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  1. Arrived an hour ago and they took the other one away,looks good and works well, AO did not charge the extra cost for a better machine which was a good gesture.
  2. Hi I am pleased to say AO.com responded to my email to the CEOs and customer service department, I will be receiving a replacement microwave tomorrow and the other one taken back. It should not have escalated to this level but AO.com have dealt with my complaint and restored my faith in this company. I will continue to buy from them in the future.
  3. Thanks for the adice I have found the CEO is John Roberts I will be emailing him today.
  4. I had the microwave for two days trying it out once. The grill did not perform as it states in its instructions and the microwave cut out once. AO .com will not give a refund or accept it back without a Bosh engineers report. I am now stuck with this item until the 29th next week. If the engineer does not find fault or agree the grill is at fault I have been told I will only get a partial refund in line with AO terms and conditions.
  5. I purchased a Bosh microwave from AO.com I have previously used this company with no problem always quick and efficient delivery. The microwave has the Quartz grill that we wanted. It was delivered Wednesday the 21st sept, on using it today for two slices of cheese on toast it's supposed to take 5-7 mins according to the instructions, because the grill goes off for far too long before coming back on it takes about 15 mins, on using the microwave for heating a bowl of soup the microwave stopped working but the seconds stayed illuminated the light went out and the motor stopped, my wife opened the door and closed it again and it started working and is still working. I telephoned AO and was told a Bosh engineer has to call to confirm the fault then they will replace it or give a refund, I explained it is an intermittent fault and the grill does not perform as it should so I would like to return it and have a refund or different microwave. I am now in dispute regarding their claims of good customer service as on their website and my request under the consumer protection act 2015 for a full refund. An engineer cannot attend until 29 th sept, if the fault does not appear ( when do they ever ) it will be classed as a used item. I could have just made sure it was clean repacked it and had it taken back. But I'm to honest. I do not class treating repeat customers or any customers in this way. Do they have the right to insist on a engineer visit or should they just give a refund ?
  6. Thanks for the info rebel11, I have just called our local CAB and they are going to report the issue to Trading standards as a safety issue. Looks like chargeback is for the seller and not the buyer but will look into it further.
  7. Hi rebel11 I paid with Paypal and as yet have not reported this to anyone, Im a bit in the dark as to how to proceed, I have looked at the Trading standards website but it seems to direct you to your local council that deals with your own area issues. I would appreciate any guidance. Thanks
  8. Hi. I purchased a double step advertised for caravan or motorhome use last march, they have been used 3 times and are now leaning to one side. On inspection I found on the manufacturers label the warning, Only to be used indoors, I took some photographs of the steps and emailed the company. ishop247 emailed back and asked me to return the steps and they would either repair or replace them under guarantee but as I have had them since March no refund could be given. I asked for a refund stating under the consumer rights act 1979 the steps should be fit for purpose and should last a reasonable time. ishop247 replied with their same response totally ignoring my mention of the consumer rights act, they have now done this 3 times. I said I would go to Trading standards, email this website, even consider the small claims court but to no avail. I believe these steps could be potentially dangerous, as mine also show a small amount of rust around the step welds. Can this retailer sell something like this ignoring the manufacturers warning ?
  9. What is happening to Poligrip ultra it is now virtually useless, not only are the manufacturers pumping in larger air pockets it now doesn't last a day. I am going to try other products as Poligrip is now not worth the money.
  10. Hi I can confirm Sudhir from printerinks.com has been in touch with my wife and will be resolving our issue to our complete satisfaction, he will be exchanging our cartridge that does not fit our printer for one that does. It was not until Sadhir intervened on this website that we now find our problem solved , hopefully if Sadhir has any influence at printerinks he will be able to instruct the people who work there to listen to their customers and believe what they are being told. My faith in Printerinks has been restored and I will have no hesitation in using and recommending this company. Thanks to you at C A G forum for your assistance it goes to prove what a useful website you have. Regards John
  11. Hi Sudhir Thank you for contacting me, my order number is 2707409. We have just been contacted by your customer services, they still do not seem to understand, we did not order a single colour cartridge , we did a search by putting our printer make and model , we then had a list of compatible cartridges, we chose a colour and black one but we were offered a special offer pack at the checkout, we had the choice of two packs at two different prices , my wife chose the cheapest but when it arrived it was not compatible. The point is why were we offered it , if it would not fit, this is a mistake on your website . Your customer services are not even looking at our complaint properly they say we ordered cartridge HP78 we did NOT. Customer service ref number is LTK15707138342X Regards John
  12. Hi conniff The cartridge i removed did not have any part number on it , thats why my wife put our printer make and model in so Printerinks chose the cartridge for us . There were two offers shown on the website and looking at them now the part numbers for the colour cartridge in question are different but they were both offered as special deals for our printer. I think the website is at fault , Printerinks have put the wrong pack as fitting our printer. My wife has emailed them again saying we accept no responsibility for choosing the wrong one as it should not have been offered as fitting our printer , they have ignored the email. Regards John
  13. Hi My wife ordered a special offer cartridge pack from these people, the colour cartridge did not fit our machine although the black ones do, The offer was made by my wife entering our printer make, the web site then chose the offers she could pick from, she chose two cartridges, one colour one black, at the checkout two more offers appeared, both offering one colour and two black cartridges also a pack of paper, She chose the cheapest pack as both appeared to be the same. we inserted the colour cartridge which fitted ok but the printer would not accept it , It turns out to be the wrong cartridge for our printer, Printerinks will not accept their website offered a pack that would not fit our machine, My wife has spoken to two people at printerinks and they say she ordered the wrong cartridge pack and as its been opened they will not change it, they just ignore her emails. I have printed a copy of the offer in black and white as we now have no colour cartridge, what do you think we should do ? Regards John.
  14. Hi having giving my position lots of thought l can not see the point in trying for an appeal even if there is such a processes, as the outcome could be just the same.So have decided to try and change the payment order to instalments, l have taken the forms today to Dartford county court and offered to pay £5 a month. When my seller turns this down it will be up to the court to decide on the payment amount. With out going into any personnel finance details my form shows very little left at the end of the month,So l am hoping the court may settle for £10 a month. This will take 8 years to pay off so the seller can keep my caravan until l have paid him. Will post the outcome when known.
  15. Hi, I am still around and thinking of my position, I do not want to have to give this bloke my hard earned money. I am on pension credit with little savings. If i just did not pay, he would get an enforcement order, i have nothing of value in my property that belongs to me, my son who lives with us has quit a lot of electrical stuff as he makes his own music and has a big tv . when the bailif turns up can anybody tell me exactly what they can and can not do. Is the onus on them to prove things belong to me or if I say it does not belong to me is that good enough? does my son have to provide receipts?. can they take jointly owned belongings?. I have seen somewhere i can swear an affidavit ? in front of a solicitor to the effect that nothing of value in my property belongs to me is that right?. There are so many stories on tv like rouge traders,were people just do not pay ccj`s and nothing happens to them. At my time of life i am not worried about a ccj only how far things might go. Is this the answer as it seems the easiest way?.
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