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  1. Hi Andy, Just thought I would give a quick update to this case. I sent off the defence and during that time the loan company sent me an email informing me that they had succesfully got the CCJ against me and that I had to pay or they would apply for an attachement of earnings order. I spoke to the claims service who informed me this wasn't the case and was wrong and that they were still waiting for a reply from the loan company themselves. I therefore sent a copy of this email as part of my defence. The loan company have rejected my part admission and I have now been asked if I want to go via the telephone mediation servivce offered by the court or go to court. I'm not sure which option would be the best in this case. Please could somebody advise? Thanks
  2. Hi Andy, Just one quick one do I need to post the notes to refer to at the bottom into the defence online as well? John.
  3. Thanks great, thnk you Andy. Just having a read over now and will get it posted. Really appreciate your help!
  4. Sorry for late reply, but double checked everything and no cant see anything like that.
  5. Hi Andy, I've got all the emails that they sent to me. They also only ever sent out one actual phsyical letter, the rest were text messages and emails. Regards, John.
  6. Hi Andy, Thanks for the link, I've had a look over and still unsure how to start my defence. Are they allowed to charge the interest they have? and also can I mention anything about the harrasment phone calls each day at my place of work and the fact they told the customer service people where they were calling from etc?
  7. ok great, thanks Andy. I'm just having a look at that link you posted to get some ideas.
  8. its the 2nd of november so do I have until the 16th, although I have now acknowledged service.
  9. Also Andy, sillygirl posted a defence for the second time which I saw on here and then I few minutes later it has gone again! why would that be as I really need to use it?
  10. The particulars of claim are - "Repayment of short term loan paid direct into the defendants bank account on 25/01/12. repayment due on 28/02/2012, loan not repaid on due date by defendant as per loan areement. Proactive written and telephone attempts to communicate with Defendant as per loan agreement has failed to achieve resolution, repayment or acceptable repayment plan. As per our loan agreement a daily rate of interest has been charged since default."
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