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Everything posted by pitcher

  1. yes, it's a good link, I've read it. Have a look at RaeUK link on this thread, I don't need to say any more. pitcher Edit. Oh you got there first.
  2. Hi raeUK, You don't know where to shove it? Come on rae! I think a certain part of Grant Shapps anatomy will do just fine. My best pitcher EDIT. I forgot to say it's a first class link. I hope enough people read it.
  3. Hi jadeybags, Since I logged on to CAG tonight, I've listened to a few UK talk radio stations. They are talking about nothing else and the majority of opinion seems to come down against darling George. I've stated my thoughts on the subject and I know others will but lets see what the media makes of it over the next few days. regards pitcher
  4. If you wish to nitpick so be it. I know what I heard on the radio from Osborne. It was an indirect attack on all those who use the benefits system. Your opinion is your own but how come so many people are up in arms if your Interpretation is correct? pitcher
  5. Hi Antone, just when you think the little s*!t can't go any lower, Osborne proves us wrong yet again. Linking the death of those poor kids to benefits has to be an all time low, for any politician. As soon as I heard his little speech on the radio, I wanted to vomit. He cannot be allowed to get away with this evil lie. Of course I'll email my MP and sign any e-campain regarding this matter as most others will do. This has to be brought up in parliament and Osborne must be made to explain himself. I want to say so much more but it will be mostly expletives so I'll stop. God help us. pitcher
  6. Hi Stewey, Nice to hear what you say. You are right about the government, just look what so many other CAGers have posted, we can't all be wrong. Keep us informed of your progress, if you need advice, it's there and your posts may help others in a similar place to you. My very best pitcher
  7. Hi estellyn, Thank you for your response. I've lived in council housing for most of my life and have never heard of having to move, maybe it was down to LA's to set their own rules at that time. Of course it's not abhorrent to move someone around the corner but it may have cost in terms of new carpets, furniture etc. As you said, there was tonnes of social housing stock at the time and the problem we face now is the complete reverse. I not being party political at all but since the eighties no government has addressed this issue. The answer is to build more social housing and not to move people around like cattle. Just read RaeUK's post. I think by not hitting the pensioners, the government thinks they come across as fair and caring or maybe they just fear the grey vote. I agree with your post Rae but I think your mind and the governments are poles apart. Grrr. My best pitcher
  8. Hi estellyn, I'm not looking for row but your post - “...As soon as you had spare bedrooms, you used to have to move to somewhere smaller...” When was this? Are you talking about council housing or housing associations? I'm not a young man by any means and I've never heard of this. I think, having to move out of an area because of home size, ignores the facts that people may lose contact with family, friends and community ties/support, that have been built up over decades. It is totally abhorrent to me. I can't remember any government that proposed this. Under Thatcher, I do remember a plan to force young people to move out of their LA every three months. This apparently was meant to encourage them to find work. After a lot of public outrage and the suicide of a young man the plan was quietly dropped. I think this government has gone way beyond anything Thatcher had the nerve to do. Today people are being treated like cattle in a program, (as someone else said) worthy of Stalin himself. I don't know how we have got into to this state. Maybe people used to matter, not so these days. My best pitcher
  9. Hi, stewey Let me just echo dibadabables post. You are not on your own, you have CAG behind you. Have a look at posts by ReaUK and estellyn, you'll see how, with the help and advice of CAG, people who are in a real hole, can win and live on and then give good advice to others. I wish you all the best with your case. Help me out, please put the stanley knife back in your toolbox, If you feel that way just post on CAG instead, you have a lot of friends here to help you. my best pitcher
  10. Hi stewey, There is an ESA50 form online (just google it). you may find it a lot easier to complete than a paper one. Good luck pitcher
  11. Not heard of them by name but from what you say, I think I've spotted them on the front bench during PMQ's.
  12. IDS v smallpox, that did make me lol. Any more of this and I might cheer up. pitcher
  13. I think your post is a gross insult to cybermen everywhere. They may well have their own issues to deal with but to compare them to such an inhumane being as IDS is going a bit to far. Cybermen care about each other, It's in their programming. IDS, of course cares about nothing but himself. P.S. Are there cyberwomen? Just like to know. pitcher
  14. With my LA the increase in HB is automatic if you are in social housing, when the annual rent hike takes place. Everyone is told of what their new rent is and how much HB they are entitled to. If someone is in private housing they have to tell their HB office of any increase and HB is updated accordingly. Each LA or their ALMO have a database which tells them the number of rooms in any dwelling they have on their books. How accurate their Db is depends on how good/bad the LA is. A lot of people in my area have received letters along the lines of, “Our records appear to show you have X number of bedrooms...” If their records are wrong you are required to tell them A.S.A.P. “Or you may lose HB...” pitcher
  15. I, not that long ago, had the grave misfortune of finding myself in the same room as IDS (I say room, I mean hall). He had two “thugs” with him for protection but the thing that got me was his aloofness, arrogance and insularity, if that is a word, did more to keep anyone away from him than his “minders” could ever do. His wife was quite happy to mingle, talk and drink a lot of red wine. Having seen IDS at close quarters, I do not see him relating to anyone who needs to claim benefits of any sort. He seemed to be a man so possessed of his own (self)righteousness that nothing will touch him. Certainly not those in dire straits due to his “reforms”. No, I am sure, IDS will pay for nothing, he will never be held to account, he will do his dirty work and probably end up in the House of Lords. I want to take this opportunity to apologise to all CAG members for not spitting in his face. I did not want to dirty my spit. pitcher
  16. Cheers mate, good man pitcher
  17. My first love was a redhead so I take your point but when I last met Karen, she said she was "SO INTO ME" and I take her word on that. but there you go, still waiting for the doughnuts though. pitcher
  18. Yes! and I'm waiting for doughnuts to fall from the sky. At least my dream has more chance of coming off! my best pitcher
  19. I can only tell you about my own LA, all social housing tenants have all been informed of their housing record, i.e. you have a one/two bed home and therefore you will have to pay 14%/25% extra. They have set up an office to deal with hardship cases but that's another story. I think all LA's have a duty to inform HB claimants of changes, I can't see how they can fail to do so. Saying that, I have not received full notification of what I have to pay come All fools day. I think most LA's are up to their necks in paper work, I expect to receive full notification some time in June, if I'm lucky (no joke). pitcher If anyone wants to contest the findings of their LA, view other threads on this site or view the web for other advice.If all Those effected, ask for reasons for changes, the whole of the LA's HB system may come to a grinding halt.
  20. Hi Antone, your keyboard skills are faster than mine. On the subject of B.R How does this sit with you? The whole problem with the world is that fools and fanatics are always so certain of themselves, and wiser people so full of doubts. I think the man hit the nail on the head with that one. regards, pitcher
  21. Hi Caro. I think it depends on your LA. My LA states “we will review your HB from time to time, if your circumstances change, you must inform us” i.e. the onus is on you to inform them. My LA is not the best in the world and they have not reviewed my HB claim for about eight or nine years but as no change it's no problem to me. I don't know if you are private/social housing but where I live, it's up to social housing tenants to tell the LA of any change. I don't know about private tenants but as I said, I think it's down to your LA. pitcher
  22. Yes indeed, we all have to live in hope. In the news paper its self there is another story along side this subject, under "Labour demands action over jobcentre targets" Stella Creasy M.P. gets to say her bit, one of the few M.P. I'd give the time of day to. Well worth a read. pitcher
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