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  1. Hi Tom, as it happens I do start work really early and finish quite late at the moment, trying to do as much overtime to pay off all my debts. my dad has been unable to get to the solicitors due to work committments, and coz he is unhappy and worried with whats happened he is stopping me using it anyway and taking it off me. all my debts are causing me to be so anxious/worried/depressed ive not even been sleeping properly at night its causing me to just think if i can pay this one off none of the others are putting as much pressure on me. I can get a loan from the credit union at work pay the £500 theyre asking then itll be off my back. Its gonna be worth paying the 500 to make me feel better so i can sleep. If I pay it, can I then get my money back from the levy and stuff after? Is it worth fighting for?
  2. Cheers, much appreciated, will i get in trouble for moving the car so they cant tow it? Also, I have already stated in a letter to marstons that I sent recorded that I do not own a car, this worth anything or not?
  3. Thanks brassnecked, but I was more on about the charges from previously, see above post on 19th and 21st of march. if theyre just adding on charges then can I complain saying its fraud? Russ
  4. Thanks, will get this done tomorrow. What about the charges? They seem excessive to me from what theyre allowed to charge, but im no expert? Russ
  5. Oh, Ive also had to drive the car to work as well. even tho it says dont move!
  6. Hi Tom, thanks for your reply, but what do you make of the costs? Ive had a 'Notice of seizure of goods and inventory' through the post today hand delivered by marstons taking levy on my dads car that ive been borrowing off him - although it is registered to me, he is the owner. Says on there ANY PERSON REMOVING THESE GOODS WILL BE LIABLE TO PENALTIES. and my total is now 493.03, are all these fees legal? allowed? Can somone give me guidance on what to do or is my dads car going to have to go!?
  7. from what ive read, theyre allowed to charge 28% on the fine for the levy charge even though no levy has been made? 28% x 2 of £110 isnt 77.38...... how do i dispute this? is there any other unlawful charges?
  8. hi all had a breakdown of fee's through today.... penalty charge £110 letter fee £11.20 levy fees x2 £77.38 attendance fee £175 vat £52.76 total £426.30 it also says the above levy charges are imposed by virtue of the schedule 3 of the above regulations which makes provisions for the application of upto 3 charges for attending levy to distress but where no actual levy takes place. they still demanding i pay it all and not willing to take any payment plan.
  9. how long before they move on? and i do want to pay the fine, just dont want to end up in the ****....
  10. well i sent the letter anyway.... didnt really know what to put in it but oh well
  11. Hi All, I have read in another thread I should write a letter to Marstons??? What needs to be in the letter? an offer of payment split over 6 months? I had another visit on monday by the 'Enforcement officer' who didnt even knock, just put the letter through my door! I was in all morning sat on my sofa when i hear something get put through my door, I get up and its a letter from her with another £52.xx charge on top of the last one!!!! How many charges do i need to get added on before it goes back to court? because Im never going to be able to pay it if it keeps going up like this.
  12. sorry to hear that preader. I still not heard anything. she said that thing about a court warrent to me too. Not sure what it means, but hoping it doesnt mean too much and she just saying it to try and scare us. If i had the money id pay it all just to get them off my back.
  13. hi Glo, it was council I got another thread up in a diff sub-forum on this site which is getting a few replies, seems marstons (the bailiff group) have been popping up quite a bit in there recently....
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