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Everything posted by clairedcat

  1. Hi tingy, Thanks for replying. tried scanning the two letters ''I believe'' the halifax admitted they cancelled the cheque book, having problems as its the first time ive used it. Will quote sections word for word from letters to see what you think. 1st letter :- ''My understanding of your complaint is you called in (month & year), asking for some cheques to be cancelled on your bank account. You were advised by the consultant that these had being cancelled. However on the (dates) cheques issued for (amounts) had been debited from your account. Your account facility allows for the payment of cheques up to £100 to be guaranteed, providing you have entered your card details on the reverse of the cheque. Having investigated this matter further. I can confirm that cheque numbers (various entered) were paid as they were guaranteed. I wrote back and said words to the effect that '' yes I understood, but the whole book had been cancelled and was told verbally that these cheques would not be paid on two occasions and that four of the ''guaranteed cheques'' had been returned (which a charge was made) but the rest had been paid. I then received a second letter which was their final decision. 2nd letter;- Our system contains notes that on (date) you called and requested to cancel cheque numbers ++ to ++, your instructions were carried out. However your facility allows for the payment of cheques guaranteed for up to £100.I have enclosed copies of the cheques which show you have entered your card details on the reverse so therefore we would not have been able to stop the cheques from being carried out. i rang them and again they said it was their final decision and i'd have to write to the fos. The terms and conditions say they will pay guaranteed cheques. But they also stated in the letter my instuctions had been carried out. The fos basically stated terms and conditions too. I tried to argue that the halifax had stated that ''my instructions had been carried out'' but this made no difference. Hope this helps. Like I said '' i believe'' they have admitted making a mistake when they said ''my instuctions were carried out''. My bank statements clearly prove they weren't. The fos were sent proof of all this to no avail. by the way it was a student account. do you think I can stick to my guns disputing this with DCA's until it goes to court ? Thanks again
  2. Does anyone know if you can still dispute an account balance if a creditor has given their final response and the FOS have sided with them ? Basically couple of years ago I cancelled a cheque book and the bank cashed them making me few hundred overdrawn. Went through whole complaint process etc but charges kept being added. The bank (Halifax) admitted they made a mistake paying the cheques but said they would not refund charges etc as the cheques were guaranteed. The FOS agreed with the bank. I had every intention of appealing this decision but my partner had a mental breakdown and to be honest I had more important things to worry about at the time, so I just didnt get round to it. Since then Ive had usual in house monkey threats and low life DCA letters but I just kept writing to them to say I disputed the debt. They seem to be passing this around each other. Following advice on here has kept me from having a breakdown, but I know im in the right with this (starting to lose faith a bit now). I dont have a problem standing up in court and disputing this as I have loads of evidence in my favour, now moorcroft have the debt. Do I keep doing what im doing, writing to the DCA's and saying I dispute the debt, until they take me to court, or do you guys think I should do something different ? Like I said starting to lose faith in standing up to them a bit now. Any suggestions, reassurance or warnings would be greatly appreciated .
  3. hello, Im still bit of newbie too, but your right, this site is great. Id be in straight jacket without it
  4. Hi lyndell, Im not very experienced to give you advice, but one thing I do know, the advice you get on here is lifesaving, my heart goes out to your son, but with a mum with the sense to ask this lot for help, he'll get through it. Good luck and stay strong !
  5. Thankyou all so much, if it wasnt for this site id have taken what the bank said at face value. It makes you wonder if they get special training to be so convincing. Will let you all know the outcome !
  6. Thankyou for your reply fs. She pays it every month at the same time as her loan.
  7. my gran took out a loan from barclays with a ppi that was completely mis-sold. She wants to cancel the ppi and claim back what she has already paid. She has another 7yrs left on the loan and has been told the only way she can cancel the ppi is to either pay the balance in full or take out another loan to cover it. Due to her age she's unlikely to be eligible for another loan, but is unable to pay the balnce in full. Is this info correct and if so does anyone know if anything can be done. Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.
  8. thankyou for getting back to me, wont get my hopes up and will wait and see
  9. n power do first step, we only get child tax credit as partner student and we were accepted same for kids computers (need to be entitled to free school meals) grant and loan payments are roughly same amount as i.s so these places go off what income is too, but they never tell you that
  10. just wondering has anyone had problems with info from cab, had benefits check done, they said we were entitled to £69.28 housing benefit a week (partner fulltime student) local council said info was from cab was wrong, both place had exactly same financial info. waiting for letter from council and cab going to ring them for me. just wondering who people think is right ?
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