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Everything posted by dizzyhead90

  1. hi deano provident dont do logbookloans only cash loans credit cards and shopping vouchers sounds like me like a dishonest agent who let someone sign your name for a loan the police will act on it they have to your signature will be sent away to handwriting experts and then provident will have to listen to you i worked for them and believe me they are nasty and will try to wriggle out of finding out the truth ask them who the agent was or is her/his signature on cca they sent you. i would contact a solicitor and take all correspondence you have to him also contact fos and ask them to investigate provi wont like that
  2. hi deano my advice would be to arrange a home visit but tell them you want either their security manager to call with you or the area manager do not accept an ordinary agent also advise them you will have a friend with you when they call and record the conversation but dont tell them that you are recording it. do inform the police and get a crime number but tell them that in the meantime you are dealing with provident and you dont want them to take any action if provident close your case provident will sell it on to a dca and they will more than likely register a default as well. hope this helps dizzyhead
  3. hi all i recieved a credit agreement this morning from jdwilliams it is not signed by me only signed by them not by me it says it is a reconstituted true copy of my credit agreement it says on the letter sent with it (when responding to a section 78 request a lender does not have to provide a photocopy or other literal copy of the executed agreement nor provide a copy bearing or some other proof of the customers actual signature this come from jdwilliams not fredricksons who i sent the cca to has anybody got any suggestions
  4. i was dealing with reliable collections and they couldnt produce credit agreement so freds have no chance crowd of muppets also harrassing me with phone calls i just dont answer
  5. hi brigader there is no personal details on it just account number
  6. hi brigader not sure how just a statement stateing charges and what was bought i know this debt is not mine as house was rented out at time so i know there is no credit agreement
  7. hi all it is a jd williams debt the letter said it was the credit agreement and they awaited my suggestions for payment they really must think i am thick i wrote to them today saying it was not a credit agreement and until they proved who owned the debt i still considered it to be in dispute until they provided credit agreement
  8. hi i need help with fredrickson international i sent away cca request 10 days ago i have now recieved a statement of payments with no name on just account number with a letter requesting full payment for this account what do i do now as this is not what i asked for no intention of giving them money without cca what do i put in letter to them
  9. hi jules is the debt more than 6years old since either last payment or last contact if it is it is stuate barred and is uncollectable it is against the law to collect on it if not i would write to them and ask for the cca enclose £1 postal order this puts the debt into dispute and unless they come up with cca they cannot collect on it they have 12+2 working days to do this letter for this is in the libraray lettern
  10. I think they did but if your friend has proof it was paid on time I would send it to creation
  11. dear ama has she got proof of sending the money if so write to them and tell them she is not paying the money also send them a photocopy of the proof and cancel the direct debit or the card they are taking it off also tell them she will report them to the fos i had bother with log book loans and they sorted it out all outstanding charges were dropped do not phone them put all in writing
  12. I offered them a payment plan but they refused do you know if fso could help
  13. Going to go to bank tmorrow and tell them no more money no more money to go out to them
  14. 11th June surely the bank would not pay out without direct debit
  15. hi everyone i am having problems with payday express i have cancelled my debit card and want to know if they can still take money if they do not have a direct debit or standing order
  16. Hi tosh someone must have gave it to them they have asked someone or another favourite of theirs is to ring family with the same name done that on a friend of mine rang her mother in law
  17. hi toshiba i agree ingnore them i thought i was finished with them but yhey sold my account to another debt collecter i wrote to them telling account was in dispute as no cca could be found got letter back from other collecters saying they would be taking no further action sent lowells letter to them scumbags
  18. can anyone help me with mkrr lowells had my accounts and could not supply proof that i owed money on them no cca i have now got two letters from mkrr demanding payment i still have letters from lowell saying accounts were closed and they could not get ccas what do i do now
  19. HI Toshiba I agree with uncle bulgria just ignore them red are part of lowells these low lifes will try anything to make you pay ingnore all letters hamptons will be next ingnore them as well
  20. hi tosh telling you had left the country is not a bad idea but it would have to be somewhere like spain because if it is in the uk they could still follow you
  21. hi tosh send them that letter but how did they get your address and do they know your new address if not seal up the letter and send it back unknown at this address make sure you do not pay postage keep me posted
  22. i am being harrassed by welcome finance since losing my job 6 months ago i have been paying them 30pound amonth since then which they are not happy with i dont know what to do as my husband is paying this money and money is really tight with him only working he says if the letters continue he will stop paying it i dont know what to do any help please
  23. Hi deano if your girlfriend took out the loan both her and the agent are guilty of fraud the agent can sign both part of loan agreement i would write to provident and tell them that you never signed for loan and if they harrass you any more you are going to police and they can check your signature tell them you never signed a request to call form 24hours before loan was issued dont let them bully you tell them you are going to report them to the fininacal ombudsman and the office of fair trading good luck
  24. Hi Lynda I would get all the proof u can that you posted the check on time I would also ring office of fair trading and ask them for help another company tried this with me and I could have explained ten times in the one day and was getting no where I made a complaint to oft and all was dropped in two weeks there is no way I would be paying for something that was not my fault if u have direct debt set up cancel it and. Write to them telling them contact by letter only
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