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Everything posted by K3NNY

  1. Latin tendere, present active infinitive of tendō. [edit] Verb Latin tendere, present active infinitive of tendō. [edit] Verb tender (first-person singular present tiendo, first-person singular preterite tendí, past participle tendido) (transitive) to spread, to stretch outtender (first-person singular present tiendo, first-person singular preterite tendí, past participle tendido) (transitive) to spread, to stretch out
  2. Oh by the way an installment plan request is a TENDER. (3) If, before any goods are seized, the appropriate amount (including charges arising up to the time of the payment or tender) is paid or tendered to the authority, the authority shall accept the amount and the levy shall not be proceeded with.
  3. Ive got a meeting with a council tax officer tomorrow i will ask the question. They have hit me for a council tax bill for 4 weeks from 2004 £87 quid with costs of £73 which i was unaware of until last week. an additional bill for feb 09 to aug 09 fro £737 the council tax was in someone elses name i was unaware JACOBS INVOLVED a bill for jan 2010 to date for £265 again unaware. and to top it off a bill for 1354 for april 2010 - april 2011 the strange thing is i no longer live at the address and havent since august 09 and the council are fully aware of who is liable for the council tax MY EX i have never been the person responsible for the council tax my wife was / is. She has never changed the details when i asked the council who changed the details they said they could not discuss it??????? i asked my wife she said she didnt i asked the council why not they replied its private and confidential they cannot discuss i asked them if i can take my name off the bill they said no i asked them if i could put someone elses name on the bill they said no i asked then how the hell did my name get on there then because i certainly didnt request it??????? silence fell when the penny dropped what they were saying was utter rubbish. cant wait for the morning see them squirm out of this one. to clarify we both own the property we split up we occasionaly flip properties i pay the council tax on 1 she the other simple bill me for address 1 bill my ex for address 2 confused !! anyway i will ask that question about the payment to get the order back from Jacobs. to the council
  4. As you state the new Man has been give the role you had been doing along with your own........................ Perhaps your employer has realised the role you are doing has grown and is too much for one person.........along with the "extra duties" now given to the new man....... Providing they are not making you redundant the company are doing nothing wrong.........they can employ whomever they want in a higher or lower grade than your current standing...........and do not have to advertise internally unless there have been recent redundancies......... Enjoy the fact they are taking responsibilities from you and hopefully not reducing your salary you are about to become a parent i would thank my lucky stars the work load has decreased........................ Contact your line manager or the one you reported to 3 weeks ago anyway and ask him what the score is........dont listen to the rumour mill until you have the facts from your manager................
  5. CCNP, MCSE and ITIL qualifications. my daughter got these at 14 last year in school......its just networking stuff setting up a modem and plugging wires to route a telephone sytem linked to desktops vpn and that isnt it.... The BSC with hons is only a 80 pointer if you have 2 a levels in other subjects. with my LCG i could sit the exam pass and get the masters with 80 points to spare...... 3 year course not impressive............................................................
  6. i had a bailiff round here once (before i was aware of this site) and only on the doorstep the bill was for £1200 i offered him a camera and 2 lenses worth £1500 even showed him the reciepts for the goods..... i showed him the price they were currently being bid at on ebay totalling £1300 mine were in better condition with reciepts and boxes. was he interested no he was more interested in taking the tele worth £500 whilst peering through the window and saying i`ll have that off you for starters. and will be getting a locksmith and a van round to break in... what a plonker
  7. Hi sorry to have to reply to you on here but your inbox is full you have implied that a trade of personal insults were exchanged. i disagree i traded no "personal" insult whatsoever. i did however recieve a personal insult or 2 Please ammend the statement you posted as this implies i personally insulted someone. if you still feel i personally insulted someone explain who.............and how please thanks
  8. Times and Hours Enforcement should not be undertaken on Sundays, on Bank Holidays, on Good Friday or on Christmas Day, unless the court specifically orders otherwise or in situations where legislation permits it. It is recommended that enforcement should only be carried out between the hours of 6.00am and 9.00pm or at any time during trading hours, existing legislation must be observed. Enforcement agents should be respectful of the religion and culture of others at all times. They should be aware of the dates for religious festivals and carefully consider the appropriateness of undertaking enforcement on any day of religious or cultural observance or during any major religious or cultural festival.
