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Everything posted by Skyrocket1

  1. Ex hubby got a letter from Frederickson International saying he owes the Inland Rev £800 for National Insurance. He thinks he might well owe it as he is currently sorting out tax owed to the Inland Rev and his finances were and are in a mess. He is self employed and was on the verge of going bankrupt but is now trying to claw his way out. He was going to phone Frederickson to sort it out but I told him to hang fire on phoning them until I asked for some advice on how to proceed from you knowledgeable lot! Please could you advise on the best way to go from here.
  2. Ok. Will do. It's a fantastic amount but not as fantastic as the £40k I had calculated originally!
  3. Reading that back it might look like they've written off the debt in that (maybe?) but they haven;t they suggested he pay the card off with his payout.
  4. They never mention contractual it just simply says: The calculation is as follows: Difference between the actual and revised balance £24k Interest calculated at 8% £1500 Total £25,500 (amounts are approx obviously)
  5. Ok well they never offered the contractual interest (24.9%) only the simple. Figures were approx £8k in ppi Interest was calculated to be £31k!! The card is still running and in debt. They have said: We have calculated the difference between the actual current balance (around £9k) and the revised balance totalling £24k If that produces a credit balance for any period, we then include credit interest on that balance for the relevant period at the rate 8% simple interest per year totalling £1500 The proposed offer would be £26k. I'm not going to pretend I understand what they mean, I just had the figure at around £40k!
  6. That's what I thought Chris! I also had a variety of medical issues (which are all on record) which I'd informed BOS about in my letter asking for my PPI back. They seem to brush over everything and had an answer for everything apart from 'Where is the proof I requested PPI?' which as I pointed out, if they use that as the basis for why they believe the policy wasn't missold, they had better have proof for. They don't.
  7. I got a call today from the guy from BOS who was dealing with my complaint. He says they can't locate a screenshot to show I ticked the box to select PPI (which was the basis of their argument) and that me being part time is irrelevant because they would have gone off my annual wages which were around £12k a year. Also they claim even though I was self employed the policy would have paid out. I told him I was going with the FOS who said I had a good chance with this. He said good luck.
  8. I did have a thread about this ages ago but I can't seem to find it! Am helping my brother with this claim they have offered a figure finally! BUT they are disputing the interest and say: We have reconstructed what the balance of your credit card would ahve been if PPI had not been without PPI, by removing any PPI premiums and interest or charges in respect of those premiums. Then goes on about 8% simple interest. As shown above interest at the rate of 8% simple is only applied when your credit card balance moves to a credit position once the PPI etc was removed. Now this is a big claim and the interest charged on this account was massive. Are they correct in what they are saying? I don't understand what the balance of the account has to do with anything?
  9. Thanks Ims Just got off the phone to the FOS and they say that early indications on their system based on previous cases they've dealt with show that my case will probably be upheld! But it could still take 12 to 18 months... Shall I tell you something funny? When I went on the FOS website, I saw a photo of one of my oldest friends! Turns out he works for the FOS (quite high up too!) and I never even knew! Small world!
  10. I will have to wait for my data to come back from my SAR now before I can do that. And I'm betting those swines will now find they don't have any real data any more because my card was pre 2006. I feel so gutted because I really felt I had such a strong case with this claim. FOS is taking well over a year now isn't it?
  11. Ok letter back today. They have rejected my claim again!!! These are my reasons I was claiming: -I was self-employed -I had depression and various other medical issues at point of sale -I did not receive any post sale documentation like they claim I did -I was part time self employed (as clearly states on the application form) -I didn't want this policy and have no recollection of applying for it as they claim I did -I was not provided with correct or adequate information regarding the policy (they claim it was an online application, even if I had ticked the PPI box, which I dispute, I would not have known that it would not pay out because I had medical issues already and was self employed) -I had other means at the time of meeting my financial obligations had this arose. I didn't need a policy like this. -The policy would not have paid out had my business gone bust -I was never made aware this policy was optional nor that there were other policies elswhere -The policy was not and never would be suitable for my needs Even with all this they still decided that the policy was not missold. I feel gutted that this process has been so easy for so many people I know and yet even with all these genuine reasons I have, they still won't refund what they owe me!
  12. Thanks Ims. Can I ask, would depression, anxiety, anorexia and panic attacks be reasons why this policy would also be invalid? I had these around the time I took this policy out but nobody ever asked me about my health problems. Even though I was self employed then, these illnesses caused me to be off work a fair bit.
  13. Ok have done both! Can I just ask though, if this is their standard fob off, how likely am I to succeed in this claim now they have rejected it once? I've tried searching for HBOS and Halifax cases on here where they fobbed off then upheld but not found any
  14. Ok Ims or DX100uk? Would be very grateful for any help please
  15. Thank Ims. I only found out about the PPI in a phone call I made asking if I did have it because I didn't have the account number. Because I'd phoned to get the account number it kind of caught me on the hop when they said I did have PPI because I wasn't sure. I will DPA them now but I can't see them being forthcoming with the info. What about the court route with this? FOS is a years wait or something isn't it? Do BOS have form for going to court? Is there anything I can say/do to strengthen my reasons for the mis-selling? My reasons look a bit weak
  16. Ok so I found out I had PPI on an old BOS credit card. Sent them a lovely letter asking for it back etc and listed my reasons which were I was self-employed at the time of the card being taken out, had the means to cover my bills anyway and I did not want the PPI. They have sent me a letter saying they are not upholding my claim because they say I ticked the box for PPI and they apparently sent me info about PPI. They claim that they gave me info at the point of sale (which apparently was 'non contact' so I'm not sure how they could have done this) regarding the exclusions and limitations of the policy and that I was not affected by them. There were also no alternative policies available at the time of the policy being taken out. Therefore they don't find it to be missold. Is all lost?
  17. Can I ask if there has been any change or is it the same merry-go-round situation with GE/Santander etc? Has anyone had ANY success against these for pre-2005 claims?
  18. Ok had a lovely reply already from Cap One saying that the OFT in 2006 said charges of £12 were fair and they are in agreement with the OFT on this. As my charges are all of £12 pretty much they aren't giving me a bean! I know this isn't what the OFT meant though
  19. Katie was the company who originally dealt with the card GE Capital? I ask because I am hoping to start a similar claim. Also was the letter their 'full and final' answer on your claim?
  20. It breaks my heart to think of them getting away with it. It doesn't help that they have changed hands about 3 times! It's so wrong when they won't give out info and are deliberately obstructive. I would have no chance of being able to prove I had accounts with them if they won't give out the info.
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