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Everything posted by Craigbadger

  1. Just seems stupid that they can add agreement interest for so long after, I think they terminated the agreement a month after the default. I could understand the 8% but surely you can't add 39% or whatever when the agreement has been ended although they haven't put the 8% in the claim. I'm self employed and my profits have been below the taxable amount this last couple of years so I guess they won't be getting much like that. Is there an attachment of earning equivalent for self employed? The only things of any value I own are my laptop, phone and car. All 3 essential for work. Im really worth sod all to anyone financially and they are going to be trying to get water out of a stone. My mum has said she'll give me a hand if it helps avoid the ccj although that will be more in the way of £50 a month which I will then owe her but if they go for a ccj I will repay it at what I'm told which will hopefully be low given my low earnings.
  2. Something I have noticed upon looking through some envelopes. Would a "notice of change" be classified as an assignment? In November I received a Notice of Change from Marlin, it looks a pretty important document that gives the impression they are now in charge. Yet if this gives the impression my account is now with Marlin. Surely for Cabot to take action they would of had to change it back to Cabot. I saw a thread somewhere else about one purchasing the other, are they trying to deliberately mislead people into thinking they are a different company?. Either way its flaming confusing to the layman(me)
  3. Yeah don't worry I won't speak to them again. I rang them, they don't have my number and I called them on Skype with the number blocked. He just couldn't get the jist. His view was that they would keep collecting and that if I want to know why the figure is wrong I need to get onto Swifctover where I was saying to him that if they are asking me for money then its his responsibility to provide the relevant info or stop collecting. His manager said it is on hold till they get the info and I made it clear i'd not pay a penny till id got that.
  4. Would a notice of change be classified as an assignment? I had a debt with Cabot, in November I received a Notice of Change from Marlin. Now I'm being sued by Cabot yet I was under the understanding my account was now with Marlin. Are they trying to deliberately mislead people into thinking they are a different company?
  5. Has anyone had any dealings with these? in August I closed a bank account and forgot to pay the final month on this. Left a £30 amount owing, I thought no problem i'll pay it. Forgot all about it and canceled the insurance before the renewal date for which I have confirmation. Forgot all about it . Today I've had a letter from Regal asking for £52. This is more than £30 and the extra charge must of come from somewhere. Now we know you never ring debt collectors but its a small amount and I had some anger to vent. Firstly he told me it was because I cancelled after the renewal date (which is rubbish as I've got an email confirmation) and it was in the contract so I asked him how can a contract be in force after the end date?, surely a contract ends the last day unless you renew it which I didn't. Then he started on about some revolving charge relating to credit interest charged because I broke the agreement and the creditor being allowed to charge a fee. What an absolute load of rubbish. I told him I won't be paying a penny till I've got a full written statement detailing all payments and a detailed breakdown of where they came to the figure. To which he replied "we are just collectors that get given a figure to collect". I asked him how they can go around writing to people asking for money without knowing what they are demanding money for and also asked how he knew that I had not renewed when he didn't know what he was collecting?. Gave him a telling off for the way another unrelated company spoke to my mum over a phone bill which was paid and he put me on to his manager, sounded like he was going to cry. Manager told me they will hold the file till they can get they can get the info from the client. Im not a nasty person or anything but this was sort of my experiment knowing that its a very small amount that I'm not disputing that I owe the amount and will pay it as soon as they come back with a correct figure but the lie spouting just shocked me and the fact he admitted he didn't actually know anything about what he was collecting is baffling The idea that in the UK in 2015 a company can sit with a list of addresses and phone numbers + a figure then harass them into handing over money is outragious. I can easily see how they intimidate people into paying what they can't afford or more than they owe, his tone was condescending and a bit agressive + he would not take anything I said as truth.
  6. No that makes perfect sense Dotty. I have to admit that at present I was sort of going with Dx's view and waiting to see what they came back with. I am still not happy with the amount being claimed as A. The credit limit was £2500 and B. I'm sure they kept charging interest, late and overlimit fees for 7 months after default date despite asking for the full amount a month after the default by way of their in house debt collector demanding the full amount. I also want to know why the balance suddenly dropped by £31. If they do provide a fully enforceable agreement and everything seems to be in order is there any chance of stopping the ccj?. I keep seeing about Mediation. Obviously I don't dispute ever borrowing from Lloyds but they've had it back many times over and for several years the minimum payment covered the interest. Funny enough they mis sold me ppi on several loans so it was the real dirty single premium ppi and I did get a large sum back. If it can be proven that the maths are right and that they have the right to be doing what they are then I would be willing to come to some sort of agreement of repayment. Would be fair to say I feel a fair bit of resentment towards them as a bank knowing in hindsight the degree to which they knowingly ripped me off and here they are suing me. I just try not to worry to much about these things because I know how they can take over and actually affect other elements of life. Im 34 and a non homeowner so naturally don't need another 6 years of financial crippling.
