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  1. Cheers, finally managed to get a returns code. They've said I need to return it within 48h, does the DSR offer me any longer on this? Also, and probably clutching at straws here but the company has really handled this badly with me, does "returning an item that does not conform to the contract" include a delivery taking 3 days instead of the next day delivery offered? Just seeing if I can get them to pay for the return.
  2. I sent an email to the CS department of the retailer I bought the contract from stating I wish to cancel as delivery took too long. They replied saying I needed to call some premium rate number to do so as for data protection they couldn't verify I was the account holder - yet they can by phone for some reason despite me using both email address and phone number to create the account. I refused and said my initial email will stand as my cancellation notice and now I receive a reply saying 7 days have passed so I cannot cancel anyway - delivery was June 1st and 7 working days later would be June 14th, not today the 8th? Can anyone advise me as to whether my dates are correct and whether my email request to cancel is sufficient?
  3. I've sent off my appeal to the adjudicator but have received notice from the council that my charge has jumped to £75! Is this not meant to be frozen during the appeals process?
  4. The provider's T&Cs state the handset cannot be used if I want to return it, just curious if DSR overruled it. Thanks for the link rebel11, "you waive your distance selling cancellation rights if you ask for the mobile phone service to start immediately" - not sure what this means, does receiving an email stating my service start date mean I don't have any DSR rights?
  5. I am awaiting delivery of a contract phone and am wondering how DSR applies. Am I able to use the phone with my existing SIM card to test the device out? I understand if I use the SIM shipped with the order I am accepting the contract but just wondering how this applies when just using the phone and not the service.
  6. As I said, they confirm that they do not have photos of the first sighting, just when they created the ticket. I'll just fill in the form with what I posted initially.
  7. They replied saying my appeal was rejected, it seems my "query" was interpreted as an appeal and they do not have photos of 0822. I now have to fill in the adjudicator’s form, should I still contest it on the grounds I do not think a contravention occurred?
  8. I don't know how I can do this as they have only provided me photos of 1201, the time the PCN was issued, so I have nothing to compare them to for 0822.
  9. Quick background to the incident, my street has a 1 hour stay and no return within 2 hours restriction in effect from 0800-1800 mon-sat. I park my car in one of the bays overnight if there are no spaces elsewhere and at 0830-0900 I move the car forward by ~50 yards when people head off to work, in an area with no restrictions. My neighbour is usually home from work at 1200 and I leave at 1230, so what usually happens is that I will reverse back into the restricted bay at ~1200 until I leave at 1230 so my neighbour can park in the non-restricted area. I realise this sounds complicated but it is the unfortunate arrangement we have to make when we have so many restricted parking zones around us. Anyway, this is usually done about 3 times a week for the past 18 months without issue. In February I got a PCN on my windscreen at 1201 (roughly 1 minute after re-entering the bay!) saying I parked for longer than permitted. I contacted the council who then supplied the CEO's notes which noted my vehicle in the bay at 0822 and then again at 1201, and as valve positions were in the same region concluded I had contravened the restriction. I was in the bay at the two times indicated but I had been outside the bay between 0845 and 1155-1200, 3 hours 10 mins, complying with the no return within 2 hours. As I only rolled my vehicle forward and back the valve positions are highly likely to be in the same position so I am unsure whether my argument has much weight. I've now received the NTO, do I simply repeat the story I gave in the PCN appeal?
  10. No they only want to communicate via phone it seems. So do I just advise her to cancel the DD (they have said they'll start debiting the new amount immediately), setup a standing order for an amount she can afford and just tell them if they want anymore they'll have to get a judge to decide an amount?
  11. It was a debt for a computer purchased from Comet in 2008 who then passed it on this DCA in May of this year.
  12. My partner is paying back a debt of ~£500 with collection agency mackenzie hall at an agreed £10/month because she has been on job seekers since leaving university. Now she has found part-time work the agency are demanding £10/week as apparently the JSA folk had told them she was no longer claiming. I'm always sceptical about asking advice on such matters here as the company's always seem to be in the right but apart from going back to JSA until she finds a full time position (as the upped payments wouldn't make part-time worthwhile) is there any way to stop the increased repayments?
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