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  1. Thank you for your response helios. I've sent another email to customer services stating that I will take this up with Robert Swannell unless the matter is sorted to my satisfaction. I'm a consumer and I see it that M&S have added the new 20% vat (rounded up) to con the consumer. I expect a reply within 24 hours so I'll reply with the outcome asap.
  2. I've decided to take this further. If 1,000 consumers purchased the same item that would mean M & S made a profit of £2,500. It may seem small fry to you but it's the principal to me.
  3. OK MB thank you for your replies.
  4. I was charged £12 and the tag price is £9.50. I know it's not much of a difference but every little helps.
  5. I hope I've put this question in the right place. I placed an order online with M & S and duly received it. My problem is they sent me one item with an original tag that had a price lower than what I was charged. Having spoken to their customer services I was told that it was an error in their packing dept. and the tag should have been changed to the price I was charged but it was obviously overlooked. They are refusing a refund of the difference. Does anyone know the law on this please? Do I have to accept the price I was charged or should I get a refund?
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