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Everything posted by gerrrusg

  1. I have the Prestige PRT325FFCS. It’s now 2 years old and developed the same fault as described earlier. The fridge is running continuously and freezes, whilst the freezer does not cool at all. It appears that the mechanism / circuit that switches the cooling system between fridge and freezer is stuck in the fridge position. However the fault is only intermittent, as sometimes when it is switched on it works fine for a few hours before eventually freezing the fridge again. There is obviously little wrong with the cooling system, and I suspect that it is most likely a simple relay that is sticking, but without a schematic it is impossible to tell which one. I’ve searched online for a new control board, which is found on top of the fridge, but can’t find anybody who supplies them. Last option is to actually try a Comet engineer, but I hate to call out somebody to fix a problem that is likely a case of unscrewing 6 screws and 3 connectors. Has anybody managed to get their faulty fridge / freezer repaired properly after developing this fault or been told what the problem is caused by? Thanks
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