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Everything posted by madsam

  1. Just did answer the question. Can't see any questions from you.
  2. RBS and NW - received their letters just last week informing of the pending 60 days. Is there anything I can do to hold on to my accounts?
  3. How do I serve them with a Subject Access Request? How much does it cost? Will this tell me why they reached this decision?
  4. Really, why will they forget in 7 years? It's 6 years before they're off my credit file, but they declined my application before even doing a credit search.
  5. Yes, HSBC nearly a year ago, now RBS/NW. I need to hold on this time, what to do??? Is there anything? I think they think I'm using personal accounts for business purposes, but the fact is I just receive personal payments from a lot of people. But as they won't give any details I can't be sure, or attempt to appeal to prove them wrong, they won't hear it.
  6. HSBC "ended their banking relationship" with me 8 months ago. I recently tried opening a new account with them in a different branch and it was automatically declined with reference to the letter ending the banking relationship last year. Does this mean I'm banned from HSBC for life? Is there anything I can do about this? I'd give anything to have my account with them back.
  7. HSBC "ended their banking relationship" with me 8 months ago. I recently tried opening a new account with them in a different branch and it was automatically declined with reference to the letter ending the banking relationship last year. Does this mean I'm banned from HSBC for life? Is there anything I can do about this? I'd give anything to have my account with them back.
  8. My main current account and savings accounts are with RBS. Never gone overdrawn or done anything wrong, been a perfect customer. One day out of nowhere a letter from them tells me that they're terminating the banking facilities following a review and I have 60 days to make alternative banking arrangements. This is a huge problem for me, I know some of you are just going to say move to another bank but it really isn't that simple. This is the response I received from Customer Relations after filing a complaint asking why this decision had been made, offering to make any changes to accomodate to allow me to continue banking and informing that if this is based on discrimination then it will be referred to the FSA and FOS; "Thank you for your patience while I have been investigating your complaint emailed to my colleague. Leigh no longer works in this department and forwarded your email to us to be investigated and replied to. In reply to your complaint regarding the difficulties that you have experienced concerning the block placed on your access to digital banking and bank accounts with us and the subsequent closure of your accounts. I regret that I have very little to add to the Bank’s previous correspondence. I am permitted to confirm that the Bank was required to comply with its statutory obligations, which resulted in a block being applied to your accounts and digital banking access. Regrettably, the statutory obligations also mean that the Bank is unable to discuss the specific details in these circumstances. Additionally, and in reference to the imminent closure of your accounts, the Bank’s Terms and Conditions state, ‘We can close your account immediately if: (a) we reasonably suspect that you have given us false information; or (b) we reasonably suspect that your account is being used for an illegal purpose; or © you behave in a threatening or violent manner towards our staff; or (d) you were not entitled to open your account. We can also close your account on giving you notice as set out below: (a) where your account is a Payment Account, we will give you not less than 60 days’ prior notice; or (b) where your account is a Non-payment Account, other than an account of fixed duration (such as a bond), we will give you not less than 60 days’ prior notice or such period of notice as you would have to give us in order to close your account (or to close it without paying a charge or suffering a loss of interest), whichever is longer.’ If you have an account of fixed duration (such as a bond), we can only close your account under General Condition 7.1.1. The Bank is under no legal obligation to disclose the reasoning behind our decision in this regard. I sympathise greatly with your situation and do not doubt the strength of your feelings. Whilst I am truly sorry that this matter has caused you a great deal of distress and inconvenience, in consideration of the facts within your case, and our statutory obligation, I regret that I am unable to provide you with the clarification you seek or overturn the Bank’s decision to date. I am sorry to have to write to you in such disappointing terms. However, I hope that, on reflection, you will feel able to accept my conclusion of your complaint on this occasion. " I think they think I'm breaking some of the terms and conditions but won't allow me to appeal or prove otherwise. I've offered to make any changes or provide anything they require to resolve this but they're not discussing anything. I think they do have the right to make this decision but I must hold on to these accounts. Please help me keep my bank!
