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Everything posted by ticketvictim

  1. I've cancelled it now - I must admit tho, the email they sent me was quite amusing. After they had debited the contracted price from my credit card Good Morning, Thank you for your e-mail. Please see attached for your original e-mail, the response is below which you replied to. On calculation we could group the items you have requested differently meaning you would get more expensive items for free but that would still leave a total to be paid of £101.99. You would receive the following breakdown; 304600085 - £329.99 304600088 - £259.99 304600088 – free with 3 for 2 304600087 – 279.99 304600093 – 119.99 304600093 – free with 3 for 2 Plus delivery is a total of 1088.96, you have already paid £986.97 so this would leave a balance of £101.99. Please note that the previous quote was human error and Bensons reserve the right to withdraw any incorrect offer due to genuine mistakes under the Pricing Practices Guide. and I thought the PPG was for my benefit as a consumer ... nothing more to add really that hasn't been mentioned before about these. If the whole organisation runs off these ethics - guess it won't be long before the new merger has an additional hoarding on the shop livery "Harveys / Bensons for Beds / To let"
  2. Asked for a quote on line for their best deal - got asked to phone next day and would get a good deal 3 for 2 on bedroom furniture. Rang, got deal and placed order. It was a good deal. Next day gets a call - they tell me they mixed up the quotel - they're asking me for more money to cover an item as stated in their (T&C's) I have instantly responded with a Subject Access request informing them they must give me a copy of their internal data if it holds my name address and any other demographics. Not sure if I should just tell them to stick it, but I also read if i cancel there is a 20% cancellation fee. Really don't seem to be the best of the bunch by any stretch.
  3. I'll post this on a couple of threads I've contributed to before to get maximum exposure for people looking for evidence of Excel being able to do nothing. It's now Aug 2013 and I got my ticket at Wakefiled from Excel in Dec 2009 - I've had all the blurb, the three Excel parking letters, the Sobel letters and the Debt collector agency letters - and after all this time I've not parted with a penny. Plenty of time spent complaining to the ICO and the DVLA with FOI requests about this companies operations - so much so, I think they're still currently banned from the DVLA database. Here's living proof if you need it - I got one, three years plus - and nadda from them ! Cowardly bully boys the lot of them.
  4. I'll post this on a couple of threads I've contributed to before to get maximum exposure for people looking for evidence of Excel being able to do nothing. It's now Aug 2013 and I got my ticket at Wakefiled from Excel in Dec 2009 - I've had all the blurb, the three Excel parking letters, the Sobel letters and the Debt collector agency letters - and after all this time I've not parted with a penny. Plenty of time spent complaining to the ICO and the DVLA with FOI requests about this companies operations - so much so, I think they're still currently banned from the DVLA database. Here's living proof if you need it - I got one, three years plus - and nadda from them ! Cowardly bully boys the lot of them.
  5. In that case I feel really sorry for the employees that legitmately go about their companies business and have no idea the misery and upset they cause with their cloned official looking documentation - but aren't most on a bonus scheme ? where do they think that money comes from. in my eyes I tar all Excel employees with the same brush - stories I've read from comlainants about hiding behind cars, bin liners over ticket machines, lost appeals .. nah it happens at all levels of that company, you've got a good heart mate - but I think it this case in my opinion it's a little over forgiving on this occasion. I don't forget easily that stress and upset they caused me, at a time I could have done without it, and I had a legit ticket too
  6. It's now Nov 2012 and I've not heard anything from Excel, roxburgh or mr white (graham sobil) the solictor in well over a year so I got my 1st letter Dec 2009 now three years on, nothing came of it. no change my side - on Excel parking, I now see all the constant bombarding of the DVLA with FOI's and other citizens comaplaining to their BPA complaints section - Excel and few others have been banned from the DVLA database - short as it might be, it's a win for us all. Nicely timed too - wouldn't it be ironic if they can't send those letters out because they can't trace the car owners and it led to Excel being underfunded and it's employees all being laid off, put on short time and having wage reductions. Then having to spend their christmas scared of receiving final demands and solicitors letters from the utility companies ... now that would be too much to ask Santa for wouldn't it.
