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Everything posted by clairedcat

  1. Hi Brig, Ah, I see, thankyou. Like I said I will SAR OC to see exactly how things stand, how do I stand with Lowell now then ? Can they do much ? Im like most DCA fearing people, Im trying not to let on I know very little ! Thanks again Claire x
  2. I will SAR shop direct and CCA them, Thankyou. I know 1000000% that i did not sign a CCA. It was one of these, if someone recommends you they get ££ on their account and you get so much % off your 1st order. It was Oct/Nov 2006. It was done over phone. They approved me instantly and gave me limit. I received catalogue, placed order over phone. Got whatever I ordered, when I got my 1st statement. CCA was enclosed but I know I didn't send anything back to them, to be honest I just never got round to it. Quite happily paid every month, in cash think at bank or PO. When I moved house which was MAY 2007, I know they sent me another CCA to sign to my new address, cant remember how long after I moved. I know this time I binned it. ( the 2006 one just got lost or whatever but didnt get sent back) Kept paying etc. I probably did miss the odd payment, but thought I had paid it off, as everyones knows life gets in the way and stuff, but can't remember 100% if I did. Heard nothing more until lowell started harrassing me. I have kept all letters from lowell. I asked for account state, defaults and statements when I CCA'd them, they went over time limit so I wrote telling them, that's when they closed account. They then send the recon and said it's what would have been signed at the time, and maybe it would but I didnt sign one so it wasn't. They then reopened account and sent 20,000 threats a day. Thanks again everyone Claire x
  3. Thankyou for the replies. CRA info:- No entries at all on experian. Equifax and callcredit (entries made by Lowell, no shop direct enteries ever ) both have default date of 13/04/2010. No notices ever received from anyone. Account start date on CR file :- 03/04/2008 Date on recon:- 04/12/2007. T & C sent with recon date:- 04/07/2010 Lowell sent a letter last august saying they bought debt 20/04/2010 (? a week after default date) nothing received from shop direct or lowell at the time. Thankyou all again. P.S havn't sent any SAR's yet. Claire x
  4. Hello, I have received a reconstituted CCA from Lowell's for a Shop Direct Debt, after letter tennis for months. The address on it is my current address, not where I lived at the time. Also the date is incorrect, it suggests the account was opened at the end of 2007 not the end of 2006. I wrote back to lowell saying the details they put on the recon were wrong, but I didn't tell them why they were wrong. I have followed the advice on here and am sending a SAR to both Lowell and shop direct today, but Lowell's have wrote asking me why I think the recon info is wrong. I have noticed on my credit file Lowell did a search just before sending the recon (prior to that they said no CCA existed and closed my account). My question is do I tell them the address and date are wrong, or do I just let them chase their tails. Also, I have repeatedly told them in writing to stop messing about and just take me to court if they think I owe anything. All they have done lately is keep searching my credit file and sending settlement figures, which I have pointed out Im not going to pay when I don't owe them. Any advice would be apprieciated. Thanks Claire
  5. Hi, You dont have to take your student loan, however it is classed as income, as Nystagmite said, whether you take it or not, because it is available they take it into account for things like benefits and housing/council tax benefit. Depending on the reason for you being on I.S you may be entitled to other financial support, Check with a benefits or finance officer at your Uni. If for example your I.S claim was because you are sick or disabled there as a lot of things you can apply for within uni. Just remember, it might be worth asking anyone who gives or refuses you anything I.E HB/CT benefit and other benefits for an explanation of how they came to their decision, Councils are terrible when dealing with students and often make mistakes when working stuff out good luck claire
  6. I hope vic didnt think I was advising you to hide your assets. I apologise if I gave that impression. You will have to declare your SF schedule and wage for BR anyway. But you can still pay your essential bills in advance to give you some security, this is actually a good habit to get into as a student, it's sensible and not illegal (younger students are advised to do this). Also if you are with a bank that will close your account anyway due to BR, you will need to find someone who will let you use their account. (you can't have SF or wages paid into the basic post office account) Vic has answered your question in regard to the money you currently have. Because you work as well, you may find your over the threshold for basic living expenses. It may be worth getting some advice in regard to figures before you go ahead. Claire
  7. Vic has good point, your job prospects may well be affected. Nobody has really answered your original question, although as usual, good advice has been given, this may not help you personally. Albeit good to keep your question in new posts, different days have different people resonding. See how the the responses go steve. If they die down after the weekend and you still havnt got your answer, PM me and i'LL do a bit of leg work, as I know your pushed for time. Alternatively, one of the site team may be able to help you better. Regards Claire.
