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Everything posted by vax2002

  1. This will not "end up in court" All you will receive are postal threats. This is because this is an impersonation of authority fake ticket, they will impersonate the real authority held by councils and police, if you ignore them they will impersonate debt collectors and impersonate solicitors. The threats are hollow and empty and they can not effect your credit rating as the "debt" is completely fictitious. Ignore them, do not appeal it is a sham and will be refused, you do not owe them anything, they can NOT sue for invented debts and the law says they can not charge you a penalty or fine. Sit tight, ignore them, you will get template threats and then changes of characters in the impersonation . In the extremely unlikely off chance they did sue, which is a 1i n 2 million chance, they only have a 1/84 chance of winning a correctly defended case, which can be over turned on appeal. So do the maths 2 million 84. . My advice on the other forum saved motorists so much money on a certain money saving forum they "parking companies" took out legal threats to have me and gtfa banned. Do not trust "that" forum, it is now in the hands of [others].
  2. Wheel clamping only "works" because they use menaces and dont let go of the rabbit, using the contract notice as a defence, use your own contract, don't let go of the rabbit . If they want to leave a gift on your vehicle as applied by the terms of the contract entered in to that up to them. fight fire with Fire
  3. clamping relies on you entering in to a contract by reading a posted notice, however this is a two way street and you can post your own "contract" notices on your own property. print and attach the following notice to your car where it can clearly be read: Any article left on or in contact with any part of this vehicle shall be deemed to be a gift and become the property of the owner of the vehicle, by reading this notice you have entered in to a contract and by leaving articles in contact with this vehicle you have agreed to pass ownership of such articles to the owner of this vehicle. If you do not agree with this contract: please refrain from leaving anything in contact with this vehicle.
  4. No they can issue fixed penalty notices which if not paid leads to a court appearance, therefore a process of justice is in force. Private parking fines have no process of justice so a judge can not force fine or forfeiture upon you as it is a private matter, so he can not uphold a fine. The subject of fines issued by private parking wardens by the council is also attempted to be subject to test cases under this bill of right legislation, however campaigners have been unable to get a local council to proceed with enforcement once the bill of rights is presented as defence, they just drop the case, because they know they are on very rocky ground. With respect to court documents, you have a case for automatic strike out of any claim or liability order if you have reasonable evidence to show that the company claiming the money failed to disclose your correct location to the court or that you did not receive the papers allowing you to form a defence, the process to strike out a claim is reliant on the claiment proving other wise. With reference to the local court, a little know dodge is once served you have the right to have your case heard at your local court, you can apply to have the case heard locally and the claimant must pay. This shocks the claimant when they are asked to cough up yet another charge and visit your local court instead of the one around the corner from the office, often this is enough to make them drop it like a hot brick. In short, if it is a private parking notice issued on private land : Remove it, do not open it thus avoiding having a notice served upon you, leave it a the scene. Do not reply to letters, or you have just told them who to harass, just save them and if they go for court, defend the case under the bill of rights. Remember you do not have to provide a private company with ANY information that may incriminate you.
  5. Here is my advice. open and save all letters from the company, do not under any circumstances take the bait and reply, that is exactly what they require, a target to attach the leach to. ignore all correspondence until the extremely unlikely event you receive a official court summons which will be stamped with the court coat of arms. if in the meantime private bailiffs arrive ask them for a copy of any court papers giving them authority, if they have them, make a note of the court and case number instruct the bailiffs the case is subject to appeal and call the police to remove them to "prevent a disturbance of the peace" then issue a appeal on the grounds you were not served papers, the case will intermediately struck out If they have no court papers, immediately call the police and ask them to attend to prevent a disturbance of the peace ask the police to remove them from the property. If you receive county court summons This is where you become involved. look at the document, is this your local county court ? if not write back to the issuing court and ask for the case to be transferred to your local county court. this will require a immediate cash payment of £85 by the company attempting to sue you to move the case to your local county court, or it is struck out. at this point they will not want to pay £85 to sue someone who will not even answer a letter, as well as travel to your location to attend court from a head office, so the towel will most likely get thrown in here. if you do go to court and they turn up, use the defence that the fine is unlawful as under the Bill of rights only a judge has the legal right to levy fine or forfeiture, as this is a fine or forfeiture, the action at this court is in relation to collection of such fine, then demand it be struck out as no processes of justice has occured in relation to the legality of such fine. if the judge decides against you, appeal the decision on the same grounds as above. basically, they have no legal right to issue with a fine under UK law and this is how to fight. never take the bate and reply to bogus letters,it is to admit of guilt. hope this helps
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