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Everything posted by Braveheart2009

  1. Hello, My carers allowance has been stopped due to my employment status. They claim they sent out a employment details form to fill out 3 weeks ago still not received it. Told them to send another one out but are refusing to and want details over the phone, which i will find very difficult done it before. What can I do? Is their a form on the internet?
  2. Hi, I had an accident with another driver who refused to give me details claiming it was my fault. It was in a very busy road with the road blocked and cars beeping so I didnt have time to write details down or get witnesses. Making a claim under the mobility scheme or for any insurer I'd imagine they would want full details, regestriation number of vehicle involved, date, time, video recording, witnesses. drawings. I feel my claim will be turned down instantly. My lease is expiring soon im getting a new car, however they will charge me for the damage I need a complete new rear bumper and 2 side panels got quoted £450 supplied and fitted side panels probbally £1000 for a new supplied and fitted rear bumper. What are my options? Thanks.
  3. saved between £5245 and £6245 going to the court and solictors win or lose. They charge for travel time per minute. Yes £0 is lower than £245. £2100 inc vat for investigation fee £2100 inc vat for not guilty fee £2000 sentence/fine fee. this is waved if court case won. You are forced as a taxpayer to pay the victim surcharge fee without your consent or they will freeze your bank accounts.
  4. Another reason to go the not guilty route if your case doesn;t involve drink or drugs but the insurance premiums increase in declaring points. Victim surchage is that not what my tax pays for theives they are. All offences are interviewed by a social worker who is the judge making the day only judges daily report on how to sentence you. They dont know anything about you and will not ask or see your history. Its based on a biased report against you if your a young male or ethnic origin. Experienced van drivers know more than judges and what is the likely outcome. The way i see it I was not guilty but played it and won by keeping between £5 - 6k in my pocket than theiveing authroties.
  5. They took 6 months to slap me with 3 points and money for their lunches. You get 3 points for going through a red traffic light or speeding so it's the same for a 90% overload on an axle. I'm going to claim hardship on the fine I will be dealing with an algorithm.
  6. Solicitors who don't call/email you back, Wrong incompetent information 500 miles of traveling cost possibly x 5 adjourned court appearance due to delays happen last time. Dealing with a social worker to decide their opinion what to write on the judges report. The judge doesn't have a clue about the case until the day. The courts are a theater we're games are played so you need to play to win.
  7. The police lied to me they said they would charge me £600. £355 more than a court judge! Then they sent me a letter 2 days later saying your weight limit is above our criteria? They didn't know what they were talking about in the first place. The court fine for being 10% overloaded on axle 1 was £37 and for being 90% overloaded on axle 2 was the same £37? There was a £90 victim surcharge? there was no victim involved? Such a serious offence a police officer hasn't seen in 6 years serving is this? Not even a court appearance? They don't want to spend a penny talking to you just give us your money and go. Android courts. Next it will be an app to plead guilty with a recorded audio about how severe your actions were.
  8. Been advised on here and elsewhere of prison sentence, community service, £100,000 fines, court appearence in the dock with the traffic commissioner grilling you about what you done, for being 2.71 ton over 77%. overloaded They slapped me with 3 points and £245 fine. Main reason I plead guilty was £2000-4000 plus lawyer fees to pay following a failed investigation then court fines ontop of it. Also, didnt have enough paperwork, eye witness, video/audio recordings to defend just my geuine reasons which lawyers/public ridiculed me for apart from 1-2 good friends who defended me. Lawyers gave me a very inaccurate picture like it was so serious you could face dangerous driving and case will be esculated to the crown court. oh deary me!, your better defending yourself in court and read some books. Reason, I am posting is to calm drivers fears over overloading. The 3 points come off automatically after 3 years from the offence date but they remain on your driving history record between 4-11 years depending on severity. They give you 14 days to pay your fine online. No court appearence they just want your money. They took around 6 months to complete everything.
  9. 6 people. Yes, they will be there. I will also be questioning the fact why serious overloading cases are not being heard quicker aint they not that serious enough?
  10. @Man in the middle Because its happen before with various types of police equipment when investigation was done it found software out of date, speed guns uncallibrated for months and years, happens every day thats why hundreds of cases up and down the country get dismissed. You seem to think the authorities in the country are flawless and technology does not fail. I'm not trying to escape the system rather set an example on what a reasonable person would view. My vehicle was 50% empty but their still calling it overloaded, but their weighbridge, which could be faulty as how can 1 axle be 10% overloaded and other 90% when the stock was virtually level? it should be 90% on each axle or very similar infact axle 1 should be heavier with the engine, diesel ad blue tank, driver weight etc I passed a refugee centre and the cops had reasonable grounds for suspicion that I was carry illegal immigrants/refugees as i suspect thats what they thought and wanted to inspect the load. They were also searching for drugs, then charged me anyway for a 50% empty van, which the scales showed overloaded. I've weighed some tiles on my own scale and done the calculation i was within the limits and around 5-6 people opinions are of the view the load seemed secure and reasonable. They laughed at their version of legal load 1/5th of the van. Also, the police visually monitored my vehicle for 10 mins driving, how could they possibly view that as dangerous driving out of 3 hours of driving? Unless I was swerving and hitting other cars or debris were hitting cars, or smoke was blasting out, fuel was leaking causing a hazard. All these discounts and deals to keep stuff out of court etc are designed for the innocent just to plead guilty and not make the judges work for their money making it a tick box numbers game rather than fairness and justice that happen 100 years ago.
