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  1. No the account says open and it's showing a balance of £535. I was told any debt include in a dro should be marked as settled or partially settled. That's exactly what all my other accounts now show
  2. Hi I got DRO 14 months ago which included debts from My Jar. I received an email from ACI saying my debt had been transferred to Perch Capital. My DRO ended at the beginning of Aug and I have two accounts with Perch capital that are still being marked as in default despite them being in my DRO. I have emailed Perch multiple times to tell them these accounts were in my dro and should be closed. But I never get a reply. Any advice as what I can do please?
  3. I reported it to Dial Direct. They then send you a link which takes you to an online portal where you take pictures of your car. I then got another txt from copart to arrange collection of my car. It won't be crushed or sold because I didn't give them my registration documents. Until I accept an offer the car remains mine. I've made a complaint to Dial Direct and emailed copart. Since my question I have had a reply from copart which said they have only been instructed by AXA to collect my car and as yet they have not been told to inspect it, but they have contacted AXA to say its ready to inspect
  4. Yeah that's what I thought. I'm going to email Dial Direct with complaint. Right now I've no idea where my car is or whats happening
  5. Hi All I was insured through Dial Direct and it was under written by AXA. I recently crashed my car with no other party involved. I'm certain it will be written off and it was taken from my house by Copart three weeks ago. Since then I have heard nothing at all. I can't get through to AXA and they haven't responded to my emails and Dial Direct just say I need to speak to AXA. Is this normal and do I just wait to hear something? Or is there something I can do? My policy has also now run out. Thanks
  6. They would probably turn round as say what we're saying though, and that it was our responsibility to check the agreement. But yes I hear what you're saying. Thanks for your input and help it's much appreciated
  7. My point is we signed a legally binding contract. We asked them 3 times to check it, was told it was correct so signed as they did. They then said it was wrong and changed it. What is the point in having a contract if a company can change it whenever they please?
  8. I asked my partner to give me the original contract. Unfortunately they were accessed via a link. Barker & Stonehouse have now removed the original contract and its just linked to the amended one. I guess there's nothing we can do now
  9. we received the goods on 16th Dec and signed the revised credit agreement a week earlier. I'm at work at moment so don't have the credit agreements with me. But from what we can see they took off our initial deposit of £750 twice from the balance
  10. Hi Which dates? The new one is £750 more expensive than the original credit agreement, but matches our sales invoice.
  11. Hi everyone Sorry if this is a bit long winded My partner and I purchased a sofa and bed from Barker & Stonehouse. We paid a deposit and signed the invoice. However we didn't sign the credit agreement until 2 wks before delivery. When they sent the credit agreement through my partner questioned it 3 times and they said it was correct so it was signed by both partied. Then a wk later they phoned and said they've made a mistake and were changing it. We questioned if they could do this as its legally binding. They said it was it their terms and conditions that they could change it before delivery. Basically if we didn't sign it we wouldn't receive our goods. This was just before Xmas and we'd moved into a new build with no furniture. Subsequently it turns out it is not in their terms and they've said because we signed it we agreed to it. We disputed this because they lied and basically blackmailed us into signing it. We said we would complain to the ombudsman and all they've done is send us the invoice signed by us which matches the revised agreement. My question is should they honour the original credit agreement?
  12. no they're being delivered Tues. They've said in their terms and conditions it says they have the right to amend before delivery. However the lady on the phone couldn't actually find where it says that and we've checked and it definitely doesn't say that
  13. The company is Barker Stonehouse and the finance is V12 retail finance. We have an email saying the finance agreement has been signed by both parties and is complete. Barker Stonehouse are now saying they made an error and calculated it wrong so we have to sign a new credit agreement.
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