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  1. I am on medication for bipolar and depression i'm not mental or anything like that. The people that came last night come just now and gave me another court letter, they weren't shouting this time but they said i have to go to court otherwise they'll put me in Holloway prison for 7 days. I told them I haven't got that sort of money to pay back £3000 pound but they said just go to court and show the judge your JSA letters. I've never been to court or dealt with police in my entire life, i'm really frightened if I go to court and they decide to lock me up anyway because I took so long to respond or I can't pay the money. I don't care what happens to me it's my kids I'm worried about.The people were from The Association of British Investigators in London.
  2. I am extremely stressed at the moment so not able to communicate very well. I have looked up the people who came to my place last night and discovered that they are private investigators. By the way they were behaving I don't wish to have any dealings with them, if I have to pay back the money how do I go about it, do I write to ex employers or go to court with papers showing proof of income?
  3. Well i haven't been advised at all really, just patronized and made to feel small. I don't have the means to pay back anything i'm not on £60k a year like some people, i'm only a single mum trying to survive. I attempted to arrange something with ex employers a long time ago explaining my financial situation but was basically told where I could shove my offer of repayment. If I can't turn to this forum where else do i turn to.
  4. Is someone actually going to help me here or is this a witch hunt exercise. I really DON'T NEED IT. Murderers and paedophiles get better treatment than this. I am being treated like some kind of thief as if i purposely went out to [problem] ex employers out of their money!! I'd understand the hostility if that was the case. And to be told to get over my rant..why don't you all just hang me like they did in the 15th century maybe that will make you feel better.
  5. Hi there Excuse me, who died and made you a God???!! I had many other personal issues going on at the time I left the company, I resigned properly and thought that was the end of it. I had no agreement with the company to continue paying me and it was not a few grand it went up to £3000 because of interest. No I did not realise I had been paid again untill sometime later. Also, I'm not disputing that it is their job to send HCEO or whoever they sent..they are not supposed to come after 9 PM shouting out my name and knocking on neighbours doors..it's bullying. I don't owe the company any money, they by their own mistake put it in my account because they weren't informed that i'd left the company. Now I have to pay for their mistake and I don't have it. I'm sorry I'm not perfect like you!
  6. I posted before regarding a summons to court for questioning and never really got a proper response so I'm asking again. To cut a long story, ex employees, Santander overpaid wages back in 2009. I had already left the company and the money was swallowed up by an overdraft. I'm currently unemployed and Santander have been chasing me for over £3000 which include baliffs and interests. I stupidly ignored all attempts from Santander to recover this wages overpayment and now they have issued me with a court summons. I ignored it and they have since tried to issue me another. They sent court officers or whatever to come to my flat after 9 PM banging down my door disturbing other neighbours and shouting out my name in the hallway. Is this harrassement?? If I ignore the summons can they have me arrested for contempt of court? This has been going on for for nearly 4 yrs now. I suffer with depression and can't deal with anymore of this, it's making me ill, I do not have any money to pay back £3000 plus I have other debts which I'm paying off with my JSA. I'm close to having a breakdown can't deal with anymore.
  7. Sorry..it's regarding an issue about overpayment of wages that I thought had been dealt with since last year. The company sent bailiffs and everything put me through hell.
  8. Please can somebody advise me again?? Two men came to my flat at 9;30 at night just to give me a letter, they said I am to attend court for questioning and made me sign it. What happens at a court questioning?? If I don't go can I be put in prison? Were they undercover police??
  9. Thank you all for your help..I have done those things you suggested. Wish i could repay the kindness in some way but i haven't even got 2 10p's to rub together at the moment. Short of standing on the corner of Kings Cross somewhere I didn't know what else i would of done.
  10. Hi there, I wonder if anyone can help me. I have recieved a letter from DWP stating that they will be stopping the jsa from 6th Dec 2011. They said it's because i didn't apply for a job that the (edit) jobcentre gave me. The job was totally unsuitable as i have no experience or qualifications to do it, it a Housing benefits assessor type of job, which i actually had applied for in the past but wasn't successful. How can a person without the necessary qualifications or experience apply for a job they can't do??? Now my JSA is going to stop which means the HB and CT will stop, I will lose my flat and be made homeless with 2 kids they are both under 16. I don't have support of a family or friends. I'm really frightened my kids will be taken into care if i can't look after them. They said in the DWP letter i can appeal against the decision which i'm going to do but in the mean time how will i survive without a job!!! I had an interview for a p/t job recently which seemed to go well, hope to get news by Monday, fingers crossed. However, i'm so stressed over this..really don't need it coming up to Christmas. Sorry to rant on but looking at some of the posts on here you all seem really helpful. Thanks in advance for any help.
  11. Thank you thank you thank you all of you who help me so so much and Ploddertom i will certainly do all that what you have suggested. Thank God for people like you or people like me end up sitting down in prison because of debts. Mwah mwah mwah!!! Is the least i can offer you by way of thanks, you saved my life!
  12. A thousand thanks for all replies. The HCEO just rang again I recognised the number and didn't answer it. I've been reading on other posts somebody kindly referrred me to and i saw something about applying to the court on form N244, to have to stay the judgement. Is it too late to do this? Please excuse my dodgy spelling/grammar i am totally all over the place on Valium. I just want this awful burden off my back.
  13. Hi I'm a single mum with 2 kids. I lost my job last year and got into a lot of silly debts, my fault I know:-( I've got into a lot of trouble with where i used to work for an overpayment of wages which straight into my overdraft. Now the company solitors are chasing me for nearly £3000 when the op was only £1000, they have sent it to High Court bailiffs who keep coming round, I'm never in when they come though. I'm on JSA and looking for work like a mad woman, I don't have £3000 to pay I haven't said i won't pay it back but i can't give what i haven't got. I'm so stressed i've never had to deal with debts before i've always had money. I've lost 10 pounds over this, it's making me ill not good when i need to find work Recently i had a call on my mobile from someone who said he was from the High Court, I don't know how he got my number, i didn't arrange anything with him and he said he'd call back later, can they call your phone like that?? Also the solitors threatened to make me bankrupt?? Sorry to be all over the place I'm just so upset and confused, i can't look after the kids properly, please help me, please???
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