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Everything posted by francine25

  1. sorry not income support... council tax benefit.. heads a shed lol
  2. Hi, I am currently on JSA and housing benefit and income support. There is a big possibility that I will be receiving a backdated lump sum from the CSA for arrears owed. This would amount to approx 17 thousand. I have spoken to JCP and because csa is from 2008 onwards they say csa calculations aren't taken into account and therefore won't effect any benefits I receive even though it will be a lump sum. Is this correct? Surely if that amount is paid into my bank account it would be classed as savings? I really want to spread it between my childrens trust funds for when they are older as I believe it is their money. Any advice would be gratefully received x
  3. thanks.. will get onto them tomorrow... just started a new job... starting to think that was a bad mistake though it is only part time
  4. update... got advice... and bankruptcy went ahead. However I haven't heard from the court. I was served papers at my address however the address on the insolvency register is an address I lived at over a year ago. I'm concerned that they will write to me at the wrong address. Do I leave it or do I need to contact the court???
  5. Hi I have just looked at a DRO. I won't be able to apply for one as it states .."your creditors have applied to make you bankrupt but the hearing hasn't yet taken place. But you might still be able to apply for a debt relief order if your creditors agree". I can't see them agreeing to it at all seeing as I offered them 150 a month as repayment and they turned that down. I think they are under the false impression that I have assets. Which I don't so they are in for a massive shock when they end up totally out of pocket, when infact they could have had payment just over a few years.
  6. Yes I called them last year when I was dealing with redwood... the lady on the phone actually called the man at redwood and had to end the call because he was so rude and abusive to her. She said she had never dealt with anyone so unprofessional before. Guess in a years tim I will be writing a blog telling everyone about my experience and how life begins again
  7. The hearing is 10th october... redwood don't appear to be saying they are owed money or to have added anything onto the original 7000... however this figure of 10000 I have never recieved a bill or a breakdown for. First I heard of this amount was through a letter from redwoods and I have recieved no invoices from the school since redwoods got involved. The last invoice from the school is for 7000 and is dated 15th june 2011. Guy at redwoods was the person who informed me it was for nursery fees from 5 years previous. If this were you where would you go with it as I don't know how to have these issues addressed or to deal with them. Thank you
  8. It also states that school fees were incurred between 3rd june 2010 and 4th july 2011 ... my daughter started there september 2010 and left april 2011 ... plus the extra 3000 that they are claiming is from when she attended their nursery between sept 2006 and june 2007 yet these dates arent mentioned
  9. Hi, the debt is with a private school for 2 terms fees. I have never disputed the 7000 with them, however thy had redwoods collections deal with this and the man there told me it was now 10000 for 3000 extra outstanding from when daughter had attended their nursery. That previous account had been paid in full, after all they wouldn't have offered her a scholarship 3 years later if I had owed them money. The school merged with another one and it seems to be them that are pushing this. Stat demand was deliverd through letter box to a house I lived in, but I moved out of it under 2 months later. Yet court papers state "the debtor has for the greater part of 6 momths immediately preceding this petition resided at (said address) petition was filed on 18th january and I had left that address 1st october previous year. The bankruptcy petition has been served at my new address although this address isn't listed anywhere on the court papers. I am up for the fight if I have grounds for it
  10. Thanks, I contacted them over the stat demand and was told pay up or we will make u bankrupt then had phone slammed down on me. I had a major personal problem 2 weeks after stat demand arrived that didn't get sorted out until may and was classed as homeless (not through any fault of my own) I lost all my paperwork including that and didn't do anything about it I have since got a copy of original bill and it states 7000 on it. How would I question this amount at this stage?
  11. Also to add, in the order it stated that for larger part of previous 6 months I have been living at address that I moved out of 1 month after stat demand was posted through letter box, plus BO was served not in an envelope! but think maybe I am nit picking
  12. long story... but I have a bankruptcy order hearing coming up. I have a few questions... 1) I am on benefits with no assets, however I recieve csa payments are these taken into account in income? 2) The amount the creditor has stated is 10000 when the last bill I had was 7000 and they have refused to provide a breakdown. 3) because I am on benefits do I just let this difference go 4) It states hearing is 5 minutes in length, do I need to attend. How long after is appointment with or? 5) I only have a basic bank account with barclays will this still be closed? 6) Can I use my account inbetween hearing and appointment with OR? I don't see any other option but to allow this bankruptcy with no fight
  13. Please beware this company are also trading as TOSCUK on amazon selling stock off from their other sites, I should think the good reviews were as usual left by themselves!!
