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Everything posted by polarbear123

  1. Great news a few days ago my wife received a letter from BCS and they have discontinued the claim in its entirety.My wife is very pleased she has been worrying about this despite my reassurance it was statute barred anyway good news for 2016.
  2. Thank you everyone for your advice and support. They have not contacted us since acknowledging my wife's defense. They included an expenditure form in their reply and asked us to fill it in including our bank details apparently to help with their inquiries they must think we are stupid.
  3. Thank you everyone for all the replies. I have checked my wife's file and it is headed "Credit Card from Lowell Portfolio 1 Ltd" there is only one year listed which is 2010. The default date is stated as March 2010 there are no other entries this is the date of the first letter received from Lowell. We have not corresponded with Marbles or any of their representatives or made any payments since 2009.
  4. Name of the Claimant ? Lowell portfolio LTD Date of issue – . 2nd October 2015 (responded with defence 2nd Oct 2015) What is the claim for – 1.The claimants claim is for the sum of £2866.36 being monies due from the defendant to the defendant under an agreement Regulated by the consumer act 1974 between the defendant and Marbles Under account reference ***************** And assigned to the claimant 21/08/2012 notice of which has been given to the defendant 2.The defendant failed to maintain contractual repayment under the terms of the agreement and a default notice has been served which has not been complied with 3.And the claimant claims£2866.36 The claimant also claims statuary interest pursuant to s.69 of the county court act 1984 at a rate of 8% per annum From the agreed date of assignment of the agreement To date but limited to a maximum of one year and a maximum of 1000 amounting to 229.29 What is the value of the claim? £3360.65 Is the claim for a current account (Overdraft) or credit/loan account or mobile phone account? Credit card When did you enter into the original agreement before or after 2007? Agreement date 2003 Has the claim been issued by the original creditor or was the account assigned and it is the Debt purchaser who has issued the claim. lowells Were you aware the account had been assigned – did you receive a Notice of Assignment? No Did you receive a Default Notice from the original creditor? No have not received any letters from Marbles Have you been receiving statutory notices headed “Notice of Default sums” – at least once a year ? No Why did you cease payments? I was the only wage earner and left work under medical advice due to serious ill health What was the date of your last payment? Early 2009 Was there a dispute with the original creditor that remains unresolved? No Did you communicate any financial problems to the original creditor and make any attempt to enter into a debt management plan? Yes I contacted them 2008/2009 and explained our situation they could not have been less sympathetic or unhelpful I hope this helps
  5. We really need some advice. My wife received paperwork from MCOL concerning a debt with Lowell's. The original debt letters said Lowell were representing Marbles. The debt I think was defaulted early 2009 (could be earlier) so it would now be statute barred but Lowell added a default to my wife's credit records March 2010. I am unwell and disabled and my wife sufferers serious mental health problems and is epileptic we really don't need to be dealing with the courts on top of everything else .I responded and entered a defence for her 7 weeks ago based on the fact the debt should be statue barred. We have received a letter a month ago from Bryan Carter acknowledging the defence no other correspondence has been received. The debt is pre 2007 the contract was was made with Marbles 2003. How long do they get to respond to my wife defence? and because she has not acknowledge the debt does this mean it will go to county court? neither of us are well enough to attend court. Its very worrying having this hanging over our heads the only money my wife gets is carers allowance.
  6. http://www.telegraph.co.uk/lifestyle/pets/10149908/The-RSPCA-made-US-feel-like-criminals.html An article from 2013. I found this part very shocking "As well as bringing her up on criminal charges, the RSPCA would later apply to seize Miss Langley’s home to pay their court costs of £28,00"
  7. Hi slick132, I called Barclays on Tuesday concerning the loan ppi to see how the claim was progressing.The lady was really nice and said there was a letter sent asking for information concerning my health at the time the loan was taken out.I explained I already had a serious ilness when the ppi was added to the loan.I gave her all the information over the phone and said I had several letters from three consultants and a neurosurgeon to back up my conditions with diagnoses dates.The lady asked me to wait and went and spoke to someone she came back and said disregard the letter. She then genuinely expressed how sorry she was to hear how ill and disabled I am which I thought was really nice.She said we would be contacted before June with a decision but added " I don't think you will have to wait that long". I checked the bank this morning to make sure a payment had gone out and we have received the refund.I cannot believe how quickly Barclays have paid the two refunds it's been less than three weeks since I made a claim we are delighted.
  8. Not that I know of.I would love to be able to reclaim the overdraft fees it would equate to about £4.5k without interest. The reason I think we have a claim is we already had an overdraft facility so we did not need the additions one. We were already covered by RAC so did not need their car cover.They never explained about the facilities or checked if we were already covered by other polices which we were.This is just some of the reasons why I think we were missold the account. I have read through different sites and it seems even if you were aware of the additions account.Apparently you have a case if you could not or did not claim.We have nothing to lose by trying.
