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  1. Have you applied for another payday loan since defaulting with them? You may have applied with a company affiliated with them where it's hidden in the terms and conditions that you agree to share your information with anyone where you have an outstanding balance. I'd definitely challenge it but if you've done the above your bank may well side with Swift Money I'm afraid.
  2. Legally I imagine if they make that offer then they would have to honour it if you accept it... they may try and get around it by only offering it for a day so by the time you've seen it and replied the offer is gone. They also might be just be highly selective in who they actually give it too... as you have stated in a few other threads they took you to court so I assume they attached a lot of charges and costs to it, so would be silly of them to have spent all that time for the effort of a £2 payment whereas someone who has only just gone in to arrears/defaulted would be accepted as more likely to get the money back quicker. Of course, this assumes they care about the client's financial wellbeing...
  3. Unfortunately I disagree. Modern day football is just as soulless as the companies they parade on the front of their shirts. As long as Wonga keep paying the sponsorship then Blackpool won't have any complaints in having them on their shirts. I did read somewhere though that it was only a one-season Sponsorship so here's hoping they don't renew, eh?!
  4. I would make sure that you get the whole amount back. I've read on other and forums (and possibly on here too) that The Loan Centre will actually keep £5 off it regardless of complaints being issued and what not.
  5. I would definitely worry, fraud is not to be taken lightly! Get in contact with the DMP's and your bank quick! Sorting it out as soon as possible is far better.
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