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Everything posted by shellshocked

  1. exact url to the gmtv clip please? it links to a different clip. ok I watched now yes he was very good not accepting the rubbish coming out of her mouth.
  2. its not that simple tho, try getting a credit card when your credit rating is bad. I suspect the savings account workaround could soon be closed by then increasing the min deposit to something over £1500.
  3. Can I ask what this £10 buffer was I have neve rhad this anyway previous and current behaviour on my accoutn works like this. example. £90 available in account direct debit for £91 blocked £35 fee letter sent out bounced payment should have I previously had it cleared and be in £10 buffer?
  4. what strikes me is this a extroadinary case I think its normal. I watched the tv program bailiffs where they chasing council and business tax and their charges are also too large. Yet noone blinks an eye, presumably because they thinking well they pay late so they deserve it.
  5. ok then the next question. why only pick on credit card companies and not the banks, seems nit picking to me they both doing equally wrong things, banks probably worse since credit card holders normally have extra protection via credit laws and isnt directly affecting their bank balance.
  6. Ok I assume there is some legislators somewhere that have the power to fine banks should they breach the law. So my question is simple, if these penalty charges are illegal or at least illegal the way banks implement them then why is noone fining the banks for keeping them in place. Since the banks are taking noone to court to defend their case it looks like they are breaking the law but not been punished for it, the people with power to take action to end this tommorow seem to be sitting back and expecting people to take on the banks on a individual basis.
  7. yeah my thoughts are this is why so many landlords says NO DSS, because the system is poorly thought out. if they overpay either due to a error on their side or due to incorrect information given by the claimant or due to fraud then they will ask for it back or take out of future payments to recover.
  8. 8. In the premises: 8.1 the charges are for banking services, and are not damages nor a penalty; 8.2 the Bank is entitled by contract to impose the charges, which are fair and reasonable; makes me laugh only today when the bank rang me up responding to my complaint over my latest charge did what they say I found interesting. Firstly this is the first time the bank has refused to refund a charge to me when I asked, seems they are changing their policy following giving large refunds and been tighter to people who play nice. She said the reason the refund couldnt be issued is because the charge is "FULLY AUTOMATED" and outside of human control. So looking at 8.1 and 8.2 of your defense they are saying its reasonable to charge £35 for a unpaid standing order that was automatically blocked and letter sent out. For those interested I did record the call.
  9. I think with the bbc its a case of looking like they are serving the public. Most people looking at the comments page would think its all innocent until you hear of someone who has had a moderated post or a post that hasnt showed up. The bbc are on the same game as these banks tho, preying on the vulnerable so its no surprise.
  10. so much for unbiased bbc, what was wrong with what they edited out?
  11. did the reasearch for you, the payment on account I happened to find at the same time and was useful for myself, I am a tenant who claims myself. It isnt a brand new claim as such I moved house and all they need to do is update the address and rent amount. invalidity benefit is an old discontinued benefit that was replaced by incapacity benefit so they should be more or less the same thing. Income support entitlement is 57.45 for 25 years and over then premiums on top are awarded for specific things. If he has no children then its likely the only premium he will get is disability premium which is 24.20. If his invalidity benefit is higher then 81.65 he wont be entitled to income support and may lose some of his housing benefit for excess income. If its lower then claim the income support even if its just a few £ as it automatically qualifies for max rate of housing and council tax benefit. The same calculations are used for housing benefit so 81.65 if over that its deemed as excess. If he is under 25 he is entitled to less income support.
  12. more info no that injuction. she got it because they got physical with her and was caught on camera. When the judge ruled that she wasnt responsible for bailiff costs that came as a surprise. The aim was to keep them out of her house only.
  13. I would assume the poorer you are the more likely they will close your account or use it as a threat.
  14. ok done some reasearch for you on this, invalidity benefit is what is now incapacity benefit so disability living allowance he isnt getting unless its a 2nd benefit of his but if you on incapacity benefit for longer then 12 months (long term rate) then you get the disability premium. This isnt the same as income support and doesnt mean you get no deductions for income it just means you are deducted less. Incidently I will now be doing what I may reccomend to you. I rang my council asking for the housing benefit on account and they wont pay up advising me of a 6+ month waiting list (I dont intend to wait that long). So will be getting my MP to give them a prod to sort me out before then. If you have written letters to them and got nowhere you could try your mp. Also an alternative is a form of income support available that can be used for housing costs that housing benefit dont cover, I dont know much about it but its something the DWP handles not the local council so give them a ring and enquire.
