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Silverado 2011

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Everything posted by Silverado 2011

  1. A friend of mine has recently moved into a new flat above a parade of shops. Access to the flat is around the back of the shops last saturday evening I helped him move in and took some of his in my car to unload. I parked in a parking area behind the shops and he unloaded the car, I was there for less than 10 minutes. Unfortunately I received a PCN from Highview parking through the post. I went back to the carpark yesterday to read the parking sign as I genuinely didn't realise I wasn't allowed to unload there, The notice says by parking there I agree to the terms and conditions but the t&c's aren't stated on the notice. Just wondering the best way to proceed with my letter in the first instance to Highview.
  2. Yep, heart in the mouth moment when my score dropped from 991 to 724 this morning. They could have given us a bit of warning or something. Was nearly late for work checking that there hadn't been any spurious entries since I last looked at my report. Luckily there hadn't been but this wasn't a great way to start the day!
  3. Thanks silverfox. I haven't sent a SAR but think it would be a good idea to do so. I'll send one to MBNA today.
  4. Thanks Oleg for the reply. Yes I agree, I don't want to poke the bear and sitting tight might well be the right way to go. I do, however, need to find out exactly when the 6 years is up so I have a water tight defence should anything happen.
  5. I have 2 very old accounts with MBNA, one for a loan and one for a credit card which I suspect are statute barred. Max Recovery took over the account in 2009 and absolutely no payments have been made to them during this time. Max Recovery send me annual statements and this morning I received the 2013-14 statements. Usually the statements just show an opening and closing balance but this year there is a very small credit been posted the account mid year for both the credit card and loan. The amounts are very small but I'm concerned. I am absolutely certain that no payment has been made to Max Recovery during the year so I'm very curious as to what this entry could be for. Obviously I would like to enquire what these entries relate to but don't want to imply ownership of the debt and consequently jeopardise the statute barred status. Would anyone know how I could phrase the letter to enquire what these entries relate or should I just not worry?
  6. I've just checked my credit report and the score has dropped over 100 points from this time last week. The reason for this drop is: Now the only thing that has happened to my finances in the last 3 months is that I got a mobile phone upgrade with EE. I notice that previously the entries to my credit report were by 'Everything everywhere T/AS Orange' however this month they've opened a new entry on my credit report as 'EE'. I've been in financial scrapes and I'm trying to improve my credit rating and got it to 940 and now its back down to 835 because of a mobile phone contract renewal? This sounds appalling to me.
  7. I'm a tad confused with the ratings the agencies seem to be giving and there either doesn't seem to be much consistancy between the agencies in terms of scoring or I am misinterpreting things. My story is this, all was going well until 2008/9 when I was made redundant. In a year I had notched up two CCJ's and a default was issued on my mortgage as I had no income other than JSA. My credit rating was destroyed. 4 years on and the CCJ's are now satisfied and the mortgage arrears all paid. Unfortunately the default on my mortgage will stay on my file for 2 more years and there is nothing I can do about that. In an attempt to monitor my credit rating I have been a paying member of credit expert for about a year and was quite happy with the improvements on my credit score, however, today my credit score dipped by 30 points on what appears to be no reason. No new searches, no changes to my credit file at all. This prompted me to sign up for 'Noodles' free service to see what they were saying about me and also to see what my score was. Credit expert - 906 (a fall from 935 last month, like I say I have no idea why) Noodle - 1 out of 5 The Noodle score has shocked me to be honest as I knew my credit worthiness wasn't great but 1/5? Really? Has anyone had similar experiences or can offer any advise? As it seems like all my hard work of getting things paid has been futile. All I can do is sit and wait for a few years for things to fall of my file.
  8. Just checked my credit file and it doesnt mention anything about an arrangement.
  9. Thanks for replies. Hmmm getting a new mortgage may be tricky then. I defaulted in 2008 so only have 2 years til it drops off.
  10. I was made redundant quite a few years and accrued a lot of Mortgage arrears. The mortgage was put in default and it now shows as such on my credit file. Today I paid the last of the arrears:cheer2: and I'm just wondering what will happen to the entry on my credit file? Should it return from Default to Satisfactory as there are no outstanding arrears or do I have to wait for the 6 years to pass and the default to drop off my credit file? I'd like to start applying for mortgages in a few months time as I have to move due to work and have been hoping that as there are no arrears it would be ok. I fear the default might just scupper this though.
  11. Edit: Ok I'll solved the problem, this account was in default but is now satisfied. The other accounts were not defaults so show as satisfied and settled. Nothing really to see here, can be deleted really.
  12. OP - advice has been given and its solid advice too, the money does belong to your ex employer. When I was in a vaguely similar situation I contacted CCCS who were fantastic. They went through my income and expenditure to see what I could afford and then drafted a letter which they sent me to sign and to forward on to my creditor. The amount was agreed and I have been paying it back steadily for just over a year now with the end in sight in a few months time. I think you now have to decide if you want to act on the advice that has been given or maybe try CAB or CCCS but I dont think the problem will go away on its own.