  8. I agree with Duff, certainly explore BR. In my case, a lot of my debts were status barred or unenforcable, but I didnt know that at the time. If they had not have been, BR would have been the best thing Id ever done. Also at the time (6yrs ago) there was none of this reclaiming ppi, that probably would have paid what was left. Im not saying that you should try and get out of paying your debts, (as I might get told off) but the amount I declared in my BR wouldnt have been a quarter had I done my homework. The problem was, I had baliffs, debt collectors banging on my door at all hours. It consumed my every waking moment. So I understand where your coming from. My partner and son are both at uni and work, so I know it's difficult getting the time to sort your paperwork. Like I said I dont know if they'll take the money in your account, but before you apply for BR, I would urge you to do some forward planning, learn from the mistakes of others. It might be worth for example, sorting out somewhere else to have your money paid, but not all banks close your account. Your local BR court might have leaflets explaining BR. You might want to think about using some of the money you have to pay your rent and utlities in advance, things like that are justifiable to anyone. I dont know how often you get your SF, but you may be able to plan it where there is not much left for them to take. Good luck Claire.
  9. sorry steve, just realised you didnt put your question in 'students'. Apologises Claire
  10. Hi Steve, I noticed you had no replies. I really dont know the answer to your question. But what I do know is that my bank account was closed when I went bankrupt. I know that you can have student finance money paid into someone elses account, if you dont have an account, but they will try to tell you that you can't, so prepare to argue with them. The other thing is, I dont know your circumstances but is bankruptcy your only option ? If I had found this site beforehand, I would never have gone bankrupt. Anyway hope you get some more informative replies now as my post will flag up in new posts, sometimes the student section isnt as looked at as much as the other ones. If you get no joy try putting it a section that deals with Bankruptcy rather than 'students', student finance is still income you need to live on. There may be other caggers or the site team who know more about this. Claire
  11. My partner had his dependants grant withdrawn, he has appealed and put a complaint in. Student finance are basically ignoring any time limits set, and refusing to say when we can expect to hear something. Can he complaint to anyone else (i.e FOS, FSA) Or does anyone have an E mail address for someone in charge Anything would be of help. Thanks claire x
  12. Not far at all Joe! Got your PM newman thanks, tried to reply but your inbox full, will try again tomorrow. Claire x
  13. small world newman, I too are from shotley bridge, I have just started going though your thread as I am having similar trouble with lowell or "lowlife" as they are affectionatly referred to here , my trouble isnt as advanced as yours 'yet'. Your post has been a life line to me, although I wouldnt wish you or anyone to go through it, you and your replies have probably helped so many people. Thanks again to you and CAG. Claire x
  14. Thanks crem for putting what I said in a more concise way. At least now the original question has been answered, that the period he ''was not allowed to drive'' wont have any impact on his insurance.
  15. I think raydetinu is right it's your original pass date. They'll will take into consideration the 6 points. The ban was ''paid for'' with your second test. I really dont know for certain if that's the case. I know drink driving bans etc stays on for years. I would imagine if the ban isn't on its spent. The DVLA do that ''valid from'' thing even if you change your address or name. Ring the DVLA and they will tell you if your ban should still be recorded on your licence.
  16. Oops ! Frogs, Toads all the same to me, but your right toads are more slimy just like mp's
  17. Baths, sinks, skirting boards, tiles, I think you can use them on allsorts, sillygirl. Maybe not the kids though however tempted you might be
  18. I think it's great you've put yourself forward for advice on animals. I'll keep you in mind for my babies. Don't suppose you have a degree in cat psychology. Mine are both mental, and before any of you say anything, yes I know it cause they live with me
  19. My little smilies are misbehaving but just pretend im clapping my hands and sending congrats for your impending fame watch !!!
  20. :nono:Ewwwwww ! Excuse me while I throw up ! And stop insulting toads you two (cerb & watch) I cant see MP's turning into princes !
  21. The boss of N - power on ''undercover boss'' channel 4 9pm, his naivity was so sweet
  22. Better avoid the scales of doom xx Just balance on one foot
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