  7. Weightmans have acknowledged my cpr stating that it may take some time to obtain what I requested. Presume that makes no difference for the moment.
  8. Sorry I can't advise, sure someone will come along soon enough. edit. There you go.
  9. Ok thanks. Just for my own future reference. The bank account I have now was opened in May 2010 which was the time I was having financial issues. All my banking was moved over. I've just been through all my bank statements online from 2010-2015 and there are no payments towards this debt meaning the last payment would of been from the old bank account also with Lloyds and therefore before May 2010. I do seem to remember Lloyds taking ages to default this, I think it was 6 or 7 months which is a bit long, the date on records is October 2010.
  10. Will do thanks. Hows this for confusing?, I believe this is the only other contact I've had from Weightmans and no letter before action. Theres about 5 lines and as many different companies mentioned. Excuse the coffee stain it was that or the desk. http://oi61.tinypic.com/f0q885.jpg
  11. Something odd. I have just checked my Experian file and noticed that the month after they took the debt over the balance on file dropped by £31. How can someone with 7 defaults on file and only 1 £20 phone contract score 966/Excellent?. It was fair a few weeks ago. Shows how reliable that is.
  12. Cool. So now I just sit back and wait for a response to my cca and cpr is that right?. Not much more I can do for the moment. Just to get confirm(correct me I'm wrong) I have 28 days from the date of service which is the 7th of Feb?(claim dated 2nd) to submit a defence.
  13. I won't bother. Honestly it was just the fact that I stumbled on that sticky that made me think. Surely the fact they are offering a £4000+ discount means they know exactly what they've got. Thinking back Capital one accepted my dispute in as far as they stopped writing and did nothing more than send an annual statement until they sold it to Lowells.
  14. I dunno i'm single and women in tight business suits certainly do it for me
  15. Thanks. Ive seen the apparent agreement anyway and its Just a signature page with no terms just a generic page with no link. I never ignore brown envelopes just incase. 2003 I think, can't be sure off the top of my head. Its a large amount though.
  16. Just happened to read a sticky on Lowells issuing statutory demands. My old debt has been owned by them for roughly 6-9 months. In that time I've had pretty much weekly letters ranging in tone with the latest being being a friendly 40% discount offer. It was left in dispute with Capital one back in 2010 so my question is should I CCA Lowells?. I am not a homeowner and have very few assets so making me bankrupt would seem like a waste of time but I just want to make sure I was doing the best thing ignoring them or whether I would be better off doing a CCA then putting it in dispute with Lowells. I have no issues with phonecalls as they don't have my number and letters don't bother me.
  17. Seems ppi was ticked on the alleged agreement in the bankers handwriting, the only thing on their in my hand is the signature, it certainly was not running near the end. You know how it was back then, signature slip out of the bottom of a file, "sign here" I was actually going back to college full-time at this point so is a surprise the card was allowed, I had been earning £120 a week for a year so I guess they'd seen money coming in but i'd of definitely told them I was going to college. I will this week spend a bit of time finding everything out that I need, have not been well this last few days.
  18. Saying that my general way with letters is open > read heading and shove back in envelope, I'm sure I would of noticed if it said letter before action.
  19. Ah I see. Erm i'll have a look see if I can see anything, have to confess i'd really let my guard down, letters getting shoved in the glovebox, coat pockets etc.
  20. Bazooka will have a look through thanks. Anywhere specific I should look?
  21. Sorry Dotty whats that?. Its just linking to the top of the page.
  22. Its shocking to think the credit limit on this card was £2500 at the end and here we are talking nearly £3400. They must of had £5000 in interest off me. What a sucker I feel now. This was taken out 3 days after my 18th birthday and I only went in for debit card.
  23. Just to confirm, I can only ask for agreement, assignment and a statement in the cpr as these are all that is referred to?
  24. Right acknowledgement all done. Will get the cca and cpr off today. Solicitor is Weightmans LLP of Liverpool.
  25. Thanks so I forget about anything received before. I'm fairly sure the last payment was around august 2010. I'm paying Lloyds £1 a month for an overdraft but I don't think I've paid anything on this since defaulting.
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