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  1. I applied for a wonga pay day loan about 3 weeks ago. My application was rejected and i never got a loan. But iv just checked my bank and on the 27/4/2010 wonga have taken a few different totals of money from my bank account totaling to just under £60, All with different Reference numbers and they all came out as a card purchase. I having tried ringing them but no answer. Has this happened to anyone else and can they charge you for a loan you've never had?
  2. got nothing else with the blank CCA Thank you everyone for your replies, they are a great help xx
  3. Around christmas my circumstances changed and i could no longer afford my minimum payment to Studio. I told them this and they oftern give me a few extra days to pay but i still managed to fall behind on my payments. In the end my minimum payments go up to over £100 a month and studio didnt care of circumstances anymore. I stopped paying the payments thinking if i let the debt go to a debt collection agency id have more look with them and id be able to make lower monthly payments. All of the other companys im in debt with took my change of circumstance on board no problem and helped me lower my payments and were a great help. My debt with studio eventualy got passed to Moorcroft who sent me a letter demanding the full balance outstanding. I rang them and explained i couldnt afford this and would they accept a payment plan. The woman i spoke to spoke to me like dirt, she kept laughing at me and was very nasty. In the end she said she would send out an expenditure form. It never arrived and i got more nasty phone calls, each one i spoke to a nasty call handler. I eventually got an expenditure form sent to me and i filled it in and within a few weeks i got a reply saying they had rejected the offer i made them as i had a provident loan that i was managing to keep up repayments to, the woman told me that if i fell into debt with these then id have more money to spread round fairly! I tried explaining i wasnt in debt with these people and didnt want to be, i was trying to get out of debt not add to it. she just kept speaking over me as if she knew best. I filled in another expenditure form with an offer about 30p higher yet they say they havnt recieved that even though i sent it at least a month ago. Yesterday they rang me (again i has a horrible nast woman on the other end of the phone who laughed at my situation again) I told her i could sent a £5 a month payment plan there and then but she kept saying no. I had previously read on here about asking for a copy of the CCA agreement, i asked for that and it took me a while to convince the woman to send me a copy of the one i had signed and sent back. This morning i recieved a blank CCA agreement. I also asked her if all contact could now be done in writing rather than on the phone and again she laughed and she said they had every right to ring me and they will continue to do so. Does anyone know what i can do from here? its really starting to annoy me because i want to get this paid off but they just dont want to help!
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