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Everything posted by nipped-off

  1. honeybee - yup done that bit, and no website just a blogging site, no comments on them either way, no answers or comments on the blog site even! and like i mentioned companies house has them as registered last year, but he claims to be in existence over 20 yrs, but had lots of excuses like a new co bought them out last year, and the website is being re-furbed and just going live etc. guess it is obvious once you think about it - I just struggled to think such a nice person, on 2 visits could be dodgy.. more fool me i guess. Thanks to all who have commented, really appreciate it.
  2. thanks Wow - did not know what the open book was, that gives me a mega clue.
  3. Again, a good comment, thanks ims21. i cannot figure it - so like you say - don't bother - go with the gut and call it quits on this chap..... thanks so much.
  4. Hi Wow - you are right. each supplier will blame each other and if there is ever a problem it wont get sorted. i will do that. i just wonder why this chap is trying to do this "open book" thing. ever heard of it - it is a new [problem] thing going or am i just missing the point on it now a days...?
  5. Nikki - one more thing to try is the official registered use of the business, and their license in terms of how late they can stay open - get these both checked. i had the very same problem, and found that the build conversion to a pub was not in fact fully official and planning approval had not been obtained for everything they had done, and they had not done all that they needed to do - wham. had them scrambling as council nabbed them fast ( money in their pocket then) and planning approval had to be done, sound proofing, notices outside to keep quiet, and they had to stop all music etc by 10pm as it was a residential area. no late license either - that was pulled.
  6. Okay - help comments and advise desperately needed here people, so thanks in advance. looking to install a rather large conservatory in the back, and had a super chap come quote me etc. as per normal did a bit of background research before agreeing to go ahead, and got a bit worried, companies house has them as registered last year not 26 yrs of trading - his answer is the new co name has bought out the old co name... no web site - his answer is it is being rebuilt and goes live tomorrow. no Fensa registration - his answer dont need it for conservatories, but he has got it for the other side of the business, bu Fensa did not seem to think so when i called. I told him i could not deal with him, he has now come back to me and said why don't we do an "open Book" deal, where i pay the supplier direct for roof glass, and the conservatory panels, and i will get the guarantee directly from them. i would then pay the builders direct, and the electrician etc... when i said, but what does he get from it, he said a 10% project management fee, that is all. Does this not sound dodgy to you? i mean, why would he want to do this? essentially he is getting nothing from the sale for the conservatory, so why bother. he has lost a customer, his website is not up to scratch so to speak, and other things dont add up - he could just walk away. or am i reading this totally wrong, he is legit and trying to prove it and prepaired to do a job at small profit to keep his name good... . All comments gratefully received - as i am really uncertain which way to go with this co..
  7. Hi jamberson and Lamma. Yup - baliff did appear when suspension notice should have been in place, so council is to sort that bit out, not for my account that is for sure. It transpires council have been rabidly corresponding to me at an incorrect address! Nice - no wonder i dont have any details or had no idea they were following up on this. My hope is that they will now review this matter entirely at council parking service - not their 3rd party outsiders who automatically refuse TE9 and the likes, and a combination of their error, compounded with the bloop with the baliff error, will encourage them to say - ahh hell with it, cancel the pcn. ! Fat chance of course, but there is a good chance the charge will go back down to the original value of £40. Worth the verbal and email fight for that at this point in time. My saving grace would be they have been writing and sending docs to an incorrect address for almost a year! They traced me via DVLA to an address i was going to move to - subsequently did not - and never bothered to recheck - hence the problem. my correct address must have been with DVLA a few days/weeks after they did the enquiry in sept last year. Ah well, lets see. Just wrote almost a book instead of an email - Hounslow council prefers correspondence by email not written - must be on a paper saving scheme there! Least the lady i spoke with seemed in sympathy and agreement, and sugested most of the content of the email. will let you know what happens!
  8. Thanks Jamberson, Success or something like it seems to be happening! Coms with Hounslow querying why balifs turned up whilst a suspension order should have been in place (TE9 forms) has led them to admit to a mistake in not nofifying baliff, they have now put the case on suspended action for 365 days! Errmmmm .... happy that I am about this action, what could it indicate? Suspending action on the ticket for a whole year sounds a little strange to me. They are going to send me copy docs of all their paperwork, although they quibbed about this saying they could not reprint them, and have advised me to write an email to them re baliff action and the PCN details. Am I being just too hopefull, or could this mean possibly that they are concidering cancellling the PCN then...
  9. Thanks Jamberson. I do want to fight this because "Councils have frequently been advised to exercise discretion[9]. As the Local Government Ombudsman special report "Parking Enforcement by Local Authorities" commented “Councils have discretion not to pursue a penalty charge at any stage of the procedure and have, as a matter of administrative law, a duty to act reasonably, fairly and without fettering that discretion. It would therefore be a breach of that duty if a council were to act unreasonably or unfairly or to fetter its discretion when considering such representations”. Clearly, having duly paid for a residents parking permit I was doing my bit, the fact it fell off and they have a record of it, but refuse to cancel the ticket is not in line with what they are charged to do In addition, they could have found me, if they even bothered to try instead of issuing it to collection agents, yes they do have a duty to try and find the offender, and if they have the details of the persons new address they should damn well use it - and not hide behind data protection act laws as an excuse - the record is on their files - not someone elses! The reason I am wanting the documentation on all this is I dont have a single thing, not even the original PCN - so there is no way I can check if any of this has been legally issued and if there are any technical errors I can fight the pcn on Yes I am loath to pay them, and loath to pay another figure to fight this. But I just dont see how they can keep getting away with using the public to refil their depleted coffers. It's like living with a little hitler hanging over your head
  10. Also, can anyone advise, should the ticketing officer have taken a picture of the offence at the time? Is this regulation or just on the off-chance that this would happen. Can I obtain any remarks, details held by the council of the ticketing offence, and their records of my phone call / conversation with them as I know they have the phone call details recorded on their files. Ta
  11. Yup - although the ultimate change of address was delayed - sent to the wrong address - however yes, it was changed. need to check, but think the change went thru early in this year
  12. Hi all, another newbie to the site, so all help greatly appreciated. A PCN was issued over a year ago for failing to correctly display a resident parking permit , it had fallen off the windscreen onto the front seat of the car and was still fully visable. I phoned the Hounslow council to dispute this, and told them i was disuting and would not pay. Nothing further heard from then, i left the area a month later from London to Northants. Hounslow knew my new address - cos they posted me a chq for refunded council tax. Last month I get a debt collectors notice for £167 odd for the fine. first i have heard of it - no other docs at all on this recd from anyone. I submmitted a TE7 and TE9 only to have some sleeze Refuse it - who knows on what grounds - honestly I dont think late witness can reasonably be refused! Will anyone send a baliff round to nab my telly? Do I have the right to tell Hounslow council to got lost - in a nice way of course and to take me to court - refuse to pay anything to a debt collector or baliff? Dont want to pay any monies out on this - it is totally rediculous to say the least. I thought the law was there to catch deliberate wrong doers - since when have the councils and traffic authorities been allowed to be so totally militant and inconsiderate of the basic rules towards logic and decent understanding!? I would like to demand under data protection from all 3 parties, debt collector, hounslow council and TEC subject access request of all data but cannot find a decent all encompassing letter to copy and tweak. Anybody got one they can share? Surely I should have more than a letter from a debt agency about this PCN - I dont even have the pcn anymore. The letter is the only documentation I have of this fine and proceedings - other than my TE7/9 forms that were refused Thanks for your help Nipped...
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