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Everything posted by havinastella

  1. well, well well. We sent the CCA to NDR on 5th March, nothing at all sent to Moorcroft as we HAD decided to pay the amount owed and claim back the charges. So what do we get today, a letter from Moorcroft (pre court division) Notice of Intended Litigation. Mrs has rung and asked why she has this letter as all payments are up to date and the idiot on the phone had no idea. Maybe it's because NDR and Moorcroft are connected in some way Sosumi, Littlewoods have definately passed the debt to Moorcroft, in fact they have also passed to NDR Not sure what route to take now, anyone up for some fun?
  2. Susomi, thats like asking how long is a piece of string! Like everyone else, we owed the money and made arrangements to pay it. Had no idea about CCA etc! With this one, I may just pay the balance owed and then claim back all the charges. No point disputing ownership of the debt with only £150 left on it! Have sent the S.A.R to littlewoods today which will show they owe me a lot more than I owe them! Thanks for everyones input!
  3. Thanks for the replies! NOW I have a problem, we only owe Littlewoods £150 via Moorcroft (NDR can swiviel as we have proof that we have paid sum owed) If we ask for CCA and it'd not forwarded we get £150 off the debt owed! If we ask for the S.A.R. we reckon that they will owe us nearly £1000. Should we wait for the statements, and if they prove they owe more than we owe them, accept that without the CCA, they are still in the right, altho we'll get it back on the refund of unfair costs? May be a bit fuzzy as I have been out tonight Jogs
  4. Thanks Paul, I have been reading most of the threads on here, I found yours superb reading Looks like you have come a long way since asking that first question!
  5. Right, little update, just checked my paperwork, CapOne replied on 11 Jan 07 with the usual £20 to £12 letter, offered £180, little advise on what letter to send Jogs *on a side note, could someone explain if I have this right. I can claim ALL unfair charges to this account AND I can refuse to pay any money owed on this account if they cannot come up with a CCA*
  6. Shop Direct Financial Services Limited Aintree Innovation Center Park Lane Netherton Bootle L30 1SL Also, is this the address to send the S.A.R. too? Many thanks Jogs
  7. Long story, Mrs got into trouble, debt to Moorcroft in Dec 2006. £600+ owed, she rang and made arrangements to pay £30 a month and has been doing so, Moorcroft asked for increase in payment to £35 a few months ago, Mrs agreed no problem. Not missed a payment. Since the debt was passed to Moorcroft, Littlewoods have sent her a statement every month, saying that she has not paid them and added charges. She has rang them more than 30 times explaining the situation, has been promised that it will be sorted, and continued to get next months statement with charges. Last week, she received a letter from NDR asking for £900+ for this account when there is only £175 left to Moorcroft. She rang NDR who said they will look into it, not had a return call, but Monday another "statement" with £17 added. Now normally we pay our debts, BUT I am so peed off with this whole episode I have talked the Mrs into not paying another penny more until they (Moorcroft can show a CCA) We have sent a standard CCA to NDR to see if they have one, but it seems as we have paid Moorcroft most of the money owed we'll need a slightly amended letter to them explaining why we have stopped paying (or will stop paying) if they have no CCA. I would also like to add the text found in a few other letters claiming back the money paid as there was no debt to collect. In addition to this, I have decided to hound Littlewoods for all the fees charged to the account and will be sending the standard S.A.R tomorrow. Any help with the moorcroft letter would be greatfully received. Jogs
  8. Many thanks Steven. CCA sent to Cabot today 05/03/08)8)8 Recorded Delivery, 12 + 2 should be about 20/03/08. Checking file to see if LBA was sent before. Jogs
  9. BUMP* Been out of action for over a year but feeling well enough to carry on where I left off! My partner received an offer in March last year but we did not accept it. Had some problems soon after and I'm just getting back to my feet. Debt was passed to Caboot who have been very patient after explaining the charges owed to us are worth more than they are claiming so they have no chance. After reading through the threads I have decided to send Caboot the N9 (CCA) letter. Hopefully that will sort out the money owed as they shouldn't have this. Any advise on where I start from in respect to the claim for charges against CapOne? Many thanks Jogs
