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Everything posted by Russe11

  1. Russe11


    who is the first defendant please ? or is it all 8 ? thanks
  2. £220 I know see, most likely they will return one of each type back. you will have to pesist... keep us updated though
  3. don't expect to get nowt, you will get a responce..... could give what it will be now ! Then you will go for the pre-court notification, will result in £40 good will geusture. btw how much are you attempting to claim back ?
  4. Russe11

    Bank fine

    a Full Satisfaction letter - A letter outlining the reasons why you want the sum due, the amount and the fact that if this demand is not satisfied, this is the final warning before you take the court action. so you have essentially given them every chance to settle the dispute before starting litigation
  5. long winded, but they might actually get a result before court action. Most likely though is the banks still ignore, as people are complaining and not following up with the court action.
  6. if you are going to COs legal compliance section, go for the SUBJECT ACCESS REQUEST. You want the whole lot, not just statements...... they gave them to me FOC. Capital One do not instruct any one to deal will case afaia, once you get the last 2 charges or a couple of hundred as a good will geusture from the help desk staff they will not budge no further, then if you go court action you will get corraspondance from a ' legal specialist' that appears to have very little understanding of how the system works and seem to be nothing more than admin assistants that are paid to produce letters contain unusual in appropriate advice etc etc.
  7. If you are stong and can go in and control the situation, I would say go in with the mind to get evidence, turn up with a recording device. If you don't want to go, then use what excuse you like..... say a written responce is fine. Its quite possible they are only getting you in to offer a very small amount back, thus getting you to sign. If you go in be prepared to put them on the spot, make sure they address your points. I would go for, but on the other hand I would be very cautious, they are inviting you in, they must have some plan to fob you off. good luck, come and let us know the results
  8. AS far as i'm aware a card misuse charge does not exsist in any hsbc banking contract. Please expand on the reasons you wish to note. In a previous meeting with a branch manager, I brought up the card misuse charges and gave no reference to such a term exsisting in the contract terms and conditions. Sadly I have still not recieved a responce from this meeting.
  9. based on the fact that they say my claim has not legal foundation. I expect the defence to be nothing than a reference to the terms and conditions. though no doubt the monies will be in my posistion before hand. surley they know the score already ?
  10. Will they be going 'IN' or are they sending a 7 day notification.
  11. will they defend ? maybe, you could be the first to find out. Getting them in the court room good luck
  12. Financial Ombudsman, there may well be one there, but finding it ! just saying it could do with structure
  13. Can't see a link in the library ! perhaps it should be a bit more organised and structured ?
  14. I had a payment of 40 as a goodwill, they now are paying the whole lot as out of court settlement(this includes the 40 they have already paid) lesson one don't sign nowt unless its in your interest to do so(more than its worth) Take the goodwills if they are just giving them to you and still take them to court. Ask for all you information in the DPA, not just statments, you never know they might not have the contact you signed ? If they do have it but don't give it to you then they will be breaking the DPA, should win either way.
  15. They have to have their defence entered by the 14th march. so will let you know what they do to me
  16. I wish they told me that one, I'm sure I could of made it more embarrasing for them.
  17. So can I just put on the claim form the term is invalid and did not exsist at the time I agreed the contract. then they will have to prove it was there, and if they do I can contest on other grounds. Surely I can say its an unfair term, as paying 30 a month compared to 4.99 that I should of been charged. I understand how the sale of goods act works, so no problem there.
  18. ask for it back as you think that 4.50p was small oversight, say if they are not prepared to refund then you think that its unfair, no need to quote no law. If they refuse, ask if it is their final stance..... follow up with letter if they don't refund.
  19. single charge likely to be refunded straight away
  20. Any way can you ever say you have brought a maccy Ds product that matched the description/image in the contract ? I would say misleading, yes. On the rare occasion I have had the misfortune of entering such establishments, the products are usually intended to fill hunger. A cost is involved with them providing a service, when they have not fullfilled their obligation, its generally regonised and can get you a refund or other products as compensation. The banks on the other hand, impose penalties due to us breaching the contract between parties, we whold should only compensate them to the value of breech, such as maccy Ds return the sum paid for a unsatisfactory product/ or more products/services to the same or greater value if the feel it makes for customer satisfaction. please expand on your arguement if you feel I have missed the point.
  21. the contract with maccy Ds you pay them for a service, they are not penalising you. If you get the service, the box of fries as you expect..... they have fufilled the contact, they have been paid you are full up. They do not however let you help your self, and if you take more than a portion penalise you for doing so. Much like the pizza hut salad bowl, you only get one bowl. The contract is you can have 1 bowl full for a fee, you take you bowl and pile it high...... however they do not say you can't have a over full bowl then penalise you if you do.
  22. yes but after all we are only "abusing the system" two wrongs make a right They have to lie, its a no win situation for them. They cannot hold the hands up, nor can they stop imposing penalties.
  23. Year 1994-Description Of Occupation name Office clerk Occupation Name : OFFICE CLERK Country Name : INDIA Year : 1994 Exchange Rate Local Currency/us $ (from Imf) : 31.3700008392334
  24. so what they are saying is that the liquidated damages stop after the first 5 charges have been applied. This does not seem to add up, it costs them 125 pound then nothing ? I would ask how come it does not cost them after the first 5 charges, they will either have to say they are over charging on the first 5, or not costing them anything because after 5 they are not losing anything.
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