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Everything posted by sparky514

  1. he was claiming JSA with I think something called permitted work. he was flashing a lot of cash, and the film crew filmed him back in Romania doing his house up, go figure.
  2. So the parents have to be working here and paying NI to claim the child benefit, only the documentary I saw on the tele must be wrong it was about a Romanian guy who came here to claim benefit to do his house up in Romania, where his family were living, but he did bring his youngest child over so he could register him for child benefit, and then promptly took him and his family back to Romania.
  3. why do we give millions of pounds in child benefit to the parents of children who do not even live in this country ??
  4. depends what group you're in, my son is on ESA in the work related activity group, WRAG, and he has to attend appointments at Ingeous, but only the mandatory ones, I think though that if you are on the assessment rate of ESA you do not have to attend, or if you are placed in the support group.
  5. thank you so much for your reply x
  6. Just asking for my brother he has recently been put in the support group of ESA, I have advised him to try and claim PIP, but as of yet he hasn't. I have been reading a lot about Severe disability premium, and wanted to ask is this added automatically to your ESA if you are in the support group, or do you have to apply for it separately. Any advice would be very welcome, BTW, he lives on his own.
  7. it has something to do with if you have claimed HB and CTB since 2006 (not sure if this is the correct year) on a continues basis, then they can't charge you for extra bedrooms, or something like that, sorry if that's not much help x "Tenants who have occupied the same property continuously and taken housing benefit for it since 1996 should never have been included in the policy, Mr Barker discovered. When the Department for Work and Pensions drafted the controversial legislation it did not update housing benefit regulations dating from that year. Those affected include some who are facing eviction because of the bedroom tax- or who have been forced to move to smaller properties. Mr Barker, who is a consultant on housing policy, put up his findings on a blog called Rights Net and it instantly went viral. Now more than 10,000 people have viewed it - rather more than his usual blog audience of “two or three hundred”." just found this on the net, sorry got the year wrong x
  8. thanks Mr. P for your reply, it's very kind of you for helping, have clicked on your star, once again many thanks
  9. My son is on ESA in the work group, so does all the above apply to him just as it does to those on jobseekers
  10. do you mean February 2013? because my DLA claim ended on 6th December 2013
  11. Hi, I do find DLA to PIP transfer very confusing lol, I thought that when my renewal for DLA came, that it would be for PIP, it wasn't, It was a DLA claim pack.. I sent the claim pack off and receive HTC and HRM and it was awarded indefinitely, how long it will be before I try and claim PIP is anyone's guess. Xx ps. hope that all makes sense.
  12. so very pleased for you, sorry to be nosy but did you get full PIP for both parts, happy crimbo xxx
  13. my son has had a few appeals, 5 I think up to now and he has won 4, the best thing you can do is answer honestly and as fully as you can, try not to answer just yes or no to any questions, and remember they only want to know how you where when you filled in the ESA form, it wouldn't matter if you'd had a major operation 3 weeks before, good luck x
  14. thanks HB, won't do it again, but I was just replying, the poster had already mentioned the site.
  15. I'm sure I posted a comment on this thread, has it been deleted for some reason, it I have done something I shouldn't have, can someone let me know please xx
  16. well done, it's been a long haul for you both, but you didn't give in xxx
  17. "Your confused So am I No I telephoned to discuss on 22nd and she put me in the system for review on that date but my final date to act on this was today 28th so I have questioned it within the month timescale." I'm still confused, did you actually send in a GL24 form in writing to appeal before the above or on the date 28th August 2013
  18. the tribunal practically told my son, that they where fed up to the back teeth of both Atos and the DWP
  19. thanks for the info Margaret, yes he does feel like he's being harassed sometimes, after is last appeal, the one before this, 3 months later he got another ESA50 to fill in. It was the assessment that they said had significant error, that the DWP relied on, when the decision maker agreed with his Atos assessment, that's the way I read it, if that makes sense.
  20. thanks very much Antone xx
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