  13. I thought this site was all about constructive and positive help? The tone of this reply is bit over the top and judgemental in my eyes. I imagine the OP has beaten themselves up enough and came here looking for a bit of compassion and a push in the right direction, not another bashing. Just my thoughts and feel free to delete if I have overstepped the mark.
  14. Yep I did this without any problems, I now have a certificate of cancellation for the CCJ and it is now removed from my credit file. I scanned and emailed the solicitors letters over to Northampton and they did the rest. They were incredibly helpful and walked me through the process over the phone, was totally harmless. Thanks for all the help.
  15. Thanks for the reply Andyorch but I was led to believe that as I paid the debt within a month of judgement I could get the CCJ removed from my credit file instead of just showing as satisfied. I dont know if this is the same as being set aside or a different process.
  16. A little help please. A few weeks ago I checked my credit file and found a spurious CCJ that I didnt know existed. I contacted the solicitors involved and they said that as I'd paid the amount due within a month of the date of judgement then I can contact the court to have the CCJ cancelled. They sent me a copy of the letter dated 24/08/10 which apparently they sent me at the time stating that the judgement could be cancelled but still registered the CCJ. I made payment the day I received the CCJ court papers and was assured that the debt would not show on credit file but alas this does not seem to be the case. What I'd like to know is how do I go about getting this CCJ removed from my credit file. Can I just send a copy of the letter I received from the solicitors to the court or do I have to do something more substantial like submitting official papers? Also it is a lengthy process or do issues like this get resolved fairly swiftly? Many thanks in advance.
  17. Hiya Yellow I'm one step further down the road than you are in as much as my IVA failed two and a half years ago. Some IVA managers will automatically apply for the owners of failed IVA's to be bankrupt mine however did not. I received notification from the company managing my IVA saying that it had failed (I missed a few payments due to redundancy, IVA's are so inflexible but dont get me started on that) and that they would notify my creditors. The creditors could then pursue the outstanding amounts anyway they legally saw fit. Not wishing to tempt fate but so far only one creditor has made contact and that was through a DCA. They were getting pushy so I requested the original CA from them which they provided this was about 6 months ago. They have gone very quiet since then which I'm slightly worried about and check my credit report regularly to see if they have submitted any CCJ paperwork to Northampton, they havent...........yet. My view of your situation is this, basically you can live your life two ways. Firstly bankruptcy this will encompase all debts and will enable you to live without the fear of DCA's, CCJ's and all the other crap that comes with that. This is not an option for me as firstly I would not be able to do my job as a bankrupt and secondly I'm terrified of losing my house. Its final and solves a lot of problems but would create a lot of problems for me. The second option is to live your life looking over your shoulder and seeing what the postman brings each day. Its not ideal and doesnt suit everyone, like I said above this is what I'm doing. It is constantly on my mind and I feel like I'm just waiting for the 6 years post IVA failure to elapse, two and a half down three and a half to go then I'm home and dry hopefully. I must admit though it does feel like putting your life on hold until the six years pass. I'd try and find out from your IVA managers of their intentions should your IVA fail and decide what course of action you wish to take. Keep strong though and dont get stressed.
  18. The IVA started in the back end of 2005 and failed mid 2008 but wouldn't the IVA payments themselves stop the debt from starting the 'statute barred' clock from starting as they'd be recognised debt repayments?
  19. Thanks for the reply AWC. IVA payments were made up until some time in 2008 so I'm guessing that this is the date that the 'Statute Barred' starts at, although I could be wrong. I received an email from Egg today as well stating that the debt was now owned by 'Britannica Arrow' and there was nothing that I needed to do. We'll see if this change of events brings anything out of the woodwork, I'm hoping not obviously.
  20. **UPDATE** I received a pack in the post today from the solicitors, included was 2 signed credit agreements. I don't really know what to do next. Sit and wait to see what comes through the post or do something more proactive. I've started a new job on more money so a new IVA is a consideration but I'm not sure I want to be tied in again for another 5 years. If this will keep the wolf from the door I'm not adverse from doing it. Anyone got any advice?
  21. Hiya SF I have nothing to help your situation except words of encouragement. You were very helpful in my thread a few months ago and I just wanted to lend some support as it sounds like your head has dropped. Keep on keeping on, it will all work out in the end.
  22. Still not received anything, not counting any chickens as I read a thread on legal issues about a guy who received paperwork 22 months after CCAi'ing them . Fingers crossed though. Thanks for the reply
  23. Just a quick update. I CCA'd the solicitors and the letter was sent next day delivery with proof of delivery. I received a letter back saying they were requesting the documents from the original creditor and stated no further action would be taken until the documents had be received. If I've done my sums correctly and the 12+2 working days rule is applicable then they've timed themselves out today. Obviously if I'm wrong with my assumption on the 12+2 days let me know but I haven't received any further documents from the solicitors at all. Does this mean the matter is now closed?
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