  9. From a bailiffs point of view, although he may well arrive at your home in a removals type of vehicle, he really doesn’t want basic household furniture. This is because; the resale value at public auction is very low. Additionally, health and safety regulations commonly prevent electrical goods from being seized, in the same way that fireproofing regulations prevent soft furnishings, such as sofa’s etc actually being taken. A bailiff is only allowed to take sufficient goods to cover the outstanding bill and his costs. For Child Support Agency arrears there are different items that the bailiff can and cannot take. Please refer to the Child Support Agency part of our site for further details. Statutory Regulations state that the following items are exempt and must not be taken. • "Such tools, books, vehicles and other items of equipment as are necessary for use personally in employment, business or vocation" • "Such clothing, bedding, furniture, household equipment and provisions as are necessary for satisfying basic domestic needs of the person and family". Because the above list is so vague, and not very specific, we have reviewed over 75 contracts between local authorities and their relevant bailiff companies to see what items are listed by the majority of councils as being exempt. These items are as follows: • Goods of minimal or no resale value • Food items, cooking utensils • Items that would leave family unable to prepare a hot meal. • Heating appliances • Children’s items, toys, prams (but computers and bikes can be taken) • Disability items to be used to care for the sick. • Medical aids or medical equipment. • Items purchased using money from Social Fund. • Refrigerators. • The main form of cooking: if you have a cooker and microwave, the bailiff could take the microwave. If you only have a microwave then this must not be seized. • Washing machine, vacuum cleaner. • Personal items: such as family photographs/pictures. • Items of minimal value, and or broken items. • Goods either rented, or hired. Items that are actually attached are also exempt from seizure. This would include built in ovens, flat screen televisions or stereo systems attached to the wall.
  10. Surely he should not be discussing this with you these are peoples personal matters
  11. i agree KELCOU should i return the compliment and report MRSHED for the slander of me, on two occasions im a moron im slanderous dont think so as there is nothing to be gained by such action :idea:
  12. WHERE IS THE SLANDER IN THIS POST? MY QUOTE WE ALL KNOW THE Bailiffs are 2 faced **** and unless you have witnessed your FIL in his day to day duties cannot comment on his demeanour when out in the field. there is plenty of documented evidence supporting my quote on Bailiffs in these forums i did not refer to your FIL i referred to Bailiffs.......and supported the fact that unless you or anyone else in that matter had witnessed your personal relative in the field cannot comment on his demeanour......................................................
  13. Some unscrupulous people use the guise of voluntary work to do paid work. (work an hour unpaid then nip off and do 8 hours elsewhere paid and use the unpaid work for the reason they are unable to attend the prescribed time to sign on) Take the time to thank the job centre staff for investigating the matter and proving that in your case this is not the case..........at the end of the day the person reported you for working whilst signing on this is as you state is correct you are working whilst signing on. Stop wasting your time doing voluntary work and use the time to find a job, GO STUDY TO IMPROVE YOUR CHANCES OF FINDING A JOB...LET THE FOREIGNERS WHO INFEST THE EDUCATION SYSTEM DO THE VOLUNTARY WORK TO PAY US BACK.................................... You can hold your head high..........and even wave at the surveillance team. The person who reported you will not have wanted to benefit from you being caught but to cause you the reaction you are currently giving them........
