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Everything posted by Dangerdoc

  1. Hello Steve. OK. Thanks. That seems a bit firm. The question is this an opinion? If not just an opinion, you should provide a qualifier such as a legal citation, not just a "No". There is no provision in the Tenancy agreement in terms of how or when the refund of Deposit shall be made. That means that the landlord has no clause. So tell me, why, legally, can a person not demand a cash payment? There must be a legal citation or your post is unfortunately invalid. Are you saying if you sold a car the buyer has the right to determine how you are paid? It is one and the same if there is no provision in an agreement established for the mechanism of refund. Cheere Steve. Doc
  2. Hi guys, Sorry for delay in responding, was out of country teaching (you think it is warm here - noooooooo positively mild). Yes I fully agree Mariner will give good advice and reading back it is definitely the case, as do you Sparks. That said, if you look at the size of this site and all the posts, it is not really fair to assume that those who are not using this area of the site often will find all the Stickies, common stuff and as you say, a more experienced user would know this. I am not a "more experienced" user, just a pauper. Abbreviations are indeed fine, I agree, but it is a bit rude (perhaps I should say a tad unfair) to flame the guy who raises a valid point that although appreciative of the replies - the key meaning was sadly lost. This site is brilliant for advice, but most of us do not have lots of time to spend browsing all over the place, hence one should assume that a poster may well not know the abbreviations. Do not let that detract from how grateful I am. We are also drifting way off the point. I am not, in the very least, interested in any time frames of bank transfers, I am extremely aware of how long the can and frequently do not take. In my work this is the standard method of payments other than direct cash (for cash = bribes for local nationals to get things done or that we need when in country!). I only really want to know if there is anyone who knows if I cannot demand a cash repayment. The way things are at this time, there will be a property inspection and an agreement on the deposit. I know that the property is absolutely pristine and actually in much better condition than when taken on. The LL (ooohhh using abbreviations lol), is fully aware of the higher standard of decor, new fittings, decked garden, shed, new floors etc... and has actually purchased goods from me. The problem is time. On the departure day, there is a tight time due to moving and then I am immediately out of country again for about six months. There are no breaches of the agreement in any way. So, cash is what I want and the LL does not want to do this. This does raise significant issues. Why? £650 is such a small amount of money (in terms of a deposit). So for me this is very simple, can I (not shouting here - using emphasis) INSIST on cash? No other method of deposit refund is acceptable to me. Going forward, not being rude, in my line of work it is just normal to be very - very - direct and absolutely forthright, that is just me. Please also respect this as we are all unique. So go easy on the interpretation of direct speak and cut a bit of slack - please . The advice is absolutely appreciated. Many thanks to you all. Doc
  3. It really is insane. Hope That Helps - see an abbreviation that clearly did not help. Maybe we should start a thread on the massive over-use of abbreviations on this site?
  4. Hey Sparks, I totally agree with that. It is just insane. As the OP on TCG sub RG&S sub n-RS subform we agree that Oct 97 was before the DPS as per CAG post. The TT or was it the LL not sure the TLA related to the AST was OOO. I dont want a BACS or BGC to my PBA for the DP in the AST as I pref UKGBP cash. A BD may help but needs drawn in advance. I wonder? GMV Doc
  5. Hi Sparks, Thanks for that. What a nonsense. Why can people not just type? It is not difficult. Anyway the information is wrong. Can we please note: The tenancy was started in October 1997. The Deposit Protection Scheme legislation is for any tenancy that started after, not before, 06 April 2007 and this is of no relevance to this matter. As for "OP" - really? are we that lazy that we need to TLA everything? "Three Letter Acronym" The standard of writing skills is so very poor these days and it actually serves to confuse, not assist people. In the medical world we do use abbreviations but only those that are known to the medical profession and we never use ones where they can be mis-interpreted such as MS or MS ! (Mitral Stenosis - a tightening of a valve in the heart and Multiple Sclerosis). As you can see, abbreviations are only useful when people reading the text know what they are meant to mean. They are unhelpful at best most of the time. Going forward and to get back on topic. The situation is about insisting a cash refund for a deposit where the landlord (see not difficult to type) wants to make a bank transfer but I shall be 410 miles away from the old location and thus not able to simply meet to discuss the issues. So can we focus on a pre-2007 tenancy that does not fall under the tenancy deposit schemes and the legality of a landlord being able to chose how to refund. I would have thought that the recipient is the one who determines what payments are acceptable to that person. You cannot go into a shop and say you want to pay by cheque or bank transfer - you have to pay by the means they accept. Thanks everyone. Doc
  6. Hi, Thanks for that but I have no idea what you are going on about. DPS, TT, OP, AST's - Seriously. Are we in the same country or what. Can any replies please actually be in English and not some form of semi-text speak jargon. Remember, these abbreviations are ONLY clear if someone knows that they actually mean. Sorry but not a helpful post in the least.
