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  1. While I appreciate the work done by volunteers, my experience has been that I have wasted time here. Yours is the first response since I bumped the thread on 24 Jan. Aren't there a lot of threads that end with unanswered questions? At least you have some feedback that, hopefully you will view constructively. Goodbye DumbRottie
  2. Ah well, I came here looking for advice but found nothing. Like a lot of threads it has just rusted away for lack of response. Now found a more useful source of information. Shame - it used to be better than this.
  3. Bump Just received reply to my LBA sent CEO, Lloyds Banking Group. Included in the letter was details of ignored letters and compensation paid by Lloyds for the same errors that they are making again. The level of incompetence being shown is unbelievable. Lloyds are playing silly beggars and are denying disputes although they show up in records obtained by way of SAR. So now its off to court for breach of COBS and BCOBS. Is there any help available - please? I would not want to mess this up and make case history in Lloyds favour! Dumb Rottie
  4. I have been in touch with the debt purchaser but so far they have just sent their complaints procedure that says they have eight weeks to answer my complaint. Unfortunately for them the 14 days I gave them expires very shortly and the letters to regulators are dated and ready to post at 14 + 2 days. Lloyds already have LBA. No undertaking received to cease activity while investigating complaint etc.
  5. Aren't they just! I have so many breaches of DPA, OFT guidelines, evasions, Consumer Protection to name but a few that it is difficult to know where to start. I was hoping for some guidance here, but there seem to be a lot of threads that never come to a conclusion. Mine looks like it may be another - just rusting away - no wonder they get away with it, when we can't stick together any more. So what's your plan? Mine is to lay it out to the CEO of LBG and give him 14 days to respond before it goes to Court for Breach of Statuary Duty. As I have now a carefully documented diary of events, there can't be any harm in showing that to the Information Commissioner, OFT, FCA local MP and any other set of initials I can think of. If that doesn't work then I'll have to try something that worked before. I bought my Wife a new HP laptop that included a free upgrade. Did all that was required with Proof of Purchase. Nothing happened. Was told I hadn't sent it. Sent again twice. Started keeping a diary on a web page online and every phone call and email was recorded with comments as to the perceived veracity of the conversation. Microsoft were consulted as was HP together with the "fulfilment company" and all evasions, denials etc fully recorded as was a call to the Marketing Director in Canada. Still with no success I started guessing email addresses of Senior Management of the various companies with a link to the web diary. Within a short space of time I had a call from Mario, a real person and not the carton character that I suspected him to be saying that my emails had stirred up a lot of trouble and the software would be with me within 24 hours and gave me a tracking number. It arrived on time - from Turkey by very expensive express courier! Shame it was a Vista upgrade. My Wife hated it. What do you think - worth a go! Maybe Lloyds could feel shame? Not that they would admit it of course. Any way I hope it made you smile! Just remember you are right - pay nothing and look on a court summons as an opportunity. Be happy. See why my handle is DumbRottie
  6. Well done you! But, a word of warning. Keep all the paper work in a nice safe place and hang a copy of your cheque, nicely framed, on the wall. Then when in a few weeks or months time, Lloyds debt collection process bursts in life again, you have all you nedd to give them a good spanking. I have two cheques - £200 + £50 - and letters from a number of DCA's chasing a closed account - including Apex. Do have fun DumbRottie
  7. Thanks Dx for moving the thread. I would appreciate guidance on what approach has been successful - any pitfalls to avoid and which regulatory bodies are the most effective in bringing Lloyds to book, Like many people on these forums I have been very badly treated by Lloyds who seem to believe that they are above any sort of responsibility for their actions In spite of the massive penalties they have to pay. How do I complain and to who. FOS I prefer to avoid because the are grindingly slow and seem to be ineffectual in dealing firmly with the banks. My intention is to get Lloyds into court for Breaches of Statutary Duty under BCOBS and Breach of Contract under COBS as a first step to recovering unpaid compensation and recompense for a great deal of stress and anxiety. The background:- I became a customer of Lloyds in 1989 and a Platinum Credit Card holder in 2001. In 2009 I was getting hit with £15 a day penalty charges on my current account that I was notified about just as they hit the max. And that put me over the next month I closed the account which they refused to accept because I disputed the charges and wouldn't pay up. And so they kept on adding fees and charges. A SAR revealed that my miss-sold PPI repayment would cover all of my Lloyds debts based on refund of premiums plus interest. I notified Lloyds and told them that as their obligation was larger than mine I would not be paying money into either account until it was clear what I actually owed and put both accounts into dispute - standard thou shalt