  14. if the "financial institutions" are / were REGULATED then debt would not be easy to get into once the line has been drawn. home owner loans and affordable debt would be excluded A lot of the figures you quote include the spiralling cost of debt those which include bank charges, bailiff fees, interest and so forth. 40% would that be about £10,000 is that all i thought it would be more like £15,000 why do you think it would need to rise to 130% you trying to reclaim the monies in 1 year................ then i for one would be more than happy to have my unsecured debt written off and pay an additional £100 a month tax on my wage per month...... there again though what would that do to unemployment figures if people did not suffer loan sharks - signing on......... Bailiffs / dca`s - redundant YOUR FIL INCLUDED.....WE ALL KNOW THE Bailiffs are 2 faced **** and unless you have witnessed your FIL in his day to day duties cannot comment on his demeanour when out in the field. council staff chasing unpaid council tax and benefit cheats - redundant hospitals - less heart attacks less staff required - doctors - less depressed customers - (SHAMELESS) pharmaceutical companies - less anti depressents and other stress related illness drugs get out of debt companies - redundant debt advisory lines - closed yes the unemployment figures would rise by about a million - silly idea. Not sensationalist claptrap...................... SUPER QUOTENT.......... FEED THE WORLD - MAKE IT A BETTER PLACE I could go on but will let you have a shot on the forum to respond
  15. I disagree MRSHED and i certainly wasnt looking for your approval on my comment so please do not offer comment on my comment Who are these financial institutions ??????? WOULD THEY BE THE BANKS if we can bail the banks out lets bail out all those in debt..... I for one would be happy for a 1% tax increase to fund........................ REMEMBER charity begins at home so lets look after ourselves before bailing out other countries........AND OUR OWN BANKS To relieve all those with stress would free up all sorts of Government money
  16. I take it your childrens Father is employed..... Does he not pay Child Support? Or if he does not work then what difference would it have made to your benefits had he lived there? What financial gain can you have achieved in either of these situations....... Dont bother replying if he works and you have not claimed Child support..... i appplaud you for trying to get yourself qualifications and training for a career. Its fortunate that you have a week off from attending college over the next week as its half term so you can get some valued practical work in for helping those youths you aim to help in the future.......who can benefit from the struggle you are going to have to overcome. Think of it as a test of your character and invaluable experience. The council cant be all that bad to allow you to rent a property that affords you a "SPARE BEDROOM" with 2 children,
  17. Everyone should be given a clean slate and the lendors regulated correctly from the time the slate was cleaned.
  18. Check out this link for guidance on what they must prove http://www.dwp.gov.uk/docs/ch11-23254.pdf
  19. go pay the fine then appeal as it doubles after 14 days as given on the ticket. They will / should have photographic evidence also. The muppets they employ are meant to take a photograph at the time of the ticket issue they have just enough brain cells to point and shoot but not enough to use their initiative or discretion. whats annoying is how you were inconvenienced by others yet were the one punished. What you should have taken photos of were the displayed tickets in the other cars showing they were parked before you causing you as it could be claimed you caused them to park askew. This happened to me a couple of weeks ago also. Appeal the pcn as there are mitigating circumstances. They should post a notice next to the ticket machineand councils normally do. who ever reads them or even looks for them? only after receiving a ticket do you start noticing them or looking for them im normally more interested in finding change and how much the parking is and ensuring not to park in a disabled bay and concentrating on driving and never take the time to read "rules of entry" if there are no warnings displayed then go back to the car park and take loads of photos of the car park showing no warnings but there are usually displayed by the pay points underneath the displayed charges only in smaller lettering...... go check get your appeal/challenge off quick though as these have a tendency to not arrive if the address to appeal is close to you then go hand it in....... ps i wouldnt state the "especialy when your stressed with 4 distressed children" as this could be construed as in charge of a motor vehicle without due care and attention........... in the future set up standing orders with your bank to go pay bills surely cheaper than pay and displaying and the fuel cost and also better on the environment....... just an observation so rather than going to pay the bills with you a life lesson your children do not need at i am assuming toddler age take them to the park and have fun with them. Another observation but i have a land rover freelander and do feel that i am singled out because i have a bigger vehicle hmmmmmmm anyone else find this? On that note i think i will go trade the freelander in for A Toyota Prius....lol. Good luck.
