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unsatisfied citizen

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  1. Thank you for your help. dont worry they arent getting anything from me. i double checked all records and have nothing except an old PAYG sim card for O2 which is over seven years old anyway. Thanks again i might get some sleep tonight now!
  2. I'm really confused and worried i have a letter today from Meritforce doorstep collectors asking me to pay a debt that i dont owe! its for a mobile contract i have never had in fact the last contract i had was over seven years ago and not even with the company mentioned in the letter and i paid my debt to them at the time. since i have moved address and changed my name so i dont know where they have their information from but its worrying all the same. i dont have the money and the letter says they are sending someone around to collect the debt but i have never had any previous warning. help i dont know what to do about this, sorry too put this on your thread i just dont know what to do. unsatisfied citizen :-|
  3. hi! this is going to sound really stupid but whats a subject access request and a cca? i have got the harrasment letter but they recently wrote to say they were moving addresses so i am going to get their new address before sending it or there will be another excuse for them not to reply. thanks for your help b-o-2
  4. Done and dusted super quick too. I have copied the letter and sending it first class tomorrow. Again THANK YOU
  5. I am hoping that someone might be able to help me with the infamous Welcome Finance. :-| I am sick to the back teeth with them. I took out a loan approx 3 1/2 years ago with them after a car accident left me unable to work for six months and i was left with huge debts trying to keep my house. Up until I started working full time again i admit that a few payments were missed as these are supposed to be £250 a month however i am paying £300 a month to try and pull back the overdue installments. I have this installment plan in writing from Welcome and have not missed a payment since. However, they send me a letter at least once a month which they charge me £10 for the privalige to tell me that my account is overdue and they also call me up to three times a day five days a week. Half of the times the calls are silent and then someone hangs up however the rest of the time the person on the other end asks for payment immediately by debit card to bring the account within terms. Each time I advise them that there is a payment plan in place and each time they apologise and say they have checked the account and the installment plan is fine and I will be taken off their calling lists. Yet later in the same day or the next day I will have the exact same conversation again. Its getting to a point where I am getting angry with them but if I dont answer my phone they send me another letter charging me another £10 demanding I call them. They promise to take the charges off and then don't. Its costing me a fortune to keep up with their games. Sorry about the rant but I am at a loss now as to what I should do. Speaking to a manager doesn't seem to help either and each time they call I want to cry I get so frustrated. HELP!!
  6. Thank you Beyond you're a star I really appreciatae your help x
  7. I Apologise in advance for jumping on this thread but I cant seem to work out how to use this forum I am hoping that someone might be able to help me with the infamous Welcome Finance. I am sick to the back teeth with them. I took out a loan approx 3 1/2 years ago with them after a car accident left me unable to work for six months and i was left with huge debts trying to keep my house. Up until I started working full time again i admit that a few payments were missed as these are supposed to be £250 a month however i am paying £300 a month to try and pull back the overdue installments. I have this installment plan in writing from Welcome and have not missed a payment since. However, they send me a letter at least once a month which they charge me £10 for the privalige to tell me that my account is overdue and they also call me up to three times a day five days a week. Half of the times the calls are silent and then someone hangs up however the rest of the time the person on the other end asks for payment immediately by debit card to bring the account within terms. Each time I advise them that there is a payment plan in place and each time they apologise and say they have checked the account and the installment plan is fine and I will be taken off their calling lists. Yet later in the same day or the next day I will have the exact same conversation again. Its getting to a point where I am getting angry with them but if I dont answer my phone they send me another letter charging me another £10 demanding I call them. They promise to take the charges off and then don't. Its costing me a fortune to keep up with their games. Sorry about the rant but I am at a loss now as to what I should do. Speaking to a manager doesn't seem to help either. HELP!!:?
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