  7. just out of interest - what year reg is your car .. don't put the whole reg or model .. just the year of manufacture - or could you say if it was made in the last say three years ? don't worry .. the whole process on their part is electronic and automated - they send tens of thousands of these letters each year - saying your year of manufacture won't identify you. mine was a 2009 plate ... I believe that part of the business model is to send these bills to hire car companies who just pay up then pass on the excess charge to the hirer (it's in the agreement), then those not under a hire agreement - general man in the street who's bought their own, have this exciting paper trail to follow.
  8. This word "harrassment" comes up frequently in several recent posts. The DVLA have to supply details under a clause about assisiting in the identification of a person committing a crime. However, equally fair is the clause that the company using that information can not enter into any action that is classed as harrassment - or they will lose their right to request such info. I'm not overly sure if you have an outstanding issue or argument, whether they can pass your details to any third party either. Someone much better versed in the ways of DPA might be able to answer that ? but that's why it probably says on each letter questioning that in their opinion the matter raised is closed and no further correspondance on that matter will be entered into. It's probably worth asking the DVLA under a FOI for a list of all the current PPC's that have access electronically (although there is a list on their site) and then ask for a history over the last say three years for any that have had that revoked and for what reason. The DVLA have done banning or revoking with tax payers money so the DVLA have to tell you what you want (so long as it doesn't take over the allocated amount). Now that could be a FOI worth requesting - and it's free. If you really get fed up - ask the PCC for a subject access request on your details - by law they must give you an exact copy of all information that identifies you personally or someone could identify you from the info they hold (address, reg, postcode and DOB etc) it has to be correct, upto date and the minimum in requriement too - unfortunately that info is not free to you and the PPC can charge you upto the maximum of £10 for everything as set by the Information Commissioners Office. If they can't or if they supply inadequate amounts of information and you believe they hold more - then you can report them. Eventually they will lose their rights as a data processor - it's hard to keep on the ball with increasiing numbers of requests. And at only £10 per time - saying they are overloaded to extend the allowed timeframe just goes to show they have exceeded their safe data managment capacity....
  9. Stavros - I do remember that statement too about it being better to pay than go through the whole nerve racking experience. However, I believe the context may have been mis understood. From memory it's from a young lady, who enquires quite a few times about what if this and that happens, bailiffs come to the door, I go to court and all the nasty things in the Excel letters come true. Its a comment by a high poster saying something on the lines of, if the 1st letter is scaring you so much, then the best thing to do is give in and pay - because they get worse as the process gets underway. I think on letter one she stated she was at her wits end and can't live with anymore stress. Which really is what this whole business model is built on. Apart from that - maybe an odd troll or PPC employee has registered and recommended everyone to pay up. I don't think any legit CAG forum member would ever say to pay up - I didn't, I looked for the evidence, rang around, dropped a few FOI's to the county courts and DVLA about Excel .. and still couldn't find any evidence that it had ever been successfull in recent years - so simply ignored everyone of the letters. Apparntly though a PPC did once take a very high profile case all the way, and lost, with a judgement on free parking being outstayed being over turned.
  10. Niclou76 - I think this is the voice in the dark you are listening for. This happened to me, nearly two years ago in the same car park - George Street in Wakey. I unfortunately but like most, replied before looking further on places like this and started the appeal process. What I would do is everyone says - just ignore or if you want a safety cusion - ask trading standards in wakefield, they are aware of Excel Parking. They have to toe the line about sanctions for illegal practices - but overstaying a ticket, what have you done ? used up a space they could have sold to a paying customer for an hour ? anyone who knows Wakey and George Street must see the number of users dropping month by month. There's now a sign saying park all day for £5 - time will soon be up on that patch of land I think. If you're interested and have time - why not put an FOI into the DVLA asking for the number of requests made by Excel so far this year - you may see the size of the industry that is in place. In 2009 similar requests brought back very high figures - maybe it's time trading standards should review if they find Renshaw-Smith's business model a little different to what he was portrayed in the wakefield press - something about abbassodors of parking. You'll get the set I'm sure .. two excel, two Graham White (aka Michael Sobell) and then one from Roxburgh that seems the usual practice. some of the letters do get a bit frightening - which is good, because this is against the DPA clause that Excel use to get your details from the DVLA - they use a clause around detecting a crime, but are no allowed to use that information for any form of harrassment.