  20. 1, charge the solicitors fees to the business....... 2, hire an independent accountant to go through the books to check that your Sister and Husband are not trying to fleece the company. 3, keep a diary from now on in. 4, do you pay tax on the company car for personal use your p11d from the inland revenue will let you know. if you do the final written warning recieved will not only be invalid but further proof to the bullying and harrassment. 5, your 10% holding is what is keeping her from receiving any holding if your father gives her any holding he is in danger of losing his majority. 6, contact your sisters employer and advise them of her actions. both with coming in once or twice a week is she being paid a fee and passing this fee to her employer or freelancing in company time? and pocketing the tax free cash with creative accounting.......obviously dont use blackmail if this is the case just use the situation to your advantage, accountants have a strict ethical code to abide to and the inland revenue.. Im the suspicious type and get the impression your sister is trying to lay claim to the business once your father retires........even though you have served the family business for 20 years. OR WORST CASE SCENARIO HAS SOMETHING TO HIDE............................ a criminal always returns to the scene of the crime and once or twice a week does seem excessive to be auditing things,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, As a stakeholder you must have access to the audits carried out by your sister as the company accountant. TURN THE TABLES ON HER IF YOU FIND ANYTHING..............................
  21. they are getting desperate now my partner went in for hers today. they were confused because she had not reported to them she had changed her hours at work from 16 to 39. 5 years ago......AND IS CLAIMING NOTHING NOW a. she was not claiming anything other than single persons council tax.........AT THE TIME i had moved out at that time and could prove it. and was paying council tax elsewhere..... b, she was not claiming any benefits at all other than working tax credits so it turns out they owe her working tax credits result the morons......... THEY MUST BE ON A QUOTA!
  22. Getting a bit tired of waiting for advice it seems everyone wants a pat on the back but how many requests are just getting ignored Some are being filtered and appear to be more popular Help and advice please thanks in advance despite taking advice to start my own thread linking onto the end of this one seems to produce better results K3NNY Basic Account Holder Worried about companies stealing your signature? Use our new digital signature service Cagger since : Jan 2010 Posts: 41 Equita Bailiffs Charges for PCN WARRANT Hi Advice required on the following please. Last year my partner was issued a parking ticket. Forgot about it............ about 3 weeks ago Equita Bailiffs called around. The "DEBT" WAS £110 2 Bailiffs turned up to collect the debt and it was for £319.06 (13/01/10) My partner could not afford to make the payment no breakdown of charges was presented to her to show the increase My partners car was immobilised (13/01/10) My partners car was towed to a storage facility 1 hour later (13/01/10) The following morning (14/01/10) a goods removed receipt was posted through the letterbox stating amount outstanding £319.06 Signed by the bailiff and signed by the auctioneer (it was taken to an auctioneers pound) on the 20th Jan 10 My partner rung and was asked to pay £674 .06 my partner requested a breakdown of the fees and was told to write in for the breakdown my partner paid the £674.06 to release the car and clear the debt. I wrote to Equita asking for a breakdown of the charges as the final amount is excessive to say the least. The breakdown is as follows as printed on the letter recieved of the "breakdown" Debt £110 Initial letter fee £11.20 visit/levy fee £78 attendance fee £150 tow truck fee £120 