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Tiger Lily

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Everything posted by Tiger Lily

  1. Think you have read the entitlement letter wrong, it is a confusing letter so it easily done. The letter states you are entitled to £166, then and £66 will be deducted for the mortgage. This means yes, you are entitled to £166 in total, with the mortgage help. £111.45 as a couple with the rest being paid direct to your mortgage lender, if you didnt have the mortgage your entitlement would be just £111.45. So you are getting extra for your mortgage, the way its worded is confusing thats all
  2. Check with your local office, they may just have closed your claim if the council informed them you have a partner, if that form doesnt come by the weekend a quick phone call will tell you whats happening. Hope it works out for you
  3. These people over 60 at present on ESA or JSA IB, not possible, they have to go over to retirement pension/pension credits when they reach the correct age, at present just past the sixtieth birthday. This happens four times a year, so they will go over on of the specified given dates nearest their birthdy. Some have gone this week I feel you are an insider with a bit of benefit training, stirring it up on here for some obscure reason. And your friends, are they customers, because that is not good if they are.
  4. The decision would have been made after the visit All post gets sent out second class. Case papers will be called for can take a few weeks Appeals can take months. But you can win
  5. The birds of a feather they flock together
  6. Did they find the orginal claim form then, and you had declared the occ pens, if so so then its official error
  7. My advice, you need to think about getting the MP involved and dont take no for an answer, its seems a shambles
  8. I think this will effect the self employed and will know more soon, as the training will soon commence
  9. http://policyinpractice.co.uk/universal-credit/universal-credit-calculator/universal-credit-claim/
  10. universal credits regs are out http://www.dwp.gov.uk/docs/uc-draft-regs-2012.pdf
  11. letters are being sent out now to the people who it will effect
  12. Was it your first payment on the new claim then? if so and you supplied different account details, ring tomorrow and report the FP as lost, there is form for a missing ACT payment think its a QB52 or 42. You will sign this form to say you havent received the money, explain its gone into an the wrong account, a line manager will look at it to see if it can be replaced. Ifs its a error on the dept side they may replace.
  13. just out, but dont know how it will effect everyone http://www.direct.gov.uk/en/MoneyTaxAndBenefits/BenefitsTaxCreditsAndOtherSupport/BeginnersGuideToBenefits/DG_201734
  14. We have them working in our office, they have to get a full check etc, then do jobs such as analysing the staff survey, organising the lean boards etc. Its not good, they have no chance of a job at the end of it, and look bored to tears most of the time or walk around in a huddle. They have no access to any systems. They seem young, very young and its very sad...
  15. sorry should call its State Pension,
  16. The first payment of PC includes arrears for the first week/ odd days and then a week in advance if paid weekly. If the Op is on benefits they will lose no benefit, their claim will close and paid up to date then PC will take over. They then pay the arrears, odd days, and then a week in advance on the new payday.
  17. Are you on benefits now?
  18. Hopefully now some benefit has been paid things should be on the way to being sorted out. She should recevie a notification letter in the post with a breakdown of this payment. Does your friend have to pay the law society for the work it has done on her claim? I hope not Please keep us updated because we are all clearly missing something on her claim.
  19. I just dont understand why this friend never gets a call back. We have to do a three hour call back, are you sure your friend is requesting a call back?, if she doesnt ask the memo will be treated as a non call back. Flumps is correct not all customers can have FPs if their account isnt suitable, these are usually building society accounts with roll numbers. And having a pop at a salary going in, is not going to help your friend is it, There is something not adding up with your friends claim to ESA, People on here have been trying to give some help and advice, I think now she needs to contact Welfare Rights or similar.
  20. No loss of benefits. If you phoned today ESA will cease today and I.S claim date will be today. This is a bit complicated to explain now ESA has finished Carers Allowance can go back into payment. Ring Carers and tell them the claim to ESA has ceased they will put Carers Allowance into payment. This means no extra money at the end as I.S takes it into account but should now be done. Did Welfare Rights explain this to you. Simply at the end of the day there will be the same money paid to the family but it will come from I.S and C.A both over 25, and middle rate DLA total £187.30
  21. Should not be a problem if you are only going away for seven days, but make sure the post man has access to your letter box, if the department sends out a letter, and it comes back as gone away, or unable to access property or similar they can suspend untill you contact, trouble is you will not know untill you dont get paid ;( Hope your improvements go well
  22. The claim date is the actual date of contact, so the date you made the phone call will be your date of claim, not the date you actually sign your form :}
  23. Tiger Lily


    All claims for benefit completed on line or over the phone have to be signed, the signature is a declaration that everything stated on the application form is correct. And to prevent fradulent claims.
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