  9. The additions upgrade was basically pushed onto us. We were pressured into having it and never used any of the benefits some of which we already had separate cover for.If the claim is successful it will be a bonus if not at least we tried.
  10. We received a letter this morning the refund was for OD protection calculated over 16 years payments.The amount is over double what we expected:shock: I didn't realise how the refund is calculated.Just waiting for a decision on the other two.I think the loan ppi will be upheld as I already had a serious preexisting health condition so they would never have paid out during a claim plus I never knew there was ppi on it.The additions account may be more difficult.
  11. Thanks for the replies. I will write to them if I don't receive a letter by mid week. slick132 One is for overdraft ppi I know the amount for this we have been paying for it since 1998. The second is for a loan from 2001 I think is was for £3000 over 3 years but not sure. The third is for an additions account at £15pcm we paid this for 2 or 3 years. I calculated the refund received it is very close to what I would expect for the OD and additions refunds added together without interest. If I calculate the additions account at three years and then add 16 years overdraft protection it comes to within a pound of the refund we received but that is without adding interest.
  12. Hi all. We received a sum of money into our bank account entitled "PPI & INT REFUND" we have not received a letter advising us which of the three current ppi claims this refund is for. I only have one reference number for one claim I have not received any letters about the other two. It could be all three if it is the amount is woefully short .I called Barclays the woman already seemed confused before I even started asking questions. From the information she gave me all three claims are still being processed. She did not know what the refund was for and was pretty useless. I had to keep asking her to repeat herself because I have hearing problems and her Indian accent was difficult to understand. She then said she would contact the relevant department and place me on hold. After 20 minutes she had not come back or even apologised for the wait. The call was now over 30 minutes so I hung up. I did record the call. We are still none the wiser as to what this refund is for I am worried they have made a mistake which I didn't even think about before calling them. We have spent some of the money on food and diesel. If they take it back we will be overdrawn. If it is a mistake can they just take the money back? If I visit the local branch will they be able attain any information? I don't want to call Barclays it's too expensive.
  13. Thanks for the reply. Council tax benefit was abolished April 2013 it is now called council tax support and the Government removed 18.5% of it's funding. The Government in their wisdom left it up to local authorities to charge what they wish.The first year they had a fund which authorities could apply for this added 10% funding but only lasted for 2013.In our case last year we paid 8.5% some authorities were asking for 45% where claimants were previously paying nil. This year ours is 18.5% and the bill has increased as well so we get what we are entitled to. I have been thinking long and hard over all this.I might be better off as you suggest opening an account elsewhere and then telling Barclays to stuff their account where the sun don't shine.Alright it will be another battle with them and another debt but they should not be so greedy. I have bigger debts than theirs and they have settled for agreed repayments.
  14. I do not wish to apply for bankrupcy but I really don't see any other option. Several years ago on two consultants and my GP's advice I ended my career this was due to multiple progressive illness and I am now disabled.I contacted all the companies I owed money to and arranged payments.I have kept up the payments although at a reduced rate and never defaulted the agreed amount since leaving employment. Altogether I owe approximately £30k including £2,500 on a Barclays overdraft the amount varies but never gets lower than £2,000.This is the current bank account we use it is joint in my wife's name.She has no income and my only income is ESA support group,Child tax credit,child benefit for one child and DLA. I have a car which I am still paying for the money was lent to me by a family member and the car is registered as a disabled vehicle I use my DLA mobility to pay for it.We have few possessions most of which are my wife's.She has several antiques non of which are worth more than £40 -£50 each most are a few pounds they include paintings,sketches,coins etc total value maybe £500, if sold at auction they would fetch less than half that amount. Barclays are changing the way they calculate their overdraft charges.The amount we would be charged pcm will mean we will not be able to survive as the charges will treble.With mounting utilities debts and our council tax bill increasing by 150% I cannot see anyway out apart from bankruptcy.I am not sure if this is even possible I don't think we will be able to even find the fees. The overdraft debt is mine although it is in both our names but as I said the wife has no income.As the account is in both our names I suppose she would have to apply for bankruptcy as well? I really don't want her to go through all the stress as she suffers from PTSD and is really not well.I am not sure I have the strength myself to go through it all. We have already cut everything down to the bone we don't even have hot water anymore and the heating is just about bearable but not fun with arthritis. I would be grateful for any advice. I have searched the net but to be honest I am so stressed at the moment and really feeling unwell the more I read the more my head wants to explode.