Storage fee £120 (7 NIGHTS) 13/01/2010 - 20/01/2010 card fee £00.85 VAT £84.01 TOTAL £674.06 2 QUESTIONS Has there been an overcharge in the fees? Has there been an overcharge in the VAT IM PRETTY SURE THEY HAVE APPLIED vat to everything but even at 15% or 17.5% i can not get this to add up...... The following also does not add up Bailiff outstanding letter put through the door on the 14th £319.06 Tow truck and storage fee £240 VAT £ 84.01 CARD FEE £ .85 TOTAL £643.92 A DIFFERENCE OF £ 30.14 Any advice on this matter would be appreciated Thanks in advance #2 (permalink) lamma Gold Account Holder Have we helped you? Please help us by making a donation Cagger since : Apr 2008 Posts: 5,091 Re: Equita Bailiffs Charges for PCN WARRANT don't know if these are totally up to date . . . . LIST OF PRESCRIBED BAILIFF FEES: Public Profile Send a private message to lamma Find More Posts by lamma 6th February 2010, 14:12 # 3 (permalink) hallowitch Classic Account Holder We need funds Please donate something Cagger since : Nov 2008 Posts: 2,625 Re: Equita Bailiffs Charges for PCN WARRANT Debt £110 Initial letter fee £11.20 visit/levy fee £78 attendance fee £150 tow truck fee £120 Storage fee £120 (7 NIGHTS) 13/01/2010 - 20/01/2010 card fee £00.85 VAT £84.01 can you post up the date these fee were added hallowitch View Public Profile Send a private message to hallowitch Find More Posts by hallowitch 6th February 2010, 15:30 #4 (permalink) K3NNY Basic Account Holder Worried about your signature being copied onto CCAs etc? Use SignGuard Cagger since : Jan 2010 Posts: 41 Re: Equita Bailiffs Charges for PCN WARRANT The letter was recieved the day before the bailiffs attended Initial letter fee £11.20 12/01/2010 Received letter..... visit/levy fee £78 13/01/10 attendance fee £150 13/01/10 tow truck fee £120 13/01/10 Storage fee £120 (7 NIGHTS) 13/01/2010 - 20/01/2010 card fee £00.85 20/01/10 VAT £84.01 20/01/10 K3NNY View Public Profile Send a private message to K3NNY Find More Posts by K3NNY 6th February 2010, 17:30 # 5 (permalink) K3NNY Basic Account Holder Protect your signature with SignGuard Cagger since : Jan 2010 Posts: 41 Re: Equita Bailiffs Charges for PCN WARRANT Quote: Originally Posted by lamma don't know if these are totally up to date . . . . LIST OF PRESCRIBED BAILIFF FEES: 6th February 2010, 17:51 #6 (permalink) tomtubby Classic Account Holder Worried about companies stealing your signature? Use our new digital signature service Cagger since : May 2007 Posts: 2,653 Re: Equita Bailiffs Charges for PCN WARRANT Quote: Originally Posted by K3NNY The letter was recieved the day before the bailiffs attended Initial letter fee £11.20 12/01/2010 Received letter..... visit/levy fee £78 13/01/10 attendance fee £150 13/01/10 tow truck fee £120 13/01/10 Storage fee £120 (7 NIGHTS) 13/01/2010 - 20/01/2010 card fee £00.85 20/01/10 VAT £84.01 20/01/10 From your first post you had not mentioned that a letter was received the PREVIOUS DAY. Was the letter sent by post or hand delivered? What did the letter say regarding the amount due and when payment had to be made? tomtubby View Public Profile Send a private message to tomtubby Find More Posts by tomtubby 6th February 2010, 17:59 # 7 (permalink) K3NNY Basic Account Holder Give yourself a better chance with our claims guides and litigation kits Cagger since : Jan 2010 Posts: 41 Re: Equita Bailiffs Charges for PCN WARRANT Quote: Originally Posted by tomtubby From your first post you had not mentioned that a letter was received the PREVIOUS DAY. Was the letter sent by post or hand delivered? What did the letter say regarding the amount due and when payment had to be made? Royal mail post dear miss xxxxx re unpaid penalty charge notice due to salford city council A warrant issued by the traffic enforcement centre at northampton county court still remains outstanding despite applications for payment we have therefore arranged for our recovery teams to visit your home to remove