  10. Fantastic thread Dave, just read it from page one. One thing that scares me is the persistence of these companies. Altho you have played this as a game from day one, single parents, OAP's and most other people would have paid up months ago! You have these ar*eholes by the testicles, yet they won't let go, where do you realistically go from here? Is it time to finally take the bull by the horns and issue harassment proceedings in court? or repayment of the monies paid to them? As good a read as the thread was, after 100's of hours of work by yourself, (and many others) on the thread, you are still right back where you started. I have just started with this company and would love any collective idea's of how to really stick it to them, rather than just dance around the Daisy's for the next 12 months! Jogs
  11. On a slightly different note, if she has paid Moorcroft all that money and they can't prove that she had a credit agreement, can she claim it back from them? Jogs Answer found
  12. These people make me sick. My partners account was passed to Moorcroft in Dec 2006, she has paid £30 a month since bringing the balance from £600+ to just over £200. Since the account was passed to Moorcroft, she has been contacted 100+ times from Littlewoods, via statements, phone calls and letters, asking for payment of this debt. She has rung them every single time to ask what the hell has it got to do with littlewoods as the debt is now with Moorcroft! After six assurances from "Managers" that this problem was now solved, she has received a letter from NDR asking for £900+ and a new statement this morning adding another £17! Any advise greatfully accepted Jogs
  13. Hi, Had a Liability order issued against us on 19th November 2007, attachment of earnings issued and the Mrs company paid it on a company loan. ( She has to pay back £133 a month) Now we thought the matter for the year was closed, but the council sent another letter out saying we owed £240, we thought this was overlooked and the attachment of earnings would have covered this. Guess not, another L/O, another £80 costs, because THEY had made a mistake! So I ring the local council, ask why they had missed it, why another £80 charge and can you waive it. NO, fill in the green form with offer to pay and we will get back to you. Form sent back, offer of £30 per month (on top of AOE £133) went to council on 1st of month and paid the £30. Today we get another attachment of earnings for the £320. Went in person to the council and asked why we had another AOE against us, was informed that on 29/01/08 offer of £30 was rejected (same day AOE) sent out! Never recieved rejection letter (altho it wouldn't have mattered as AOE was sent same time) Can they do this? Just reject without any reason and instigate AOE as they wish? It now seems as we paid the £30 as we said we would, they owe us £30. Sorry for the novel Jogs
  14. Many thanks. This is where I get confused, I thought that was the correct one, but it has the 8% charges on it. Do I just leave those black for the time being? Cheers Alan
  15. Thanks Barty, But I was thinking of the SCHEDULE OF CHARGES. I really don't want to send the wrong one
  16. So, £1442 owed from Lloyds TSB. Could someone suggest the correct Charges template, as I would hate to send the wrong one. Many thanks Alan
  17. OK, Request for payment charges sent today. £528 + £54.32 contractual compounded interest. 14 days and counting.
  18. Lovely, I'll use the other Spreadsheet then Yes, it was a Credit card, Many Thanks UK
  19. Just to check. I'm now sending "Request for payment letter" and "Schedule of charges" Just the total charges of £528 BUT no interest as yet???? Is this correct? Many thanks Alan
  20. So, Capital One have replied first! £528 in charges.
  21. May as well take on these as well as Lloyds TSB SAR sent 30/11/06
  22. Nice and quick reply Thank you for the e-mail. I acknowledge your request for copies of charge transactions on your account, which has been posted to our Gresham Street office. I will confirm with a contact we have there as to whether this has been received and forwarded on to our Copy Statement Unit to be actioned. I would like to point out that we are obliged to provide up to a maximum of 6 years account information. As you correctly state, under DPA guidelines, we are allowed up to 40 days to provide the information you have requested, but hopefully we shall be in a position to respond before then. Regards Keith Boden Lloyds TSB - Customer Service Recovery Birmingham
  23. Just one other thing. SURELY, Lloyds TSB know they are going to pay the claim when it goes the same way as every other one that they have paid out. WHY are they taking every claim to court and paying the extra intrest? There must be ONE clued up member of the solicitors office that realises they are paying back thousands more than is claimed, because they think we will stop proceedings! Or am I just being stupid? Alan
  24. Thanks Sweetpants. I do have one question, I have looked all over the site, but may have missed it. What is fair??? How much do I claim back on each "returned DD" How much on each "£30 a day for being overdrawn" etc Many thanks Alan
  25. Hi all, Superb site, well done to all. Well 28th November 2006, SAR sent. Wish me luck ;-)
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