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Everything posted by aaroh

  1. Cunning plan or not a complaint has been made to ICO awaiting outcome.
  2. Made a guilty please fined 84+32+85=£201 and 3 points I did however mention in the mitigation section though that " I did not realise asking for a photographic evidence would mean i would incriminate myself, It was clear this police force is not in line with others around the country." Lesson learned
  3. rather 440£ .. so i dont have to! thanks for your help though. Donation made!
  4. do I have to submit means form i.e. income and expenditure?
  5. Filled out the guilty please and means paperwork. Having talked to a solicitor he advised we could goto the first stage whatever stage that is to obtain the evidence they wished to rely on and plead guilty. I didnt like the gist of it seems like he was looking after a representation and soon the cost mounts up. With all the reading up ive done over the days ive decided to make peace with it. Thank you all guys one final question though should i write anything in the guilty plea section? Definately no sob story
  6. Actually just calculated it again its just under 6 months by 11 days
  7. Alleged offence 28/07/2019 SJPN Posting Date 17/01/2020
  8. The NIP was received on 7/08/2019 I returned it on 8/08/2018 along with GDPR. The prosecution witness statement was signed the 18/01/2020 papers received 24/01/2020 allowing for deemed service of 2 days each way id say there an about 6 months
  9. Thats great just noticed though the SJP was served 6 months after the NIP was filed
  10. That is a fair point and noted thank you for your help.
  11. Honestly I will declare it its all about me keeping my job and food on the table. Just worried I could be marched off sight and that is that. It was either I plead Guilty ( Get a criminal record) Plead not guilty and still (get a criminal record as i dont have a leg to stand on) I was hoping for the best case scenrio, avoid the record avoid the embarracement. Gosh i hate stella rather bottle of red wine
  12. That is amazing greatly appreciate your help. Now the after I sign my plea ill need to declare it to NSV about the offence hopefully its ok or ill lose my job.
  13. I could just about find a loophole you 28 to reply that NIP 30 for GDPR what can go wrong. Ill get a crimibal record if found guilty and or pleade guilty
  14. if thats the case ill sign the plea take the discount and que up at the american embassy every year declaring the criminal record every year i visit from now on on
  15. They never mentioned anything about the evidence they wished to rely on hence i asked for the photos
  16. I was out of luck with speed awarwness done that already. Will I get a criminal record if pleading guilty paying the fine was not a problem was all about the principle thats it
  17. I honestly dont know if I was so i asked for a camera calibration report also.
  18. In essence I am trying to win a loosing battle i take up the 33 % discount on offer me thinks
  19. By severe penalty you mean ? criminal record is criminal record right ? isnt it still their duty comply with GDPR albeit Civil the duty of the police
  20. what you are saying is im shafted anyway rather have my day at court. Money isnt a problem in their witness statement Gwent police saying they will produce the evidence at court. My arguement is if they complied with they legal duty to comply with the GDPR request i would make an unformed choice. Thats for the court to decide
  21. GDPR seemed the logical option as when i called they wanted me to put it in writing right or wrongly took a decision and it went away for ovet 5 months which i was happy with i guess i peed someone up the chain to enforce my rights.
  22. Totally agree with your suggestion however it was only fair to ask the inforation as a matter of principle albeit using GDPR to which they never complied. The matter is to assertain if the car was clocked and picture taken. Innocent untill proven otherwise. Im a grown man hindsight should have taken the point but gotta deal with it i guess more of a principle person
  23. At the and of July I got clocked for doing 59 in a 50 dual carriage way by a mobile speed camera. A week later I sent a GDPR request pursuant to article 15 to release photographas which they did not at the time NIP was sent out. I signed my name that i was driving and refused to take the 3 point and 100 pounds pending the outcome of gdpr All was forgetten untill today an SJP turns up at doorstep about 5 months later. What are my options. A. Guilty b Not guilty citing non compliance of GDPR as mitigating circumstances? Being security cleared if i get it on my record I would have to delare if found guilty. will the clearance be taken away whats the impact on future employment. Kind of think i messed up big time? getting a solicitor will help ? any advise appreciated
  24. well they did or didnt but i did and now they have a judgetment. I got a new copy of the tomlin order which seems like the same. Anyways its in the post end of next week ill get the bailiffs in oh the irony normally its the other way round
  25. An update still didnt see any money from them I requested a judgement last week. Had a call saying the tomlin order we signed was rejected by the court ? the terms were fair to which i agreed an signed. They are going to send me another one in post ill read through and sign if no money in 14 days then ill request a warrant.
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