  9. My main current account and savings accounts are with RBS. Never gone overdrawn or done anything wrong, been a perfect customer. One day out of nowhere a letter from them tells me that they're terminating the banking facilities following a review and I have 60 days to make alternative banking arrangements. This is a huge problem for me, I know some of you are just going to say move to another bank but it really isn't that simple. This is the response I received from Customer Relations after filing a complaint asking why this decision had been made, offering to make any changes to accomodate to allow me to continue banking and informing that if this is based on discrimination then it will be referred to the FSA and FOS; "Thank you for your patience while I have been investigating your complaint emailed to my colleague. Leigh no longer works in this department and forwarded your email to us to be investigated and replied to. In reply to your complaint regarding the difficulties that you have experienced concerning the block placed on your access to digital banking and bank accounts with us and the subsequent closure of your accounts. I regret that I have very little to add to the Bank’s previous correspondence. I am permitted to confirm that the Bank was required to comply with its statutory obligations, which resulted in a block being applied to your accounts and digital banking access. Regrettably, the statutory obligations also mean that the Bank is unable to discuss the specific details in these circumstances. Additionally, and in reference to the imminent closure of your accounts, the Bank’s Terms and Conditions state, ‘We can close your account immediately if: (a) we reasonably suspect that you have given us false information; or (b) we reasonably suspect that your account is being used for an illegal purpose; or © you behave in a threatening or violent manner towards our staff; or (d) you were not entitled to open your account. We can also close your account on giving you notice as set out below: (a) where your account is a Payment Account, we will give you not less than 60 days’ prior notice; or (b) where your account is a Non-payment Account, other than an account of fixed duration (such as a bond), we will give you not less than 60 days’ prior notice or such period of notice as you would have to give us in order to close your account (or to close it without paying a charge or suffering a loss of interest), whichever is longer.’ If you have an account of fixed duration (such as a bond), we can only close your account under General Condition 7.1.1. The Bank is under no legal obligation to disclose the reasoning behind our decision in this regard. I sympathise greatly with your situation and do not doubt the strength of your feelings. Whilst I am truly sorry that this matter has caused you a great deal of distress and inconvenience, in consideration of the facts within your case, and our statutory obligation, I regret that I am unable to provide you with the clarification you seek or overturn the Bank’s decision to date. I am sorry to have to write to you in such disappointing terms. However, I hope that, on reflection, you will feel able to accept my conclusion of your complaint on this occasion. " I think they think I'm breaking some of the terms and conditions but won't allow me to appeal or prove otherwise. I've offered to make any changes or provide anything they require to resolve this but they're not discussing anything. I think they do have the right to make this decision but I must hold on to these accounts. Please help me keep my bank!
  10. My main current account and savings accounts are with NW. Never gone overdrawn or done anything wrong, been a perfect customer. One day out of nowhere a letter from them tells me that they're terminating the banking facilities following a review and I have 60 days to make alternative banking arrangements. This is a huge problem for me, I know some of you are just going to say move to another bank but it really isn't that simple. This is the response I received from Customer Relations after filing a complaint asking why this decision had been made, offering to make any changes to accomodate to allow me to continue banking and informing that if this is based on discrimination then it will be referred to the FSA and FOS; "Thank you for your patience while I have been investigating your complaint emailed to my colleague. Leigh no longer works in this department and forwarded your email to us to be investigated and replied to. In reply to your complaint regarding the difficulties that you have experienced concerning the block placed on your access to digital banking and bank accounts with us and the subsequent closure of your accounts. I regret that I have very little to add to the Bank’s previous correspondence. I am permitted to confirm that the Bank was required to comply with its statutory obligations, which resulted in a block being applied to your accounts and digital banking access. Regrettably, the statutory obligations also mean that the Bank is unable to discuss the specific details in these circumstances. Additionally, and in reference to the imminent closure of your accounts, the Bank’s Terms and Conditions state, ‘We can close your account immediately if: (a) we reasonably suspect that you have given us false information; or (b) we reasonably suspect that your account is being used for an illegal purpose; or © you behave in a threatening or violent manner towards our staff; or (d) you were not entitled to open your account. We can also close your account on giving you notice as set out below: (a) where your account is a Payment Account, we will give you not less than 60 days’ prior notice; or (b) where your account is a Non-payment Account, other than an account of fixed duration (such as a bond), we will give you not less than 60 days’ prior notice or such period of notice as you would have to give us in order to close your account (or to close it without paying a charge or suffering a loss of interest), whichever is longer.’ If you have an account of fixed duration (such as a bond), we can only close your account under General Condition 7.1.1. The Bank is under no legal obligation to disclose the reasoning behind our decision in this regard. I sympathise greatly with your situation and do not doubt the strength of your feelings. Whilst I am truly sorry that this matter has caused you a great deal of distress and inconvenience, in consideration of the facts within your case, and our statutory obligation, I regret that I am unable to provide you with the clarification you seek or overturn the Bank’s decision to date. I am sorry to have to write to you in such disappointing terms. However, I hope that, on reflection, you will feel able to accept my conclusion of your complaint on this occasion. " I think they think I'm breaking some of the terms and conditions but won't allow me to appeal or prove otherwise. I've offered to make any changes or provide anything they require to resolve this but they're not discussing anything. I think they do have the right to make this decision but I must hold on to these accounts. Please help me keep my bank!
