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Everything posted by fjear

  1. Hi, I received a call earlier today from Lowell group in regards to an old o2 debt around £900.00 in total. I disputed the debt was then told the court had proved in 2013 I owe the debt which Lowell group purchased from o2. I told Lowell I would not be paying a penny I asked that all future correspondence is stopped, Lowell said my mobile phone calls will stop I will Start receiving letters as I am responsible for the debt I told him not to make any contact at all but Lowell did not listen he said a ccj was given against me and it was proved in court in 2013 I need to pay the debt. After a long chat I decided to telephone o2 and ask for any previous accounts that may have ended up in arrears. After a thorough check with my details and address the o2 representive said I have no outstanding debts on previous accounts and nothing is showing up as being sold to a debt collection company. I was advised to ignore Lowell group I wanted the o2 rep to do one more final check which showed up a business pay monthly account in arrears. Which matched my first and last name I have never held a business pay monthly with any mobile provider the o2 rep said not to worry it could be someone has used my details or they are mistaking me for somebody with same date of birth and name but as far as the o2 rep was concerned I do not owe o2 any money and no account in my name is showing up in arrears besides the business account I was told to ignore the debt collector's Lowell group. I wanted to ask should I ignore as advised or can I take some action which will get Lowell group of my case? I apologise if I've posted in the wrong section. I also have recorded both calls. Thanks in advance to any help and advice received I appreciate it.
  2. Thank you so much for your kind words. If the GMC do not bother to deal with the matter then I will write to the Primary Care Trust which is responsible for my health centre. I will also make a complaint with the NHS. If that does not get me anywhere, I will have to consider legal advice. I might also get in touch with some newspapers and kindly ask if they would be willing to help with the matter.
  3. @nolegion Thank you so much for the quick and helpful reply. I have been treated badly by a GP whom I do not normally see, he is not even on the GP registrar. Everytime I have seen him he asks me how is my head doing? according to him my family members are to blame for my health problems and that all my medical conditions are in my head? I complained to the practice manager and kindly requested that I would not like to be seen by shrinks with magic powers. Unfortunately due to the tone of me email they declined my request. I have made a complaint with the GMC about the GP and they will take two weeks to get back to me. I suffer from quite a few medical problems diagnosed by hospital consultants after having blood tests done and scans and various other tests to rule out any other health problems. I had a stroke a few years back which left me blind in one eye which has since recovered and left sided weakness and other neurological problems. Which was confirmed as a stroke by the stroke consultant based on a CT scan and MRI scan. It is disgusting that someone is going to be treating patients once he has had his training will be telling people to go away because the problems are in there head or are caused by family members. It is even more disgusting that the assistant manager did not show concern for a patient of the surgery. I saw my GP and he confirmed I do not suffer from any mental health conditions and all my medical conditions have been diagnosed by experienced consultants. Anyhow sorry for the moaning it just took some stress of me to talk about it. Thanks again for your help really appreciate it.
  4. Could someone please point me to a template for a subject access request for my medical records at my Dr's surgery. I have searched the forums and can't find what I'm looking for. Thanks in advance.
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