  15. Update, We could not have a meeting with the manager as he was not at the store despite being told he would be. I called this morning and they are still offering to replace the carpet but only up to the price we paid. The problem is this weekend they had a sale on and the price was close to what we paid. But because I could not get hold of the manager the sale has ended and the price has increased and Carpetright will not even give us the same carpet as we have now. I have taken legal advice and I have been told to claim off the fitter but I still believe its the carpets quality which is the problem not the fitting. I have checked other areas of the carpet around the door trims which the surveyor never did and they are also showing signs of fraying. This is how the hallway area started and there is now 10mm of carpet missing. I informed Carpetright the damaged area could be a trip hazard and since I am on crutches I could have a fall so it is a danger to my health and safety. I am now waiting for a decision on what offer they are willing to give us.
  16. Hi, Just an update carpetright contacted the manufacture and they sent out an inspector. His report states the carpet had been incorrectly fitted lol what a surprise. I contacted Carpetright and they said "the manager disagrees with the report and thinks it is a manufacturing problem, as a good will gesture they will renew all the carpet but we have to pay for fitting". The fitting is £155 (reduced by approx £50 should be over £200) and we will have to borrow the money which is a pain so close to Christmas. All the furniture has to be moved but my family are helping and Carpetright have agreed to fit the carpet over a few days so we can move furniture around easier without having to store it. I think it is a bit strange they disagree with the report and I am convinced there is more to this than meets the eye.The offer of the replacement carpet as a good will gesture is obliviously Carpetright trying to get out of admitting liability. They have said the reason we have to pay for fitting is because the fitters are self employed. If we are paying for fitting a second time I am going to ask for the carpet to be upgraded I don't want the same one or a carpet from the same manufacturer. We are going to Carpetright today so will post back the results of the meeting later.
  17. Thanks for the reply slick132. I have spoken to Barclay's business dormancy and services team.There was no acknowledgment of any letters sent to Barclay's. They have asked for copies of all the letters sent to them plus a new letter containing signatures from both partners. The problem is we no longer speak to my uncle.So it will be very difficult getting a signature. Barclay's will not release any money without two signatures looks like dad will not get his money at least for the time being. I do have the name of a Barclay's staff member the original letters were sent to so I will try and contact her and see if see can forward the letters to the correct department. You would not think it would be so hard to get your own money out of a bank.
  18. Thanks for the reply slick132. The account is closed they then moved the account into dormant /lost accounts after closing it I have no idea why. We have asked for the money to be divided and the account closed in writing twice, with signatures from both account holders and my fathers solicitor has asked in writing twice.We went to the local branch in about February and the manager confirmed the amount in the account and she remembers doing this because we asked last week.This is how we found out the account had been moved and £100 is missing. The other thing which is strange when we went to the branch in February they were at first very reluctant to give any information. My dad did cause a stir in another Barclay's branch because a large amount of money had been withdrawn we are talking over £14k with only one signature and not by my dad.This was an infraction of the accounts mandate as two signatures were required to withdraw funds. I am wondering if that has impacted on the actions Barclay's have taken with this account ?
  19. Hi, One of my fathers companies ceased trading and he had money in the account.The account was still live and he made a request for the funds to be withdrawn and divided then the account to be closed. This is where the problems started.The account is held in my fathers and uncles names under their business name. They no longer speak to each other due to my uncle's shall we say sticky fingers. Barclays are aware of the account holders their addresses and several written requests to withdraw the funds.Some of these requests have been from my fathers solicitor. All have been ignored and not even acknowledged or answered.Now I find out they have moved the account to a lost/dormant account and £100 is missing. I was told by the local branch to download a dormant/lost account form from the Barclays site but the form does not seem to exist. Is there an email address I can write to for dormant accounts ? it will certainly save time as this has been going on for nearly a year.All he wants is his own money and Barclays seem to be absolutely useless so far. It's not even a huge amount just a few thousand pounds.
  20. Hi all, I recieved a letter from pastdue for £53.64 it is a debt they say owed to southern electric. I have not had them as a supplier for about eight years maybe longer. I was not even aware I owed them any money. Shall I just ignore the letter or phone them and tell them to poke the debt where the sun don't shine as it's over 6 years old ? I can record phone calls and block any number I want to, plus they would have to go through a screening system before they can talk to me if they try and call.
  21. Just an update despite several more phone calls to carpetright all of which I recorded with truecall the matter is still unresolved. All they keep saying is "they have written to the manufacturer". It is nearly two months since I reported the fault. I will call them tomorrow and if not satisfied with their answer write a formal letter of complaint to the email address rebel11 kindly provided.
  22. Thanks for the suggestion. We don't get any benefits that qualify because I worked for 30 years I get contribution ESA, you cannot get budgeting loans on contribution based benefits only income based. I pay tax on my benefit as well but you don't pay tax on income based.
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