  7. A very good idea indeed. I will give her two choices, cash of bankers draft. Great suggestion. Doc
  8. It is kind of funny. I spend my life in extremely dangerous situations all over the world and get regularly shot at etc.. And here we are trying to see the legal position on insisting if one has the right to demand a cash refund. Oh the absurdity in so many ways. Now if the UK legislation was a bit more relaxed I would do what I do when abroad with the team - point a large menacing gun and smile, that works very well but in the UK there are a few rules - a little frustrating at times lol.. Over to the wizards. Doc
  9. That is really easy to answer. First off, not so sure what all the abbreviations are but I presume BGC is Bank Giro Credit so it is simple. I hand over keys, leave, travel the 410 miles to my new house, then hey presto, no transfer. Funny that! This site is awash with people not getting their deposit back. Cash on key handover after a property inspection is the safest way to ensure money is returned. How many get that? Not a lot according to this site. In terms of amount not being a lot it is not a lot. Many deposits are much higher. So I want this in cash to secure a definite payment without the massive grief many experience.
  10. Hi, You know I cannot actually remember that far back. It might have been cheque way back in those days but easily could have been cash. Doc
  11. Hello, Been renting for a long time. Moving to my own new mortgaged property now. Tenancy from approx Oct 1997. Don't think the deposit scheme applies to the tenancy agreement as it was started before deposit legislation kicked in (if you know otherwise let me know). Now - I only want my deposit refunded in cash. LL says happy to make bank txfr but I will not accept that. Can I legally insist that I will only accept cash? There is no provision on the tenancy agreement as to how it should be refunded. Anyone know the situation? Many hanks. Doc
  12. Ok Guys and Girls, Originally posted this in the wrong thread. I must have been tired after my trip with the team. Anyway, here is the update: Just got the NTO. Ok so, I have been past the bus lane the other day and noticed that the signage is still not at the correct angle towards the carriageway, as previously posted. I believe this further demonstrates the Merton Council attitude to failure to provide correct signage and as they were previously notified of such (and we are not talking a couple of degrees here) then they are acting with malice aforethought in trapping motorists unfairly etc.. What is the best way to proceed. Remember the circumstances, Signage poor, road dimensions very incorrect, taper wrong, arrows wrong, also passenger took unwell and was about to throw up. I felt it was safest to be near the carriageway edge to be able to stop and not provide a traffic obstruction. He is a trainee Paramedic. He is also prepared to attest a letter to that effect. So I believe no offence was committed and that there were also significant mitigating circumstances for being in an active bus lane, even though I was not clear on the hours of operation. Any cases I can cite?? I now have a formal letter of attestation from the passenger who is also medically qualified. The thing that gripes me the most is the total lack of consideration in relation to the signage points raised and the fact that the alleged offence was as a direct result of taking the correct ation in the interests of road safety and being in a suitable position to take required action if my passenger became more unwell. Thankfully he did not actually proceed to vomit all over the dash ! So I now know the NTO has 6 months in which to be issued. I am preparing a response and would be most grateful for guidance in this frustration matter. My appreciation is very much towards all you knowledgeable and helpful posters who really do contribute so much. It is fantastic. I await your thoughts and if any cases similar on PATAS spring to mind that would be brilliant. Many thanks again. Doc
  13. Hi G&M. You are indeed absolutely correct. I am sorry for this post as it is definitely on the wrong thread. I am going to C&P it over to my own thread. Thing is - I can't understand how that happened. Must be the jet lag and the long hours. Sorry to all. Doc
  14. Sorry guys, NTO in front of me at the time or writing. Now I know that this may be petty, in fact really petty, but I remember reading about incorrect wording etc... Taking it to the extreme one line states "If you are making representations under ground 3 or 4 above you must supply the name and address of the person/company the vehicle was sold to or putchased from (if that information is in your possession)." Read carefully: What I have noticed is that they have failed to pay attention to the structure of their notice, again poor due diligence. Note "under ground 3 or 4" and it is not GROUNDS (pleural) and further "sold to or putchased from" note the PUTCHASED and not puRchased. They clearly have no idea of how to pay attention to the structure of their documentation. Again - I feel that they are sloppy in lots of areas. As I say, it might be petty but an incorrectly worded notice is invalid - hmmmm not sure but the expert opinion in case there are known cases on this aspect. Cheers everyone. Doc
  15. Just got the NTO. Ok so, I have been past the bus lane the other day and noticed that the signage is still not at the correct angle towards the carriageway, as previously posted. I believe this further demonstrates the Merton Council attitude to failure to provide correct signage and as they were previously notified of such (and we are not talking a couple of degrees here) then they are acting with malice aforethought in trapping motorists unfairly etc.. What is the best way to proceed. Remember the circumstances, Signage poor, road dimensions very incorrect, taper wrong, arrows wrong, also passenger took unwell and was about to throw up. I felt it was safest to be near the carriageway edge to be able to stop and not provide a traffic obstruction. He is a trainee Paramedic. He is also prepared to attest a letter to that effect. So I believe no offence was committed and that there were also significant mitigating circumstances for being in an active bus lane, even though I was not clear on the hours of operation. Any cases I can cite?? Please advise. As ever, very grateful for the constructive input and excellent guidance. Doc
  16. How long do Councils have to serve a NTO after the issue of the PCN. Is there a maximum timescale in which they must do this?