  11. If the poster had bought a ticket for an hour and over stayed then I'd agree DBC. However in my opinion, every opportunity must be made to recompensate everyone who has had stress at the hands of this multi million pound company - let's face it - they aren't a public service are they ? and if they are running a shoddy buisness like this and requesting personal information incorrectly - what other reckless action can they be doing with that data ? it opens the door for an assessment. They bend the rules - send threatening mail, pursue what are often seen as those cases needing fairness or turning a blind eye. I'm talking about health workers, family helping disabled persons, or even relatives or persons undertaking end of life care. Why not make life hard for them - everyone ignoring Excel and not making a complaint will never remove this attack on our civil liberty that allows them to get personal details from a government agency. Without pursuing these things - we wouldn't know that Excel them selves gathered in excess of 51,000 car registered keepers details in 2009 ?
  12. If you've bought a ticket and they have got your details and pursued you wrongly - then you have many options. I'd got to the trading standards for one - email them requesting a follow up telephone call with an officer and ask them to investigate. Defo the ICO would be worth notifying - also as you have been wrongly accused I'd get in touch with Excel and demand a full subject access request - this will give you a copy of your details sent to the DVLA and why they think they had reasonable cause - by law it has to give a copy of everything they hold that identifies you, they can charge you £10 for it - but they have to collate an awfull lot of information - anything they fail to supply you think they have - you can report to the ICO. Very embarrassing for them. You could also ask the ICO as an injured party for an assessment of how Excel have managed your information as you obviously have been incorrectly accused.
  13. More than anything, it's these type of assurances most people are after. They are pretty few and far between on the forums. Please see below - fact to present I got a PCN through the post last Novemeber (2009) from Excel Parking - I've had all the letters, including Roxburghes and Graham White. Not heard anything for a good couple of months. They do stop, I've just bought a telly at tesco with the money I saved up "just in case" yours - the not so ticketvitim in the end.
  14. What you see is really the efficient machine behind the whole [problem]. Although I've requested FOI's on several occasions from the DVLA I've been denied as they require excessive work to get me the details. Ideal environment for PPC follows - Lease car overstays, PPC sends invoice to Lease company, company pays without dispute and recharges onto car leasing customer. Leasing customer has no choice, PPC have no battle and [problem] goes through flawless with almost zero cost to them and they get the full premium. I'd tried to find out from DVLA how many of the 51,000 requests for registered keepers details they asnwered to one PPC last year broke down into cars 1, 2 and 3 yrs old - I'd guess most of them. but those auto pay cases are really what makes the whole process a money maker for the PPC's - maximum income, minimum outlay... sad - but with constant lobying I'm sure we'll get there - just like with the clampers
  15. Hey, there's a bunch of those shortly nolonger to be able to make a killing out of this misery slogging it out on here. http://www.lynnefeatherstone.org/2010/08/wheel-clamp-ban-survey.htm apparantly they think banning clamping is unfair and the worlds going to fall apart. Not sure if it's just one person multi spamming - but if so, they're pretending to be the whole pack ! even an accolade to the good character of Renshaw-Smith and all the hard work he does on his ... wait for it ! service for the good of Joe Public
  16. buffy there are a couple of things you can do. (a) contact the DVLA by email and head a mail FREEDOM OF INFORMATION act request (FOIa) ask them how many registered keepers details Excel parking have asked for this year or last. (b) you'll get this from them within 20 working days - then send this info to your local Trading standards - asking if a company that deals in parking should be amassing the figure (it's a massive number I'll tell you !) Surely if they are running their business correctly and not just running a [problem] should not change their operating practices so you pay on leaving. If this many issues arise each year on year - any decent organisation would fit barriers that take tickets - not boast about installing latest technology to identify vehicles leaving. ask them for advice and maybe if they think like us along the lines that they need to investigate further. the FOI will take you two mins in outlook the message when it comes will take you another two mins to the trading stds .. max time 10 mins of your life .. question is how much of your sleep have excel stolen from you with their letters and stress ? FOIa is free, TS message is free as a citizen ... and all information requests they should comply.