your vehicle MM03 XXX YOUR VEHICLE WILL THEN BE IMPOUNDED AND SOLD AT auction you will incur further considerable expense the costs of which will be added to your debt should you no longer be in possession of the vehicle we will remove household items from your home for sale at public auction to settle the outstanding distress warrant to avoid this distressing course of action you must pay the £161.98 outstanding by return or contact our office to make suitable arrangements to pay before our bailiff team calls in the absence of any contact from you we will visit your home without further notice. Last edited by K3NNY; 6th February 2010 at 18:12. K3NNY View Public Profile Send a private message to K3NNY Find More Posts by K3NNY 6th February 2010, 18:14 # 8 (permalink) K3NNY Basic Account Holder eBay user? Find misspellings and zero-bid items Cagger since : Jan 2010 Posts: 41 Re: Equita Bailiffs Charges for PCN WARRANT When the bailiffs arrived they demanded £300 + which my partner could not afford and they could not explain the difference to the letter dated the 5th to the day they arrived 13th K3NNY View Public Profile Send a private message to K3NNY Find More Posts by K3NNY 6th February 2010, 18:24 # 9 (permalink) K3NNY Basic Account Holder Protect your signature with SignGuard Cagger since : Jan 2010 Posts: 41 Re: Equita Bailiffs Charges for PCN WARRANT On the 13th my partner was hand delivered a final notice by the bailiff this stated DELIVERED BY HAND BAILIFF REMOVAL I HAVE CALLED AT YOUR HOME TODAY TO EXECUTE A WARRANT ISSUED BY NORTHAMPTON county court I AM AUTHORISED BY THE COURT UNDER THE ENFORCEMENT OF ROAD TRAFFIC DEBTS (CERTIFIED BAILIFFS) REGULATIONS 1993 (AMMENDMENTS 2003) TO REMOVE YOUR VEHICLE / HOUSEHOLD EFFECTS TO SATISFY YOUR UNPAID PENALTY CHARGE NOTICE DUE TO SALFORD CITY COUNCIL-RTD IF YOU FAIL TO CONTACT ME WITHIN THE NEXT 24 HOURS I WILL HAVE NO ALTERNATIVE BUT TO RE ATTEND YOUR PROPERTY AT ANY HOUR OF THE DAY OR NIGHT TO IMPOUND YOUR VEHICLE / REMOVE GOODS. THIS WILL RESULT IN SUBSTANTIAL EXTRA COSTS OF AT LEAST £140 BEING PAYABLE TO AVOID ANY FURTHER ACTION / BAILIFF COSTS PLEASE CONTACT MY MOBILE ON XXXXXXXXXXX However the vehicle was immobilised then towed away that same day K3NNY View Public Profile Send a private message to K3NNY Find More Posts by K3NNY 6th February 2010, 19:39 # 10 (permalink) lamma Gold Account Holder Where else can you earn 8% interest on your money? Start your County Court claim NOW!!! Cagger since : Apr 2008 Posts: 5,091 Re: Equita Bailiffs Charges for PCN WARRANT Quote: Originally Posted by K3NNY This link is dead the board software changed the link, it must be a deprecated website. A google for "list of presecribed bailiff fees" should bring up enough sources. I think you may need one of these http://www.hmcourts-service.gov.uk/c...form4_0606.pdf tomtubby is THE expert. Last edited by lamma; 6th February 2010 at 19:54. Re: Equita Bailiffs Charges for PCN WARRANT Well at least ive managed to work out what has had VAT added Debt £110 no vat added Initial letter fee £11.20 +vat visit/levy fee £78 +vat attendance fee £150 +vat tow truck fee £120 +vat Storage fee £120 (7 NIGHTS) 13/01/2010 - 20/01/2010 +vat card fee £00.85 +vat VAT £84.01 Now i know for a FACT they are not allowed to profit on storage and towing so presumably they are taking the VAT for themselves?? maybe i have tried to get the sum charged by the towing and storage company CHARLES TAYLOR AUCTIONEERS but they are unwilling to co operate. Anyone know their charges for towing and storage? im pretty sure the BAILIFFS are NOT allowed to charge a visit/levy fee and an attendance fee SURELY THEY ARE BOTH THE SAME????? i think the visit fee amount also IS incorrect from reading a few articles the fee should be 28% of the "DEBT" £110 MAKING THE FEE ABOUT £33.60 i ALSO REQUESTED FROM THE equita THE DETAILS OF THE BAILIFFS....and their credentials for immobilisation Strangely enough they are only