  11. My main current account and savings accounts are with RBS. Never gone overdrawn or done anything wrong, been a perfect customer. One day out of nowhere a letter from them tells me that they're terminating the banking facilities following a review and I have 60 days to make alternative banking arrangements. This is a huge problem for me, I know some of you are just going to say move to another bank but it really isn't that simple. This is the response I received from Customer Relations after filing a complaint asking why this decision had been made, offering to make any changes to accomodate to allow me to continue banking and informing that if this is based on discrimination then it will be referred to the FSA and FOS; "Thank you for your patience while I have been investigating your complaint emailed to my colleague. Leigh no longer works in this department and forwarded your email to us to be investigated and replied to. In reply to your complaint regarding the difficulties that you have experienced concerning the block placed on your access to digital banking and bank accounts with us and the subsequent closure of your accounts. I regret that I have very little to add to the Bank’s previous correspondence. I am permitted to confirm that the Bank was required to comply with its statutory obligations, which resulted in a block being applied to your accounts and digital banking access. Regrettably, the statutory obligations also mean that the Bank is unable to discuss the specific details in these circumstances. Additionally, and in reference to the imminent closure of your accounts, the Bank’s Terms and Conditions state, ‘We can close your account immediately if: (a) we reasonably suspect that you have given us false information; or (b) we reasonably suspect that your account is being used for an illegal purpose; or © you behave in a threatening or violent manner towards our staff; or (d) you were not entitled to open your account. We can also close your account on giving you notice as set out below: (a) where your account is a Payment Account, we will give you not less than 60 days’ prior notice; or (b) where your account is a Non-payment Account, other than an account of fixed duration (such as a bond), we will give you not less than 60 days’ prior notice or such period of notice as you would have to give us in order to close your account (or to close it without paying a charge or suffering a loss of interest), whichever is longer.’ If you have an account of fixed duration (such as a bond), we can only close your account under General Condition 7.1.1. The Bank is under no legal obligation to disclose the reasoning behind our decision in this regard. I sympathise greatly with your situation and do not doubt the strength of your feelings. Whilst I am truly sorry that this matter has caused you a great deal of distress and inconvenience, in consideration of the facts within your case, and our statutory obligation, I regret that I am unable to provide you with the clarification you seek or overturn the Bank’s decision to date. I am sorry to have to write to you in such disappointing terms. However, I hope that, on reflection, you will feel able to accept my conclusion of your complaint on this occasion. " I think they think I'm breaking some of the terms and conditions but won't allow me to appeal or prove otherwise. I've offered to make any changes or provide anything they require to resolve this but they're not discussing anything. I think they do have the right to make this decision but I must hold on to these accounts. Please help me keep my bank!
  12. No, it wasn't just a threat they've gone ahead and done it. I tried opening another account, as HSBC have certain features that are useful to me that I won't go into so don't say just go somewhere else, but they just referred to the letter saying that they ended the banking relationship. My main question is how long is the ban for? I know after a failed application it stays on file for 8 months, but is this different? A year? 6 years (when they're no longer on my credit file)? Forever? Sorry I'm new to this forum, how do I seek a more experienced advisor's opinion on here?
  13. I won't go into too much detail, I had some problems with HSBC and they informed me that they were "ending their banking relationship with me" and closing all my accounts immediately. Does this mean that I will never be able to open an account or bank with HSBC ever again? I've already taken my business elsewhere, but HSBC have some things I like, does anybody know have they barred me for life? Or is it just for a year, 6 years, ...?
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