them and walk away or fight back if you think you are right. The banks walk away, turn their backs, refuse to speak to you. They do not turn around and go on the attack because they are right.
  4. payment holiday on a mortage, now we know what that one is..... please run by me the type of holiday you are referring to ? I'm very confused :?
  5. you work for a financial institution or rely on bank as you are in a hole. fully understood
  6. Recent letters from defendents have had what can only be seen as advice on how to manage my own case. They know they are doing this fob you off to various degrees and intimidate, but are they actually allowed to do this ? Example telling you to drop you case etc. when you accept the payment. (though this is a very subtle hint).
  7. Subject Access Request. request all information that come under the DPA to be sent to you. no ifs no buts, the whole lot. If its on a computer and it concerns you, you want it. You should somwhere in the mist of it all have a record of all charges levied on you account. Other than that, pay 3 quid a sheet and make them buy them back once they want to settle out of court. Best bet otherwise is to go for an unknown amount, go for no more than 4k or somthing, one can assume they will soon dig up what they owe in stead of going to court.
  8. They set up the Direct Debit Garentee for just this purpose. Can you really argue it any other way, its just a way of charging people.
  9. to be honest will it get to the right person ? I hope so. awaiting the responce, though I feel it may never materialise.
  10. In my opinion if you are going to start court proccedings then accept half of what you have put on the claim form its just going to get companies trying their luck with everyone. You should go for the full amount then it may make the banks start settling such disputes not only faster but for the full amount before court procedings. If you accept 1k instead of 2 then they have won, they have not had to pay the court fees and they have still profited from it at the end of the day.
  11. Not sure if you can make a DPA request on behalf of another person. I have had several friends ask me can I do it for them, have yet to fully find out all the implications of doing this. You can instruct anyone to be you lay representative as far as i'm aware. Not sure about paying them to do it, unless they are declaring their income. Though I suppose you can give a gift. Like you say it takes time and initial outlay of courtfees and cost of time all in all I would expect each case to take about 20hours in total.
  12. 7X20 = 140 this I'm sure is what you ment certainly they are penalties, you will find that tesco just fronts the background workings
  13. "Given the tight time limits, I would be grateful if you could telephone me upon receipt of this letter, to confirm your acceptance of this offer or otherwise" I have to laugh, who thinks I SHOULD PHONE THEM ?
  14. Why is it not coming up in large red font when they sign up as a member READ FAQs FIRST
  15. often it can be 5 pounds each ! with your postal order you can get your money back so long as they don't cash it. Dpa requestsare £10, if you are lucky and hit a department that has not had "the memo" goes somthing like this. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- MEMO - all staff Where a customer is making a request of statements take either or both actions. 1. Charge the maximum amount for each statment, delaying till they send payment. 2. Where they are making DPA requests, make out the statement information is not covered, forb them off, give them an obsqure address and tell them the DPA is to stop silly customers getting their data, Not entitiling them to ask us for it. please ask your supervisor if you have not had the special "charges" training. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ On a serious note, statments may be sent to you. though data will probally not, if they can avoid it. Note : I think the DPA template needs updating, its not conforming as best it could.
  16. sorry, what was the £5 p/o for ?
  17. well I have given them a precourt notification about the hand set and their contract terms. whether i'll get anywhere I don't know, but I have seen the company in question on watchdog before.
  18. yes I intend on sueing a phone company and a distributor, why ? All because they are acting unlawfully. Using peoples poors ability to manage themselves is one thing, companies acting outside the law exploiting such people is wrong to. or do you disagree
  19. go for court action, the bank has to learn that they should not operate outside the law
  20. most businesses act lawfully to make a profit, what entitles the banks to operate outside the law ?
  21. ask if it is their final stance, and if they are going to comply. If no inform the information commisioner, if they say take it into your own hands SO BE IT. start court action to get your dpa request.
  22. who has posted negatives ?, please direct me to these posts
  23. Russe11

    Credit Cards

    every time you apply for a card, a mark of some decription is recorded on your file. repeated applications and refusals are a weakness on your file.
  24. they did not tell you, for a start thats a complaint. make sure you keep all your complaints seperate from any challenge of thier charges, they will use complaints to delay responces. if its a small amount or recently, challenge them at the branch. Do this before metioning and law etc etc They can return charges at branch level, if not you can go for the closing of all your accounts on that day route(can instigate repayment) If its a large amount they will say no. Then follow standard procedure
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