  14. I actually posted over a year ago on a thread that made a complaint about esuasion to warn people that they were restarting the company and their previous history and my post was removed followed by threatened legal action in a text by him.
  15. Just to let you all know, one of the compnay directors was my ex and father to my daughter. he refused to pay csa payments, the company was then trading as ESUASION LTD... he told me that he would take the company down if csa got too close, which he did. They immediately restarted the company as the-online-shopping-company .... the csa appeal is due in the next few weeks, and once again puff the company disappears. Buyers beware as this company will resurface under a different name. I wish you all luck as unfortunately I can't get a penny of the 16000 owed to me.
  16. I have had the same problem, I bought a car from my ex who had a fixed sum loan agreement with creation finance. I now need to sell this car by the end of this week. I called creation last week, they asked me to fax through V5 to show I was the owner, I did this and last tuesday was told the HPI marker had been removed and would take 72 hours to show. I had a dealer sat waiting yesterday to buy the car and the marker is still on. He phoned creation and they refused to talk to him. I called them today and they said it shows on their system it was removed yesterday and should show by friday.. however they refuse to put it in writing and won't fax the dealer saying they have no financial interest in the car as the finance agreement isn't in my name!! So I am stuck with a car with no tax on it, a dealer waiting to buy it, and no light at the end of the tunnel. Any ideas on what else I can do?? I have done everything they have asked and it's still got the marker on it
  17. Asokn I am not trying to avoid the debt. Just not in the position to pay (csa appeal still waiting to be heard) and we are all having counselling etc. so returning to work is not an option at the moment. I just know that one knock at the door or nasty letter etc will end up sending me over the edge. So much has happened in the past year and there is no way at the present time that I can deal with this along with everything else... Just need someone if possible to tell me how I can cause minimum stress to myself and my daughters until we are back on our feet.
  18. well everyone... what can I say.. .. life took an unexpected turn for the worse. Moved in with my partner of 2 years, house all bills etc was in his name. I didn't notify redwoods or anyone else I had moved then a month after I moved in found out he had been abusing my daughter. He was arrested, moved on bail out of the rented property even though it was in his name and we went to priority on council housing list. This was back in December. Last week he was due to answer bail and killed himself instead. ....... . The police have put alarms in house incase his family react and I know letting agents although they have been good to let me stay here (my housing benefit has been paying rent) now want me out if I am not signing a new lease which I can't do as thi house hold too many memories.. . as u can imagine gone to hell and back in past 3 months.. . I am now pretty much top of priority list for housing so expecting an offer in next couple of weeks.. . problem is if I move house/council tax n utilities will be in my name and debtors can trace me again.. . I really don't think I can deal with them at the moment. .. I thought about changing my name but they would still trace me.. .. don't know how much more I can take tbh...((
  19. I only have a basic bank account anyway, apparently the additional amount is from when daughter was in nursery at the school between 2006 and 2007, though as far as I was aware it was all paid and I have never received anything stating otherwise!! My last bill was for 7000 pounds yet they have added n another 3000 which I believe was paid and has never been billed to me before. Guy at redwoods said he will go for full bankruptcy whatever my circumstances and called me a liar and cheat down the phone... think this is going to be a fun process NOT!
  20. thanks guys... another question, csa appeal is set for february so if they do file bankruptcy proceedings if I received the csa money after this time could the amount be paid off and bankruptcy annulled? Also I don't owe my bank anything ...would I still get all benefits etc and keep my bank account? Those who have been made bankrupt have you had any issues after the 6 years on your credit file have elapsed?
  21. thanks didn't know how to merge... will get a letter sent to school tomorrow, do I cc one to redwoods to? Or do I ignore them for the time being, I only have until next Wednesday before SD is served
  22. hi guys started new thread yesterday... just to let you know... they have had a process server to my address and are coming back to serve a stat demand next week even though I called them 3 days ago and told them I don't owe that amount! any advice would be great!
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