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Everything posted by pitcher

  1. No, trust me, after my brief fling with Ang**** **** ( I can't give full name for legal reasons) Kelly just won't look at me! My point, as you well know, was aimed at Squaddies request for the truth. regards pitcher
  2. Hi, he did "cheat", living where he wasn't allowed to, how many people have problems with the SS over this? The man is a deeply self rightous character, He has done nothing wrong (in his eyes) in his rise to power. It's only people like me and you who are wrong in his selfish thoughts. regards, pitcher
  3. Yeah, just give me kelly brook in her underpants , that's all I ask. Not gonna happen. Is it?
  4. Well done Stewey. This maybe all you need to do but It's not in the lap of the gods. It's in the hands of ATOS, not quite the same thing! From what you've posted I think it should be a "no contest" decision in favor of your good self. If you get zero points (not likely), please don't cave in. You will find yourself in the same place as countless CAGers have found themselves in. You will find lots of support and first class advice here, that's what all the good people at CAG do. You're not alone. With hope pitcher
  5. It only took ten pages of argument before someone said it in one. Oy vay. pitcher
  6. It's been said before but It's worth saying again! The mail story should be held up an example of all that is wrong with to days "free" press. pitcher I did sign and I think it hit the half mil mark. Not quite a "stunt" as IDS called it.
  7. And what makes Gideon a "qualified expert" on the subject of welfare reform?
  8. I know all the S**T about IDS but is there something about Hovis I should know?
  9. Let it be that state of manyhood bound and loathing. So with thy all; thou hast no right but to do thy will. Hope that clears things up. pitcher
  10. Read and reread your post, had a dark laugh but point 1, you said identify a problem. Yes but also create a problem then points 2 to 5 work like a dream. Is it not what this and previous governments have done?
  11. Yes Rae, it's a very nasty thing. Not just the crime, I can't put my feelings in words about those kids but the s**t that came from Osborn, I can shout about that and have done. Estellyn, What can I say? YOU know it and as you always do – A first class post. My best to RaeUK and Estellyn, you both give so much and are part of the reason why this site is so good. Please don't click my star. I might be accused of grovelling! My best to you both picther Estellyn, I've reread your post and how do you know so much about so much? You were right on the nail!
  12. Hi Conniff whinging? If you don't agree with the posts on this thread then fine but give a reason why and maybe post your own thoughts without insult to all who have already posted on this thread. As site team, please set a good example we can follow. My best pitcher
  13. Feck! Had a quick read on NLP. Mostly discredited by a lot of good scientists and being trained in science, I can't go with it. It's a fact that modern advertising comes from the USA. Fact, during the ninety thirty’s a certain administration got a group of top psychologists together for the sole reason, “How can the government sell bad news to the people and make it sound good”. They were at the top of their field and they gave the administration just what they needed. Listen to Thatcher, Blair, Cam, Clegg and (most important) any advertisement campaign on TV . The same tactics are there, have a look and You'll see the light. Or maybe the darkness. Sorry to put NLP down but I can't go with it. There are easier and proven ways to fool the people pitcher
  14. This is an old point, I.E. the army in N.I. had a perfect training ground to deal with unrest on the mainland and that theory was most popular in the '90's. But I don't put it past this shower of P**S to put it into being. They seem to have no limits to their arrogance. If it goes that way, there's me, you and who else in Trafalgar Square? pitcher
  15. With the greatest respect, I ask you to think. Has the twisted press fooled you? No and have they fooled me, no. Again, with respect I humbly suggest most people have a brain, not everyone takes the Mail as gospel. I don't know about the programming you mention but I'll look it up. I'm not having a go at you but when someone speaks for other people, I.E. I can see through this but others can't, that when I start to worry. This site is a great example of mixed views and I have yet to see any extreme thread get anything like a mass support. I will put my faith in people, they can't all be fooled at the same time. With respect pitcher [Edit] I was in the same square at the same time. It was a rough time for some. It was also an ecstatic time for some of us! P.S. I for two am not a sheep.
  16. If we're really, really lucky, maybe his own throat. A bad shaving accident perhaps? We can only live in hope.
  17. Hi Mate, It's all in your first line, "suppose". yes but it's not how it works. You know each paper has it's own Agenda. From the Morning Star to the Mail and all in-between you will see each putting their own twist on things. I don't believe I'm saying anything you don't know. I agree with your point on press regulation, it's a very dangerous and slippery slope. Sad though it may be, I think the price we pay for a free press comes in the form of the despicable article you mention. regards pitcher
  18. The satanic horned goat with a mans face seems like a saint compared to IDS at this time.
  19. See? I told you a CAGer will sort this! I might even buy one. [Edit] Ha! I've started a sub thread on (k)cumquats! Who else on CAG can say that, and, indeed, who else would want to.
  20. You said it yourself. political suicide. If they tell the truth, how will they keep power? If they don't keep power, how can they grind us into the dirt? As for being honest, show me any party who is honest. pitcher
  21. sorry, I don't know. It was the first thing that came into my head. I Know some CAGer will tell all. I'm Soo,Soo, Sorry Forgive me pitcher If you want to ask about a spud, I may be able to help.
  22. Hi speedfreek, The good lady MP has done her job. I don't think she has gone beyond her job. It's just what I'd expect my MP to do but as she is in an ultra safe seat, it not going to happen. Well done Helen Goodman MP! I do agree with the cut of your post but what has Ms Goodman done? Maybe she has proved what most people on ESA/HB already know. Is Cam, Cleg, IDS or dear George going to care about this? I don't think so, not for one second. So what next? I'm open to any ideas. my best pitcher [Edit] I don't know the diff between a cumquat and a spud. so?
  23. Ironic smile? More like a gag reflex in my case. It's priceless, couldn't make it up if you tried.
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