  17. Guess I'm on my last stage too now, Got a letter from Roxburghe this morning. With a £141 fee. I'm sure what I want for peace of mind is out there somewhere - but where can I find confirmation that if :- Excel, Roxburghe or Graham White decided to pick someone out of hat to pursue further and it was me - what's the worse that could happen ? I keep ignoring all letters from them, although I guess if my case went further then I would be in a good position - they divulged other peoples details to me Turned down two subject access requests sent correspondance naming other parties I don't know oh yes - and I do have a ticket too - although it might not cover the entire duration they have the vehicle logged for. Although they have not responded at all to any of the requests about the certification of the CCTV operatives or the calibration of their equipment. I've told them I am in dispute. so if it did go further - what would the process be, I receive something from a court civil I guess not crown court ? what is the process then do you get chance to argue before hand, could you make an absolute last minute payment to avoid legal proceedings is it possible to get a CCJ from a civil proceeding I've also been requesting FOIa from the DVLA - I know in 2009 51,000 requests were made by Excel for peoples details. The DVLA gained over £100,000 fees for this info - although they tell me it's non profit making. I then requested an understanding of those vehicles details requested in 2009 how many were 1 yr, 2 yr, 3yr old (ignoring all private plated vehicles) to which they declined due to the amount of work it entailed being over the mandated allowed time.
  18. Excel parking services ltd jobs in UK ? GoYocal.com shows the calibre litigation manager they are after ...
  19. Now this could be different - if you have a ticket and it was displayed, then they have wrongly represented themselves to the DVLA in order to get your personal information. When did the ticket fall off, when did someone notice, maybe it fell off when you opened the door. If you have the right number plate on the ticket - why not try and complain to the Information Commissioners office around unfair processing of your data ? or just ignore them .. it wouldn't stand up anywhere - not the local and certainly not a court. Where is the proof that there was no ticket .. gawd knows Excel parking ambassadors are profficient in the use of video cameras.
  20. http://www.marycreagh.co.uk/?id=761 Excels number one Fan ? ..... NOT
  21. maybe we should start a thread with the "supposed names" of those people writing the letters ? can a ficticious name send a legal letter .. and so what if they're real, let them take the shame - move on get a life, get a proper job help others. Like me - I was trying to make things better for man kinds health when they decided to identify me for over stopping 10 mins even though their nearest machine was broken ! If they are only patrolling a car park for someone else , complain to the owners about excel. Draw attention to notes like cars parked at owners risk. Use comments like "yes, but only if all bays are clearly marked and of identical size, you have different size bays divided up by lines you have drawn, you are responsible or better still accountable !" - go round with a tape measure and note pad, tell the manager what you're doing and why - you're taking up the fight against these so called partners of theirs.
  22. Not really sure about this company - I'd like to know how many people they actually took to court last year or ever have. I believe in 2009 they made over 50,000 requests for vin numbers from the DVLA. There Sole director is reported as earning £500,000 last year - and in the wakefield press advised everyone he was running a parking company and had not set his company as a parking enforcement agency. Anyone who has been falsely accused and won against Excel, should write and complain to the ICO (inf commisioners office) stating your data has been used in a dubious manner and ask for an assessment of how and why the DVLA release their information and what is the "reasonable" support for Excel asking. Reading the internet, they have once lost this connection - and maybe the right complaints to the ICO will shutdown this avenue for them and others. Wakefield press give very good support. More importantly - they have lost one case, with the judge ruling that the fine was overly excessive, and over compensated either a free or overstayed ticket.
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