not default, appoint DCA's, damage my credit file, etc. I stated that I was offsetting my debts against the PPI refund - just like they would. It also mean't that I wouldn't be putting money in their hands that I would later have to get back from them. Of course Lloyds did everything except answer the disputes. After writing to each Board member in early 2011 I got a response on behalf of the CEO, Daniels, in which my current account was closed with a nil balance, my phone number removed and a cheque for "inconvenience" Within days I am getting letters of affection from Credit Security, AIC, Wescot and BLS. And calls from Mumbai even when they don't have my number (or permission to access my data outside the EU). As I returned home after major surgery in September 2012, I received letters from Lloyds Credit Operations and iQor chasing the "outstanding current account debt". Still await answers as to why they are breaking Data Protection Rules by chasing a closed, satisfied debt. Mackenzie Hall a few times and Apex have had a go too. Letters to Chief Executive, Lloyds were answered by a Mr Jones (can't rember him being CEO) who insisted their were no disputes and go to FOS if I didn't like it. My credit card in dispute since 6 September 2010 was defaulted in Dec 2010 and has been shown as defaulted ever since. My current account was in dispute since June 2009 was defaulted in March 2010 and has been shown as defaulted ever since and has now been sold (nice 70th Birthday Present) despite having been closed with a nil balance in March 2011 (with compensation). They still owe me more than I owe them! My latest SAR in 2012 reveals consistent complaints to Lloyds in house and external DCa's and consistent lack of response from Lloyds. Many times my allegations of wrongful treatment are recorded but no response given to me except another threat. Its all there in their records! It also revealed that my PPI compensation was dramatically short of what it should have been. Fortunately I went to great lengths to avoid the full and final clause that they tried to trick us with. I have umpteen threats of court, collectors visits, time limited discounts and offers of expert help printed on all sorts of coloured paper with the most inventive graphics and typeography. If only these people put as much effort into a proper job. Thanks for reading All help, guidance, and experiences will be gratefully received. DumbRottie
  8. Mods,Please Can this thread pleased be moved to one involved in taking BCOBS/COBS action against Lloyds in all it's forms and reincarnations? This forum is fine for anyone worried about DCA's but I would really like some advice/tutorials on getting LBG out of my life altogether. Many thanks DumbRottie
  9. Reference the Supreme Court ruling. The OFT lost the case because the court ruled that they were not entitled to prosecute the banks. The Judges comments did include remarks that there were other avenues to follow but the OFT bottled out and wouldn't try again. Lloyds and others then proclaimed to all and sundry that this proved their charges were fair - which of course was not the ruling. They got off on a technicality. Unfortunately there followed a series of lost cases because, I suspect, the propaganda machine of the BBA convinced the county courts who find on balance of probability rather than solely on evidence that these nasty debtors should pay up to the nice bankers. But then I may be biased. Is it true - well the trial records say that the evidence given to the trial differed to what Lloyds was, and is, telling their customers. Unfortunately you aren't the only one who hasn't looked at the detail. And look at what has happened since - their fines are even bigger than my utility bills. Remember it when you see details of the new, clean TSB! Remember I am an interested amateur. Not a legal professional.
  10. I've been ignoring them for literally years but now I am fed up with wondering what the next exploit is going to be. My health is not as good as it was and I need to be shot of them. I have been a Lloyds customer for many years as far as I can recall the late 80's. Account changed from Classic to Platinum 2001 The last payment was prior to Aug 2009 by one or two months at the most I can't see at the moment when they were defaulted, as defaults are shown for each month that is shown in Noddle. Doubt its statute barred yet. Sorry to be vague but I need to consult the last sar that I got from them (that was a month late also!) Does this help? DumbRottie
  11. dx100 Thanks for responding In a nutshell, deliver a massive kick between the knees to Lloyds, who have been treating me very badly for years and get rid of them altogether. This account is closed but still being defaulted and chased by a string of DCA's. There is also a credit card in unresolved dispute being treated in the same cavalier fashion. Definitely being dealt with by the run-around dept. of Lloyds. I'm considering using BCOBS and COBS and would like guidance - they won't answer questions - fobbed off with FOS - disputed accounts passed around - breaches of DPA What are the most effective routes ICO? OFT? County Court? tried FOS but very slow and no guts, Any other suggestions? I 've also posted letter to latest DCA just after your response. Many thanks DumbRottie