naming 1 of the Bailiffs.....the Bailiff who did not clamp the car The clamper has not been named as if they werent even there or maybe wasnt a Bailiff. Any suggestions?? Last edited by K3NNY; Yesterday at 00:42. Yesterday, 01:43 # 12 (permalink) K3NNY Basic Account Holder Have we helped you? Please help us by making a donation Cagger since : Jan 2010 Posts: 41 Re: Equita Bailiffs Charges for PCN WARRANT After more research it is clear the cost of vehicle recovery was a bit pricey... even had i been broke down on a motorway it would have not cost as much as i have been charged according to RAC figures. The average call out fee is £50 cost per mile is £1.50 therefore the bill should have been more like £54 +VAT....... the storage facility the car was taken to and stored is 1.2miles away.......... MY PARTNER EVEN OFFERED TO DRIVE THE CAR THERE to minimise the cost but this request was refused........ As mentioned before the quote verbally from the bailiff was £12 per day on paying the bill we see it is £20 per day. Yesterday, 01:46 # 13 (permalink) K3NNY Basic Account Holder Worried about your signature being copied onto CCAs etc? Use SignGuard Cagger since : Jan 2010 Posts: 41 Re: Equita Bailiffs Charges for PCN WARRANT Anyone reading this might want to know where this auction house is its Charles Taylor Missouri avenue salford m50 2np It auctions everything Bailiffs steal sorry i mean recover go along you may find and be able TO up the bidding on your possessions being auctioned. Yesterday, 17:29 # 14 (permalink) lamma Gold Account Holder Protect your signature with SignGuard Cagger since : Apr 2008 Posts: 5,091 Re: Equita Bailiffs Charges for PCN WARRANT did you run the google search I suggested. lamma View Public Profile Send a private message to lamma Find More Posts by lamma Yesterday, 21:18 # 15 (permalink) K3NNY Basic Account Holder Have we helped you? Please help us by making a donation Cagger since : Jan 2010 Posts: 41 Re: Equita Bailiffs Charges for PCN WARRANT Yes The Fees Should Have Been 28% Of The Debt £110 DEBT = £33.60 FOR VISIT FEE Not £78 Yesterday, 21:21 # 16 (permalink) K3NNY Basic Account Holder eBay user? Find misspellings and zero-bid items Cagger since : Jan 2010 Posts: 41 Re: Equita Bailiffs Charges for PCN WARRANT EVERY ONE SEEMS TO BE AVOIDING THIS ONE Dont know why?????????????????????? K3NNY View Public Profile Send a private message to K3NNY Find More Posts by K3NNY Yesterday, 21:23 # 17 (permalink) crem Classic Account Holder Watch out, there are Claims Touts about! Cagger since : Jun 2008 I am in: Sunderland Posts: 2,667 Re: Equita Bailiffs Charges for PCN WARRANT PM tomtubby and ask her to have a look at this thread. She is the bailiff expert in CAG View Public Profile Send a private message to crem Find More Posts by crem Yesterday, 21:31 #18 (permalink) lamma Gold Account Holder Try our new digital signature service Cagger since : Apr 2008 Posts: 5,091 Re: Equita Bailiffs Charges for PCN WARRANT did you run the google search I suggested. if you do you will find listings of the fees. and Tomtubby is first rate. Today, 00:06 # 19 (permalink) K3NNY Basic Account Holder Worried about your signature being copied onto CCAs etc? Use SignGuard Cagger since : Jan 2010 Posts: 41 Re: Equita Bailiffs Charges for PCN WARRANT YES did the google and found the fees as above on the previous to last post 28% Of The Debt £110 DEBT = £33.60 FOR VISIT FEE Not £78 also subscribed the fiver for Bailiff advice online downloads... pm`d Tommytubby but no response ......... K3NNY View Public Profile Send a private message to K3NNY Find More Posts by K3NNY Today, 00:22 #20 (permalink) K3NNY Basic Account Holder Protect your signature with SignGuard Cagger since : Jan 2010 Posts: 41 Re: Equita Bailiffs Charges for PCN WARRANT advice please re the below compared to previous post about what was actually charged BAILIFF FEES FOR ROAD TRAFFIC DEBTS. Below you will see that we have provided you with