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  1. Hi I've just used one of these spreadsheets to calculate my interest which changed it from 2287.36 to 1207.94 but I only worked it out on the bank charges not on the interest I've paid them. Do I need to do that? This claim does go back to the 1/1/97. Thanks nld PS Sorry tried searching for the thread but cannot find it. But I think I divided 8% by the claim and multiplied by the number of days i.e. 10 years.
  2. Hi hagenuk £2,930.78 charges plus interest deducted (deducted?) This is the total of my charges plus the amount of interest Halifax deducted from our account. Sorry I didn't make this very clear. £2,287.36 8% interest at daily rate of £0.64 (how was this calculated?) I'm really sorry but I cannot remember the thread that gave me the this sum but it resulted in a daily figure of 0.64p over 10 years of the claim. This is the bit that I obviously messed up as it should of been 8% of the total figure I presume? £120.00 court fees Sorry I am not making this any clearer nld
  3. Thanks hagenuk I had a letter from them today explaining what they were paying but gave no dates for me to argue over. they asked for proof for the remaining £2991.50. Should I reduce the interest and send them proof of my charges? The interest was worked out from advice from a post and involved multiplying A by B and getting a daily rate. I had originally worked it out at 8% which gave a figure of £801.96 that added to my original £2,930.78 gives a total of 3732.74. This is still 1369.46 short of my claim plus interest. Am I being greedy to persist with the extra amount? They're still not paid back all my charges and any interest on it. Thanks again nld :idea:
  4. Hi All Below is a entry from my posting. Can anyone advise on whether I should touch the money as I have no explanation as to why they have not paid the full amount. Any Ideas please Thanks nld Re: Our Battle With the Halifax PLC Hi All The details of my claim are: - £2,930.78 charges plus interest deducted £2,287.36 8% interest at daily rate of £0.64 £120.00 court fees Total £5338.14 I reduced the claim to £4999.00 to fall under the £5000.00 so I wouldn't be liable for their costs. So my new total is: - £5119.00 I hvae just checked my bank account and see it has been credited with: -:grin: £637.28 £1,726.00 Total £2363.28 Although I am more than chuffed with this I have had no explaining letter from Halifax. If there is anyone still viewing this thread could you please advise me Thanks nld
  5. Thanks Aaronsdad could you tell me where I find MCOL FAQs Thanks again nld
  6. Hi All The details of my claim are: - £2,930.78 charges plus interest deducted £2,287.36 8% interest at daily rate of £0.64 £120.00 court fees Total £5338.14 I reduced the claim to £4999.00 to fall under the £5000.00 so I wouldn't be liable for their costs. So my new total is: - £5119.00 I hvae just checked my bank account and see it has been credited with: - £637.28 £1,726.00 Total £2363.28 Although I am more than chuffed with this I have had no explaining letter from Halifax. If there is anyone still viewing this thread could you please advise me Thanks nld
  7. Hi All Issued the Summons which cost £120.00. The cost is a sliding scale. I now have until the 23rd Nov to hear from them. I'm not sure if this is for them to register or for me to have received it. Can I going ask for a decision on the 23rd or do I need to wait for a few days after that? Niggle:confused:
  8. What steps of the plan have you followed so far? Have you got all your statements to prove charges? Niggle
  9. UPDATE Just had a second offer from Halifax PLC. £336.00 which apparently constitutes 6 months charges. And so onto step 3. Thanks for the reply unlawful is definetly a better use of words Thanks again niggle
  10. Hi All Nice to see we're not the only ones in this situation. Even better to see is there's some one who cares enough to run a helpful site like this. Having read the info on the site we decided to do battle with this well advertised but completely sterile and un-caring bank. During 1998 because of health reasons I was on prolonged sick leave, which included 6 months with half pay and a period of time with no pay and ended with me taking early retirement. Twice we approached the Halifax for help in a very difficult and trying time. Twice they said no and offered no advice whatsoever as to how we could help ourselves. One of these requests was simply an extension on our overdraft (£450.00) of £50.00 so a direct debit would not bounce. It was refused. We had been with the bank in excess of 5 years at that time with both our wages being paid into it. In the end from our own volition we cancelled all DD $ SO paying directly to the companies, who I might add were far more helpful. The Battle So Far I submitted the letter requesting statements and specified the date of 1st Jan 1997. I know they only have to keep 6 years records but I thought I'd try it on. Within the prescribed time I had about 30 enevelopes containing copy statements from the 1st January 1997 to date. I put all the figures into a schedule and my grand total came to £2930.79. I sent this schedule plus 'The First Letter' to the Halifax PLC. Within the 14 days I received a response including an offer to repay £112.00 and only for the period of 6 years. I have just sent the 'Letter Before Action' so I am now waiting for their answer. Rightly or wrongly I added the following paragraph to the letter because of their paragraph on the 6 year limit. Furthermore you state in paragraph 5 that you are only required to keep records for 6 years and therefore will not offer money prior to that date. However I have statements covering the full period so can prove the charges prior to that date. What the law and regulations state regarding the length of time you must keep records has no bearing on what I can prove in a court of law with regard to your unfair and illegal charges. Any views on this paragraph would be appreciated. I will continue the story as it unfolds. Once again thanks for eveyones advice and this site particularly. I will contribute some finance ASAP:) Thanks NLD
  11. The landlord has to give 24 hours written notice to enter property AND HE CAN ENTER PROPERTY AT THAT POINT. Be very careful and read all of your tenancy agreement. Seek legal advice or consult 'Shelter' they really are the best people to advice nld
  12. If that is your concern look up your local 'Shelter' branch they will probably have a clinic near you where they give free advice and may take on your case if you suffer problems. They may even sue the landlord with you if they act illegally. As last post stated if anything happens without a court order or baliff's you can involve the police and there are criminal offence landlords can be prosecuted for. AND the landlord will have to let you back into the property until the courts say differently.
  13. It doesn't mean she can't start an action but she will have to prove on the court date your arrears. If you pay monthly up front. You will be in arrears but for a mandatory order to get you out she will have to show 2 months arrears and for discretionary it will be 2 weeks. The end of the month will come first. Does your deposit cover your arrears?
  14. I can understand you have rent arrears thats why you are being evicted and I understand you have paid a deposit/bond. A lot of our clients as well as paying a deposit bond they have to pay so many weeks rent in advance. If you had to pay say, 4 weeks in advance and you are only 3 weeks in arrears then you have no rent arrears and therefore no grounds for eviction. Obviously you're going to loose your deposit/bond when you leave because of the rent arrears.(sorry if that seems patronosing) If you are less than 8 weeks in arrears there are no mandatory grounds for the landlord getting accelerated possesion Hope it some help and makes sense nld
  15. The landlord has to give you 28 days notice to quit. Then another 28 days notice to vacant possesion under sec 21 Housing Act 1988. This has to be served in a specific format containing specified information. Both of these can be served at the same time so can technically expire on the same day. Then the LL has to apply to court for vacant possesion can take up to 3/4 weeks can be fast tracked but still unlikely to take less than 14 days. This will specify the date you have to be out. If you haven't gone by then they have to get an eviction order from court which is only enforceable by baliff's who are the only people who can legally physically take you from the property. The landlord cannot change locks or take your stuff even after tenancy expires The Baliffs have to do it. I would be interested to know if you paid rent in advance and/or bond money?
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