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  1. hi guys wondering if anyone can help me? I know this is a long post but I thought I’d give you all the info you need to give me your advise when i was younger, about 17-18 maybe i was stupid stole some money, got caught and arrested, was taken to court and convicted and got 2 yrs probation and a big fine.. i done the 2 years and paid the fine without further incident. i have been in no further trouble with the police.. however in about 1999 one of my neighbours called up social services and told them i was hitting my son because she saw bruising on his arm.. they went to my sons school, made him take his top off looked at the bruise and decided to come and visit me 2 of them arrived had a chat with me while my youngest who was about 2 at the time played about around me.. as far as i was concerned we had nothing to worry about as nothing un-toward happened, he got the bruise one day when i had to grab his arm, i had gone for his rucksack but got his arm when he stepped out in the road and i had to pull him back.. this was all explained to the social workers but i guess they didn’t believe us because one social worker started coming round to see my eldest and us as a family.. he came a few times and took my son out for a meal and a 'chat', presumably asking him what's it like at home are you happy and whatever else.. i don't really know as i was never told and my son refused to talk about it, i also didn't want anyone to think i was questioning my son about it all.. anyway after the social worker was satisfied my son was ok that was that and we didn't see him anymore, i remember going to an office and signing something, i guess it was signing the case off. I'm not great with my memory and even though it was a big event in our lives i wasn't well at the time and for some years later and i really have very little recollection of those events and what happened.. i was never cautioned, arrested or anything like that but its a worry.. i am now 40 years old and on a university degree to become a health care professional so i have to have an enhanced CBR check.. i have no problem telling them about the conviction when i was a youngster and i hope they realise people really do change but the other matter is really very worrying i really don't know what to do because we have been told if you don't declare something and it pops up you will be in serious trouble and could get removed from the course.. i know they said tell us about convictions and cautions but seeing as i've read this entire thread it seems that lots of things 'might' show up.. i have to hand my form to them next month.. Hope someone can put my mind at ease
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