  17. Sorry All, been away on a long job and was out of the country working with a CP group. Anyway, Mitcham muppets have come back to me with the expected nonsense stating the regs are "guidance" etc and that I now need to wait for them to send me the next level of nonsense. In summary the alleged contravention took place on 18 Feb 2012. Their reply to my informal request for cancellation was received on 19 April 2012 and was from a faceless person hiding behind a generic parking at merton dot gov dot uk address. It does start "I refer to your correspondence concerning the above Penalty Charge Notice (PCN) and apologise for the delay in replying" meaning they are either under staffed or generally poor at responses. I assume the latter based on previous comments on this forum. Now the question I have is as the alleged contravention was the 18 Feb 2012 what are the time scales in serving the Enforcement Notice as, at this time of writing, nothing has been received. The PCN was issued on the 07th March 2012. So where are things? Have they missed the boat for serving an Enforcement Notice of do they have as long as they want to serve the EN? Over to the Wizards as ever. Cheeries to you all. Doc
  18. Hi Green_and_mean, I often wonder on these forums if some are just out for some kind of fight or are truly trying to be helpful. In terms of your post on the longevity of the bus lane in question, it has been re-painted several times. There is a duty of care that exists that when undertaking such new signage / road markings the new setting out of the markings should comply with the required legislation. It is not correct to assume that just because a bus lane has been there for some time that it is acceptable to simply over-paint the now non-conforming markings as this makes a mockery of the updated legislation. This follows in all aspects in relation to legacy markings and that they are acceptable until they are re-worked and as such they must comply. In terms of your post about me failing to grasp the concepts I can assure you that I am very capable of grasping concepts such as this as I studied law at night school in order to be suitable equipped for medico-legal proceedings and statutory interpretation for duty of care etc... Please don't try and get personal, lets just work together and assist each other. Personal attacks are unnecessary. In terms of the building regulations I used this clearly as a perfect example is the Part P rules in that what was once a competent person who could do lots of works on electrics can no longer do such unless building control is indeed informed in advance or is now certified as a competent person etc... a good example of the new regulations being put to use. We cannot just simply ignore them or we can but are liable to substantial fines is we do (hmmm there goes my new garden lighting then). The other similarity is the Electricity at Work Regulations which are statutory and the latest 17th edition wiring regs, they are not actually statutory but are guidance and best practice as approved. They can, however, be used in a court to demonstrate compliance failures of poor / unsafe practices. That is why I said what I said. I did not think it would be attacked or berated but supported in the context it was posted. So please, lets just work together and share useful information for the benefit of all and not get personal. I have not heard from them yet, but I am given to believe they really do move at a glacial pace.
  19. Yes that would indeed be helpful. I am sure if we told Councils that paying Council Tax or something like complying with building regs was more guidance they would have a different view lol. Cheers H Doc
  20. Its all variable to some degree. That said they have no grounds for the state of the signage on the Roadside. Drivers must be given a fair and reasonable opportunity to comply. The bus lane post mounted signs are miles out. We will see how it goes but PATAS, if required, will be requested to review. Thanks all. I will keep you up to date. Doc
  21. It is academic. The PATAS take note of the guidance, it is supported by the Secretary of State, have you reviewed the entire submission and images and all the quoted regulations including the permitted variants on signage for percentages allowed. If guidance note are to be ignored then even more weight to incorrect markings. They cannot just pick the bits they want to apply. Either they apply the law or not. Doc
  22. Well it has been sent to the "parking@merton.gov.uk" address - without the Paracetamol. So lets see their response. I hope it is something like this : Doc
  23. Lol, I am quite happy for them to have a thumping headache. If they had the correct road markings and signage and decided against an unwell passenger I would still contest it on the grounds of Road Safety as there was a risk of the vehicle operation being compromised. The bigger the headache the better for them. I will email it in any case. Doc
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