  12. Thanks for moving it - I would not of thought of posting here as I am really looking for advice on bringing Lloyds to book. Probably via Bcobs to start with. I obviously need to contact 1st Credit and tell them that Lloyds have sold them a turkey. I'm thinking of writing as follows: The Directors 1st Credit Limited The Omnibus Building Lesbourne Road Reigate Surrey RH2 7JP Dear Sirs Regarding your letter Ref 8888888 dated 9999999 in which you state that I owe £xxxx in respect of Lloyds Current Account ref 112233445566. I do not owe any such sum to Lloyds Banking Group or any subsidiary of that organisation and certainly not to yourselves. I will not pay you anything at all, either now or in the future. You claim to be Data Controller for my personal details relating to this account. I will be asking the Information Commissioners Office for advice on the legality of this arrangement as the account was closed with a nil balance in early 2011. The sale of this alleged debt would appear to be fraudulent. Similar to selling Tower Bridge to gullible tourists. As you claim to have access to my data you may, on this occasion only, refer to a letter dated xx/xx/2011 ref xxxxx from xxxxx of Lloyds Customer relations, Leeds. If you do not have access to this letter then Lloyds need to supply it to you. I suggest you use the telephone as their response to letters is inept and they will probably deny all knowledge of the letter. If they do phone Humpty Dumpty on 0000990088 who is the author of the letter on behalf of Eric Daniels. You will note that the letter also refers to communications in writing only and removal of telephone numbers from their system. The fact that you are sending texts to an unlisted number proves a breach of Data Protection Act. Now that you are aware of the situation you are prohibited from attempting any further collection activity whatsoever. For the avoidance of doubt this means letters threatening a course of action that you have no possibility of completing, sending collectors to my home, registering defaults or any other action that will cause me financial or emotional damage. I now require you within 14 days of the date of this letter to respond, in writing, with your proposal to correct this situation including the removal of all my personal data from your systems. If after this time no satisfactory response is received, or further collection activity resumes, then it will be assumed that you intend to act illegally by harassing me - a criminal offence. Court action would follow automatically without further reference to yourselves. Yours faithfully Me Any thoughts, amendments or suggestions most welcome. Thanks for reading. "A Lie is a Lie Repeatedly denying it is a Lie doesn't stop it being a Lie It simply makes the Liar more of a Liar until they admit it was a Lie But the Lie and the Liar always remain a Lie and a Liar"
  13. My problem is - Lloyds have just sold an alleged debt on my closed current account to 1st Credit. They are already sending me discount offers and regular text messages to a number that Lloyds have removed from their system. And they claim to be "Data Controller for the Personal Data held in relation to your account" I have a letter from Lloyds apologising for passing a disputed current account to a Debt Collector. It confirms that the account is closed with a nil balance and there is nothing to pay. Oh yes, and they sent a cheque "for the distress and inconvenience caused". (A copy has pride of place on my office wall)! Since the letter in early 2011 the string of DCA's has reappeared. Further letters to the new CEO are passed down to someone who will not understand the above. Defaults are registered to my Credit Report for both this account and the disputed Credit Card which is also going the rounds with the DCA's Most correspondence to Lloyds is either ignored or met with denial and an invitation to complain to the FOS. So I have: Illegitimate Defaults Harassment from DCA's Breaches of Data Protection Act Breaches of Consumer Protection Guidelines Breaches of BCOBS Breaches of COBS I have a dream - to see the Board of Lloyds Banking Group appearing at my local County Court to explain why they, and their appointed agents, routinely fail to treat their customers fairly. Unlikely? Well maybe not. HRH The Princess Royal was instructed to appear. Is the board of the most inept Bank I have experienced more precious than the Royal Family? Please, with so much to pick from - which forum would be best? Regards DumbRottie "A Lie is a Lie Repeatedly denying it is a Lie doesn't stop it being a Lie It simply makes the Liar more of a Liar until they admit it was a Lie But the Lie and the Liar always remain a Lie and a Liar"
  14. I don't want to muddy the waters at all but regarding penalty charges and the supreme court ruling, I seem to recall that the court did not rule that the charges were fair but that the Office of Fair Trading were not entitled to challenge them. A subtle difference that the banks don't seem to understand! Interestingly, during evidence LTSB gave to the Court, the penalty charge did not relate to the costs incurred but were a revenue stream. A bit different from what they are still telling their customers - but hey, you can't expect them to lie to a Supreme Court can you? Interesting to see how they regard a County Court. The transcripts should still be on record.
  15. And did you get anywhere with this? I have already paid my bill but now have a letter from eon under their UDS letterhead telling me that they may disconnect my supply unless I pay them £10. Perhaps I should dispute it and invoice them for £20 for the inconvenience. Perhaps like Centrica they are going to leave the country if they don't like having their horns pulled in. Now, where did I leave that spare packing material?
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