a copy of the charges that the bailiff is allowed by law to make when pursuing you for non payment of either a parking charge notice (pcn) or unpaid congestion charge. We believe that the fee scale should be know to everyone and we are pleased that this point has been confirmed in a recent report by The House of Commons Transport Committee on Parking Policy and Enforcement dated 14th June 2006, which states: “Local authorities need an effective means for collecting unpaid penalty charges from drivers. Bailiffs’ may be appropriate in a smallnumber of cases. The use of bailiffs must be carefully regulated by the local authority however. Their use in collecting unpaid fines can easily undermine further public confidence in decriminalised parking enforcement. Local authorities must take the greatest care to ensure they use only reputable bailiffs” “Bailiff’s charges and operational practices must be transparent and subject to prior approval and close monitoring as part of any contractual agreement” “These charges must be as widely publicised as possible and available to thepublic” About the following Fees: Note: Please note that the most common area of dispute concerns the bailiff’s fees for item 3. For this reason, you need be aware that although a bailiff may try to charge for instance £150 for this charge, this is not permitted. This is because the Regulations clearly provide that the fee must not exceed the fees and charges which would have been due under items 2 if the distress had been levied. On the rare occasion where a bailiff has left you a copy of the scale of fees you will nearly always find that the note in the right hand column under item 3 is missing. Additionally, the aggregate costs and charges payable under paragraphs 2 and 3 are not to exceed the costs and charges allowed for three attendances to levy distress. BAILIFF FEES FOR ROAD TRAFFIC DEBTS. DESCRIPTION BAILIFF FEES 1. For preparing and sending a letter advising that a warrant is with the bailiff and requesting the total sum due. (This charge can only be recovered if a letter is sent before a first visit). £11.20 2. For levying distress – (i) Where the sum demanded and due does not exceed £100 (ii) Where the sum demanded exceeds£100 £28.00 28% on the first £200 due 5.5% on any additional sum over£200 3. For attending to levy distress but where the levy is not made. Thereasonable costs and charges for attending to levy. But, notto exceedthe fees and charges which would have been due under 2 above if the distress had been levied. Note: The aggregate costs and charges payable under paragraphs 2 and 3 are not to exceed the costs and charges allowed for threeattendances to levydistress. 4. For taking possession— (i) Where a person is left in physical possession (close possession). (ii) Where Walking Possession is agreed. £5.60each day. 55p each day for the first 14 days; 5peach day thereafter. 5. For appraising (valuing) goods, The reasonablefees, charges, and expenses of the broker. (see note on appraisal below) 6. Forremovinggoods, or attending to remove goods where no goods are removed. 7. For selling the goods listed in the Walking Possession. (a)Where a sale by auction is held at the auctioneer's premises: (b) Where sale is held at debtors premises. Thereasonable costs and charges. 15% of the sum realised to cover the auctioneer's commission and out-of-pocket expenses, plus the reasonable cost of advertising, removal and storage. 7½% of the sum realised for the auctioneer's commission, plus out-of-pocket expenses actually and reasonably incurred. 8. Where distress is withdrawn or where no sale takes place, Reasonable fees, charges and expenses. Notes: The bailiff is allowed to also charge VAT on his fees. Source: The Enforcement of Road Traffic Debts. (Certificated Bailiffs) (amendment) Regulations 2003. Statutory Instrument: Si 2072 of 1993, Si 1351 of 1998 and 1857 of 2003.
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