  15. Interesting my own thoughts are :- If they demolishing but not building the new flats until some time after then where are the existing tenants supposed to live in the mean time? Why are councils not enforcing low cost quotas? (same happens here) Why are councils repeatedly getting rid of council houses and flats when their is major housing shortages?
  16. whats invalidity benefit? disability living allowance will qualify him for the premium. To get that discretionary payment renewed apperently you need to prove he is looking for cheaper alternatives so in other words the council are saying either he coughs up the difference in rent or look for somewhere cheaper. Life is cruel but they are following the law. If you put him on the council house waiting list given his demands I would expect him to not get housed anytime soon but because you have made efforts to move him, they should then renew the payment, but be aware that in the unlikely event housing is found but he doesnt accept it the extra payments may be stopped again.
  17. OFT have messed up by not enforcing their comments, fining banks who dont change their penalty charges to nominal amounts. Instead all they have done is advised whats a suitable penalty and then left the banks to it. In truth they should have legislated it, banks forced to automatically refund excess charges and stop future charges or be fined.
  18. Not sure what the HB limit is, perhaps ask them what it is, can you specify how much the monthly amount is he gets here? that he is currently getting and what the shortfall is? From what I have been told they look at the average rent for the area for the size of the property and class that as a fair rent, they will never pay more what they believe is a fair rent. So if eg. you charge your brother £400 a month for a 1 bed bungalow but the council believes £320 is the fair rent then they wont award more then £320. Other factors are if they deem if the property is too big, and if it is they then start deducting amounts for excess rooms, and his income, normally if on income support their is no deductions for income and the full amount is paid. So assuming they deducting nothing for income, and nothing for size of property, then the limiting factor must be the average rent charged in your area, been the council I would expect they deeming the average a bit lower then what it actually is but I would get a local paper and look for the prices been advertised in rent for bungalows, if they are indeed higher then what your brother is been paid then use that as the basis of your claim. I would be very surprised if your brother got given a council flat since there is massive housing shortages and waiting lists around the country and generally if you have no child you will be waiting for years especially if you are a male. You are a victim of a joke of a housing benefit system and can probably see why so many landlords say no DSS.
  19. Bailiff charges are illegal if my local court is anything to go by. Friend of mine had £120 debt with council at old address but because they kept chasing at old address didnt get paid. Almost 2 years later bailiff turns up but wasnt in first time so fees for 2 visits. Bill was £120 fine £60 bailiff fee first visit. £120 bailiff fee second visit. Total bill £300 She offered to pay £150 so the bailiff got £30 for his time, refused. They took inventory and said if she didnt within 2 days they take items out of house. Friend got an injuction order against bailiffs disallowing them access to property, this was done on the basis they refused payment and the judge said the person hiring the bailiff should pay the fees not the person owing the cash. Week later got letter of bailiff willing to accept £120 in post and debt will then be settled.
  20. Current bank gives me overdraft facility and debit card. Which bank would give me the same on new account in these circumstances. Been with current bank 9 years. moved last week so current address is less then 1 month No landline yet No bank statements for current address No utility bills yet for current address Not updated electrol roll yet Poor credit rating No photo id unemployed thanks.
  21. how do I view survey results? it just asks me to vote but no show results button.
  22. Lloyds look a tough nut to crack from what I read here and it seems the people who get the cash close their account after. If I claim and got my money but then lost my account I think it wouldnt be worth it sinc eI am unemployed, the current facilities with lloyds I have is an overdraft limit and visa debit card. I would struggle to get a new account anyway since I have no photoid (believe me around here they wont budge on no photoids), and even then I would unlikely get a new overdraft and debit card and of course not have 9 year history with bank. Via online banking I see for last 4 years I can claim £430 which would pay of my loan getting my account out of collections and back to normal, other 2 years I dont know charges for yet. Only 5 days ago they billed me another £30 for unpaid SO, so even tho office fair trading ruled on this how are the banks allowed to simply ignore it? are they planning to just carry on as normal even tho its been ruled illegal and a primetime programme has highlighted it? I also have these following problems. If I contact the bank regarding the charge history they say my account is run by collections goto them, even head office say same thing. If I contact collections they say they will only deal with my loan and keepingmy account within limits and nothing else. So who do I write to now? thanks.
  23. I have spoken to lloyds tsb on this and they seem to be holding their guard firmly. That response is clever and I read it as that we agreed to these fees when we signed up and as such they are legal. Are we sure that they are wrong on this or have they found a loophole? thanks.
  24. thanks very useful but seems I will still need to ask them since it only lets me search back to july 2002.
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