  11. authorities are saying axle was only 10% overloaded front of vehicle including engine, large diesel and ad blue tank the driver, tools and rear axle 2 was 90% overloaded? The 2nd picture shows the legal imit they said. loading pix.pdf
  12. I have a right to be on here without your permission. I can ask in how many forums I want. Just heard from a traffic lawyer they can change the summary conviction to a criminal conviction to the crown as they see fit depending on the seriousness of the case it can be changed to a dangerous driving offence thats why I will plead not guilty due to the courts/authorities being a mess. The judge doesnt look at your paperwork unless you plead not guilty.
  13. my friend a civil engineer is a freeman of the land won 4 court cases. When he was being bombared by solicitors and even family that the authorities were gods and cannot be wrong. Got told first offence, dont do it again for 3 years and you wont be back here!
  14. Im not a highway code book. We all know the basic rules but not every rule ffs. The law is there but authorities dont have a clue how to use it is the reason why miscarriges of justice and appeals are successful on a daily basis. I've been to court and had first hand experience and you havent what people read and see on TV is not what happens there its all trend based convictions not individual cases look at its a shared court with convicts. So, if i were a freeman least they have a voice against corruption and have won many court cases, but people still laugh at them and have no clue about black laws dictionary. Im not trying to impress anyone, i caused no one any problems ive done a similar job in the past with no problems at all they just want my money and to take me off the road for being a good driver.
  15. Your free to post your opinion, but i take it as a pinch of salt, even the lawyers i have spoken to dont have consistancy in the fines, and points through a first offence. There always a pathway to prison in the courts how they see fit. They are not accountable to anyone and know they can get away with miscarriges of justice because of their titles. When you challenge them your labeled a rebel and told just do what your told. So what does form the basis for a defence? So, drivers are expected to be 100% traffic law experts 100% of the time? What about vunrable/elderly drivers? People new to this country, have overseas driving licenses? What if you hired a van out for the odd occassion and mostly a car driver? You would reasonable expect a 1st time van driver to know not much about vans just like a newbie first day on the job? There was nothing wrong with the load it was safe and secure 50-60% of the loading area was empty drove for miles with no issues its all what if that actually never happen. An empty vehicle is as dangerous as a loaded vehicle be it 1 or 90%. You cannot make up that the 90% vehicle will crush more of a car or person! unlimited fines sound like robbery well it wasnt a danger for 160 miles and 3 hours with hundreds if not thousands of cars and vehicles passing by. The trucks and vehicles around me posed a danger regardless of being overloaded or not they were driving to fast. Pleading not guilty fed up with people trying to screw you up trying to do a good cause thinking your robot perfect. its just a 33% discount supposed to entice the society to plead guilty rather than genuine reasons. Not all HGV drivers drive all the time you know they have lapses in concentration and forget like every human being.
  16. Theres no law or rules where you cannot post on multiple forums asking the same question. You say im seeking reassurances your wrong. I'm seeking someone who has been charged for the same or similar offence so thats why I am asking on different forum as people who have not been charged or been in the same or similar situations usually do not know what they are talking about. This is based on a previous conviction I received last time I was in court what the lawyers and opinions of people are incorrect its what happens on the day according to the trend of people there if there all going to jail you will to if its a good or bad judge usually your very very lucky if its a good judge. The entire system of the courts is a game to play to win not fairness and justice its money extraction as much as they can get, they want drivers off the road and using public trasport to fill there pockets. So, you think all my reasons are made up to get away with it? The judge must know people are not perfect. The vehicle could take the load thats why it drove for 160 miles with no issues. Its not ignorance i simply was not aware. Are you aware on the payloads for rented vehicles in your local area? do they tell you? do they give you documentation? They hammer you with paperwork/verbally on excess charges for damage? How was I supposed to know the braking capability. The braking was fine. The fines are capped in a magistrates court per offence, per axle limit exceeded. Read a survey recently that over 50% of van drivers overload and unaware dont know what a weighbridge is or one located nearby.
  17. I understand there is a pathway depending on the serious nature of overloading it wasn't just 5-10% or 30% it was 90% and the vehicle was in total 2/3rds or 78% overloaded with also an intended 400 miles of driving from one end of the country to the other. They could refer it to the crown court for more severe penalties. The points given can be reduced through a exceptional hardship rule that exists if you need to drive for health and work reasons. If you are banned 12 points plus. The rule mentioned a ban or points shouldn't of been imposed on the balance of probabilities if the driver genuinely didnt know and felt there was no danger of injury, I'm a qualified HGV and Hiab driver with CPC certificate now expired, doing my own thing. The vehicle was a 3.5t luton box 2021 tail lift which has plates saying axle 1 - 1750kg and axle 2 - 2250 however the total is 1750 i believe rather than 3.5t you do not add the 2 together unless someone knows better. I've asked my old boss and arnold clark van adviser they told me the payload is usually 50% of the vehicle and you have to factor in the tail lift as its 500kg on its own.
  18. I'm in the process of being summoned to court over section 40A of the road traffic act 1988 UK for overloading and my vehicle in a condition likely to cause an injury. The police fixed penalty scheme didn't cover 90% overloading so they have referred it to the magestriate court for prosecution. It's my first serious driving offence in 17 years no previous offences, or points the odd parking ticket. I was slightly overloaded by 180kg on axle 1 but on axle 2 it was 2.6 ton! I wasn't aware of no bent chassis or smoke coming from tyres or bouncing chassis. I drove for 160 miles (3 hours) without any problems and was going a bit slow to be safe around 45-50 mph in the inside slow lane when caught. What is the likely outcome? Can you go to jail for overloading. What's in my best interest to plead guilty?
  19. Is it HMRC and Trading standard you report private tradesman who are ripping people off and not having paid VAT?
  20. As i said before they have not been trained on fostering and I am looking for someone who works for a fostering agency or a social worker who does applications on this here if not then do not post useless comments.
  21. Im a self employed carer for a council run organisation for vulnerable people.
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