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Everything posted by Braveheart2009

  1. Hi, I am wondering say if I apply for a credit card and I get a set limit however I require a few hundred more credit limit which I have on another credit card would that increase the livelihood of me getting an increase credit limit? I do have a decent credit rating.
  2. Thanks for that the thing is I can work doing other types of work than what I have been doing for years.
  3. Hi, I am wondering if you would be entitled to a disability element on JSA CB/IB if you have been effected by a non physical injury whilst on duty which has a long term effect and your contracted has ended due to this and in getting other type of work in your sector than what you have done in the past basically meaning harder to gain employment outwith your regular field? Is their any allowances for that? This is backed up by a doctors line. Thanks.
  4. looks like that company are in breach of normal rules as your supposed to get paid whilst off sick plus compensation if he/she claimed.
  5. Hi, I am trying to understand what I am entitled to after a company ends your employment. I understand you receive the follow:- 1. Basic salary upto the date to termination 2. Holiday pay 3. Pay for notice period or 1 off payment? How does this work if you have been registered sick and your SSP doesn't run out till end of the month while the company terminate you start of the month? Thanks.
  6. Hi, I am wondering if it is a good idea to start the application process of JSA before being terminated from employment, which is expected? Won't the job centre question why I applied on a certain date before termination if it did happen? Usually they want a exceptional reason why you didn't apply right after you get terminated? Thx.
  7. I don't think its fair as well but I understand they keep you on for max 28 weeks as they get government money for my sick pay rather than company sick pay. I don't think they will wait any longer for my injury to heal.
  8. That's what I always thought. Well I just checked my holiday entitlement and I am owed a few days. Also, does anyone know if you are taxed on your holiday pay?
  9. Hi, About to be terminated soon and just wondering if I will be paid outstanding holiday pay left over till the end of the year as company holiday process runs from Jan to Dec. This is stated in my contract:- Upon termination of your employment with the company, you will be entitled to a basic salary in lieu of any outstanding contractual holiday entitlement at that time. I do not understand this? does this mean I will not get my holiday pay left over this year on top of my salary or will I get my salary x 2? Thanks.
  10. Hi, My insurance has expired and selling me car just wondering its parked in the street until sold is this against any law? My road tax is up end of August and MOT 1st September? Thanks.
  11. Hi, I am wondering if anyone has dealt with company budgets allocating spending for different areas of the business. I would like to know the origin of where wages come from into the company budget for it to create jobs or increase pay? Thanks.
  12. Its a big company with over 1000 employees. The policy does state for long term absence as long as reasonable improvements are taking place formal route may be avoided, however its gone down that route as I feel they are fed up with the condition not recovering within 4 months. Also, will I get my annual leave payments as well for the rest of the year do people normally get that when booted out the door?
  13. Hi, I am wondering anyone with knowledge or experience of this situation can help me out in anyway. I would like to know my rights in this situation if someone can represent me in a meeting to defend me. I have hearing issue which my GP and a specialist doctor have confirmed is the case. The doctos are clueless how I got the condition and when it will go away as I require to wear a headset at work. It's been 4 months and I feel my hearing issue is getting better but require more time. My work I feel are quite strict and want me back to work asap however I don't want to risk my hearing. They have called me in for a formal meeting to gather everything together to decide if they will end my contract due to health issues. I have asked for alternative positions/duties in the company but none are available. Is there anyway I can save my job? I understand they pay you sick pay upto 28 weeks and its been 4 months now can they end my contract within this period? Thanks.
  14. Has anyone had a brand new bank account been opened for them by the boss simply submitting your ID and signature to a bank on your behalf when not present when boss goes? Also, there are 10 staff who are getting basic bank accounts. Can this be done? I have never heard of it seems weird?
  15. Hi, Has anyone on this forum underwent a complaint to the police commission in how the police are dealing with crime? Why do the police put going 5 mph over the speed limit as number 1 and murder number 10? I need some professional made templates I can send.
  16. Hi, 6 months ago I bought 2 new front tyres and a handbrake cable these have failed within 12 months can I claim for a refund? The handbrake cable has snapped and tyres have worn like they have been on my car for 12 years. I have the receipts, emails etc Thanks.
  17. has anyone been successful is getting an enforceable credit agreement basically wiping there debt off completely?
  18. Hi, I understand an IVA in Scotland is classified as a trust deed and its only for 3 years where you pay off a certain amount on a monthly basis for 36 months. Is it correct that if by the end of your 36 months if you have an outstanding amount to pay it gets written off by the company such as payplan and they don't charge you upfront fees I believe? Also, how many points does it knock off your credit score? Does an Trust Deed/IVA severely dent your chances for a future mortgage, loan, credit card. I have a credit score of 750. I heard 450+ is okay and you will be accepted for credit at all major banks below that your going to find it difficult. Any advice will be appreciated. Thanks.
  19. According to one of the advisers there unless there misleading me you have to reapply for your job seekers allowance rather than switching over told me to inquire nearer to the time in March. Not looking forward to this at all. I mean I feel I may not get it as they will come out with some absurd reason.
  20. I read that you don't require a phone for this is it true? Who else apart from VM supply fibre optic?
  21. Does anyone currently work for a health club? I went for an interview for a membership consultant. I read the job description and thought okay there will be a strong emphasis on sales but I was shocked it was cold sales and they asked me about lead generation about setting up stalls and calling up friends and family about the club cold sales basically.
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